how late is too late to start seedlings?


Well-Known Member
had a terrible problem with slugs ate 20 of the 40 cloens I put out .. I put out a few slug traps catching around 500 slugs in only 2 days .. now most of the traps onlyhave an odd slug in them

My problem now is I will not have what I need for the winter months
I have a few 100 seeds I can start if I figure theres enough time to get something from them..... The gro is located in eastern canada


Well-Known Member
If you can bring plants inside at night you can still make it, I usually have to bring my outdoor plants in after oct 1 and im in the upper midwest, so if your further north than that you might need to start brining them in every night sooner. Otherwise it will be real close but i dont think you'll make it unless you chop super early, which i wouldnt advise, but i guess some less mature bud is better than none. Watch for frost warnings, they can survive a few mild ones and sometimes even a severe one, but it fucks your flowers up pretty bad and opens the way to all kinds of other bud issues. like rot.


Well-Known Member
well my thinking is they will have 30-45 days or so mid aug to veg then start to flower with everythign else .. I will jsut make iso Oil from them if the bud is of no use ..... I guess what my question was ..... Will the seedlings be big enough with 4 weeks from the paper towel ( today 1st whilt tap roots showing ) to yeild any amount of Cron


Well-Known Member
Cannabis plants as well as any other hormone induced flowering plants are not stupid. They know as the days grow shorter and cooler to bud the fuck up, it is the only way for the species to survive, so yes, you will get plenty of bud.


Well-Known Member
i start some inside 2nd week in july veg 24 hrs till aug then move outside harvest in oct. lows around 50 also do in spring start indoors feb outside mar harvest in may i do this because i live in city and cant have alotta tall plants ive had plants finish in 40f temps