How does religfious belief carry on ?

imagine if these people did actually live like the bibles says to , we would have a world full of people like shirley phelps and the westbourough baptist lot , at least they are true to the bible and dont just pick out the bits they like .
What is your point? No I don't have a hard time believing they didn't know what an atom was, funnily enough that wasn't the point. The point was I find it hard believing Christians would take the word of people with none of the fundamental scientific knowledge that we have now, yet expect them to give them the answers for their whole entire existence. Then again science was always religions enemy, too many facts.

M'Riiiight. What I am saying is that there is much more to life than your scientific facts. They have a place, but you saying they are the crux of living is totally wrong.

"take the word of people" Man, that was the understanding of the day - it EVOLVES. I thought you were trying to come off here as 'current'. You might as well say "dude, like, they didn't even have cd players back then, how could they have listened to music?"

If you take away all that was in the world, in a religious sense, your science would not be were it is now. And no, it would not be further ahead as you would wish to believe. The two work together. Somewhere along the line, maybe a new generation of scientific bent, added ridicule and arrogance as a positive trait?

Makes sense I guess, since most kids these days live at home till they're 35 and act like they're adults :)
that video was shit , did your lil sister make it or sumfing ? its basicallysaying ' i want to believe in god , i dont care about the evedicence , i dont care about the other 1000s of gods , im not going to debate it , i just believe it' .
wich is fair enough, if you dont mind living a lie , infact i do the exact same thing about the famillly of invisible smurfs i have , inside a shoe box in my wardrobe. no one believes me , but i know they are there , i have had signs off them and i can feel there love and presence.
one time my mum had a badback and i asked the smirf to help , next day she was better so that proves they are there .i could go on .
its fine to have your beliefs but dont expect people not to ridicule them especially when you put your fingers in your ears and go blah blah blah blah , people just wont take you or your beliefs seriousley im afraid .
M'Riiiight. What I am saying is that there is much more to life than your scientific facts. They have a place, but you saying they are the crux of living is totally wrong.

"take the word of people" Man, that was the understanding of the day - it EVOLVES. I thought you were trying to come off here as 'current'. You might as well say "dude, like, they didn't even have cd players back then, how could they have listened to music?"

If you take away all that was in the world, in a religious sense, your science would not be were it is now. And no, it would not be further ahead as you would wish to believe. The two work together. Somewhere along the line, maybe a new generation of scientific bent, added ridicule and arrogance as a positive trait?

Makes sense I guess, since most kids these days live at home till they're 35 and act like they're adults :)

please go further and tell me why science wouldnt be as far along if it wasnt for religion ? you made the statement but didnt say why ?
If you take away all that was in the world, in a religious sense, your science would not be were it is now. And no, it would not be further ahead as you would wish to believe. The two work together. Somewhere along the line, maybe a new generation of scientific bent, added ridicule and arrogance as a positive trait?

that is a mightily bold statement your trying to feed us got any sauce for that? cases like Copernicus and Galileo speak against what your saying but i would like to see where your coming from

and arrogance? sorry thats a tool religions been using for a very very long time
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M'Riiiight. What I am saying is that there is much more to life than your scientific facts. They have a place, but you saying they are the crux of living is totally wrong.

"take the word of people" Man, that was the understanding of the day - it EVOLVES. I thought you were trying to come off here as 'current'. You might as well say "dude, like, they didn't even have cd players back then, how could they have listened to music?"

If you take away all that was in the world, in a religious sense, your science would not be were it is now. And no, it would not be further ahead as you would wish to believe. The two work together. Somewhere along the line, maybe a new generation of scientific bent, added ridicule and arrogance as a positive trait?

Makes sense I guess, since most kids these days live at home till they're 35 and act like they're adults :)

I've gotta say your use of the word evolve when it comes to religion is hilarious. The whole point is Christianity HASNT evolved. Last I checked you guys still think being gay is immoral according to the words in your holy bigot book. Or maybe you're the liberal kind of Christian that ignores those parts eh. How about Christian endorsed slavery?

And yeh you're totally right science and Christianity go together.. Great one.

I've gotta say your use of the word evolve when it comes to religion is hilarious. The whole point is Christianity HASNT evolved. Last I checked you guys still think being gay is immoral according to the words in your holy bigot book. Or maybe you're the liberal kind of Christian that ignores those parts eh. How about Christian endorsed slavery?

And yeh you're totally right science and Christianity go together.. Great one.

i think as a whole christianity has changed its morals some what over the years a kinda evolution but its done it kicking and screaming when its had to. its just a very slow process that would be made much quicker if you could ever get rid of the damn dogma [/devils advocate]
I believe in a goddess. Her name is Gaia and she does for a fact exist.

i think as a whole christianity has changed its morals some what over the years a kinda evolution but its done it kicking and screaming when its had to. its just a very slow process that would be made much quicker if you could ever get rid of the damn dogma [/devils advocate]

Yeah you're right but only kicking and screaming like you said. They're the equivalent of a politician doing a U-turn for votes. I'd prefer they stuck to their old ass book rhetoric, it'd be outdated but at least it'd be sincere.

I've gotta say your use of the word evolve when it comes to religion is hilarious. The whole point is Christianity HASNT evolved. Last I checked you guys still think being gay is immoral according to the words in your holy bigot book. Or maybe you're the liberal kind of Christian that ignores those parts eh. How about Christian endorsed slavery?

And yeh you're totally right science and Christianity go together.. Great one.'re the same type of person that says all believers are closed-minded. 2012, last I checked. Observational bias, perhaps? Stuck in the past? know it can't be denied that sht happened, and I won't deny it. But that does not for one second mean that the world still operates this way. Sorry, this is as much bigotry as you're accusing believers of. We don't study science, either, yeah?
One would think that if God was such a real thing there would be no need for parents to force their kids to goto church against their will and that they'd find God regardless. For some reason not though, seems it's better to try and indoctrinate them from a young age.
...a couple of things. The Vatican supports evolution. As a matter of fact, Aquinas was one of the the first to propose the idea. Also, the vatican has one of the world's oldest observatories. JPII wrote a lot about faith and science, as well as many others.

"The scientist's condition as a sentinel in the modern world, as one who is the first to glimpse the enormous complexity together with the marvellous harmony of reality, makes him a privileged witness of the plausibility of religion, a man capable of showing how the admission of transcendence, far from harming the autonomy and the ends of research, rather stimulates it to continually surpass itself in an experience of self-transcendence which reveals the human mystery".
Pope John Paul II, 7/17/85.

...this subject pisses me off, so sorry if I seem like I'm being a dck.

Eye exagerate , you made a massive bold statement saying science would not be where it is today if it was not for religion , but you havent said why , i believe religion has held back science by about a thoiusand years but im desperate to know how religion has helped science in your eyes ? Lol please tell
I am with you on one point eye. If science and reason are the only tools in your belt you will find yourself unequipped to deal with the world. Human emotion is nuanced and intuition is often illogical. It takes a more encompassing grasp to truly bring life and reality into harmony. So as you say, science and reason are necessary, but not themselves plenteous.

It is because they are necessary though, that we distrust Christianity. So the Vatican supports evolution.. It also supports the idea of a virgin birth and resurrection, both serious claims of biology. The bible, as you know, also makes serious claims about cosmology, geology, physiology, physics, ect, all of which are claims that greatly contradict science and reason. So it is not necessary to disregard our other tools in order to see Christianity as flawed, science and reason are enough.

Perhaps we had to crawl with religion before we could walk with science, but it's long past time we started running.
My goddess is an awesome goddess.

She won't help Tim Tebow win a football game, but they couldn't play the game without her.

I am with you on one point eye. If science and reason are the only tools in your belt you will find yourself unequipped to deal with the world. Human emotion is nuanced and intuition is often illogical. It takes a more encompassing grasp to truly bring life and reality into harmony. So as you say, science and reason are necessary, but not themselves plenteous.

It is because they are necessary though, that we distrust Christianity. So the Vatican supports evolution.. It also supports the idea of a virgin birth and resurrection, both serious claims of biology. The bible, as you know, also makes serious claims about cosmology, geology, physiology, physics, ect, all of which are claims that greatly contradict science and reason. So it is not necessary to disregard our other tools in order to see Christianity as flawed, science and reason are enough.

Perhaps we had to crawl with religion before we could walk with science, but it's long past time we started running.

Heis, thank you, very eloquent. You're right about running, we need to. Maybe drag creates a better momentum, like the tension between opposites that is necessary for life. This would ensure a proper flex on the muscles of the mind.

The inner side of Xians is hidden, and not by a group. It is hidden by us. The contradictory claims can be better understood by looking at the hidden meanings (imo). Virgin birth and resurrection are events that happen within. I'd love to get into this!

to be honest.. people believe in god just like terrorist believe they recieve rivers of honey.. and 72 virgins wen they blow up a building full of people..

its all bullshit.... its a way to control a weak minded individual ... they WROTE the BIBLE? doesnt that seem odd to u .. that if there was a GOD. that he would have some men write the bible.. and tell us that homosexuality is wrong.. and all this shit is sins and god will forgive us for our sins .. and o ya.. GODs Son will give himself to save a bunch of people who go around killing eachother .. harrasing eachother.. bullying eachothre. and treating eachother like complete shit...... iuno seems a little WRONG to me ..

just like everything else in this world. its all about the higher ups staying powerful and rich .. while the rest of us work are lifes away with the government ripping all of us off for taxes n telling us wat we can and cannot put into our own bodys?

im not saying it couldnt be true ... but very unlikely..

and if u dont agree that it is a little to easy to become a born again christian... it only takes reading a prayer to become a born again christian.. like realy.. ?// i dont believe it.. people need to change.. i have a friend who goes around telling everyone hes a born again christian.. but then goes around ripping people off.. robbing people.. talking shit about people.. instead of helping other growers .. hejust bashes them... karma is something i believe in .. u do good .. good will happen. no... if u pray that ur sins are gone and u r good and have eternal life an shit.. hhahah.. funny shit..

I believe in a higher power..

sorry if i affended anyone.. but .. if u cant get over it .. ur not a child of god.. forgive and forget guys.haha