How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

Well, not all of us are that gullible.
Below are actual calls that 911 operators nationwide have received over the years.

  • Found dog poop in my yard. Can you DNA test it to find out what neighborhood dog did the pooping?
  • Have had a tooth ache for 3 days now... calling 911 at midnight as I fear it is something very bad.
  • I don't feel well (cold or flu nothing serious) and want an ambulance because I don't want to wait at the ER. (Guess what? Ambulance ride does not = faster ER times... you still wait.)
  • You received a wrong number phone call and are now fearing for no reason that you have a stalker.
  • Many years ago something was stolen and just now you want to report it to the police.
  • You hit a squirrel, duck, other small varmint with your car and need to report the death of the varmint in question.
  • Had a lady call and want us to take out her earrings that she had gotten earlier that day because they hurt and she didn't know how to.
  • Headache
  • Toothache. Stubbed toe. Itchy scalp.
  • A person who wanted me to massage their feet.
  • A woman called because she broke her nail opening an Arizona Iced tea can and wanted to go to the hospital.
  • Lower back pain due to kidney stones…There just happened to be 3 cars in the driveway and the patient could walk
  • Had a guy call in about a rolled up carpet on the shoulder of the Interstate. He thought that maybe there was a body in it...
  • We had a 911 for a dead rabbit in the roadway in front of reporting party's house.
  • Male patient in mid-forties, smoked marijuana for the first time and felt weird. Called us at 02:30 for a ride to the hospital.
  • Toilet in roadway. Someone lost it off of a trailer. Fire dept said it was a crappy call.
  • Hurt toe, hiccups.
  • Just yesterday had a patient call an ambulance, because a credit card reader in a store fell on her foot.
  • A patient locally that calls often to get help getting something from her kitchen like a drink or some ice cream.
  • A call from a woman who couldn't get her 40 year old son to come back inside. Best part they were chasing each other in electric wheelchairs.
  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Head on the side of the road (stuffed animal), boat sinking in river (was the sculling team practicing).
  • Man called from Texas- to Arkansas- about the assault he was seeing on TV (WWE wrestling at the arena in town), always people calling that someone is driving badly while they themselves are driving while talking.....
  • Broke a nail opening a can of cat food.
  • A lady ordered Pizza and it was delivered without sauce on it.
  • Stubbed toe - was actually frostbitten, gangrenous, and full of porcupine quills - patient tried 6 days earlier to kick one (barefoot) away from the area beside the front stairs of the house where he wanted to pee - (at -40, January, snow 2' deep etc etc). We were called because it had started to hurt as the ETOH wore off.
  • "Person with gas"... patient had a big steak dinner the night before and now still has indigestion and "can't burp." Middle aged male fully ambulatory, in no apparent distress and complaining of no other symptoms, held a valid drivers license, at least two vehicles in driveway in perfect working order.
  • Steam rising from house roofs after a rain on one of those sticky muggy days - same with fire places and grills.
  • Smoke in the area of the FIRE training center.
  • Alzheimer patient for having "altered mental status"
  • A goose in the lake, lady thought it was gonna drown.
  • High on meth called because she was concerned about her stomach. She swallowed a couple of orange seeds and wondered if we could take them out.
  • Search and rescue for a missing person only to find out she had been arrested the night before.
  • Another search and rescue, wife freaked...husband ended up being at bar.
  • Infected knee. Hang nail. Menstrual cramps. A patient sat on a fork and it became embedded in her back.
  • Hairbrush stolen off the front porch
  • The wild deer were nibbling on the callers bushes
  • Got called out because a woman thought we carried pregnancy tests on the ambulance.
  • Thanksgiving day AT LUNCH we had to respond to a house for a child with a plastic gum ball machine ring stuck on her finger. It had been there for THREE DAYS!!!
  • 911 call from a party that wanted to know if an officer could come walk his dog 2 times a day for a few weeks. I told him we didn’t provide that service and his response was..."But I have a doctor's note?"
  • Took a call from a medic alert company for an elderly male that was hot all over and couldn’t get out of bed. When rescue arrived they couldn’t get into the house and had to climb through a window to get to the elderly male who just wanted his fan turned on because he was hot.
  • An itchy butt due to hemorrhoids at 4am
  • Wanted a bandaid and didn't have any, or could you fix my air conditioning
  • Caller wants Lottery #'s and another caller wanted me to personally come out and fix the gas pump at Walmart
  • Shortness of breath after a bad dream
  • Road construction blocking traffic. Wanted to schedule deputy to install an air conditioner
  • My personal favorite was a woman locked IN her car.
  • The 3am call of I need cigs but my wife won't get them. The doctor said I should have them to keep my stress levels down because I have AIDS.
  • Dispatched for an animal bite. Arrived on scene to find a male patient slicing into his abdomen with a knife because he thought there were ticks crawling around under his skin.
  • Cat stuck in a tree
  • Lady called 911, requested OUR ambulance (there were 2 services in that town), so we could come change her light bulb.
  • We recently had a fire on our mountain and people were calling 911 to get updates on the fire and they had to make a public announcement to stop calling 911 for updates.
  • He was depressed because he got a cable bill he couldn't afford and was adamant about being taken to hospital for said depression.
  • Lady stepped on a toothpick, didn't even break skin, she didn't want to drive because it was too far, wanted to be transported because she had Medicaid
  • My mom locked me out of the house and its making it hard to breath.
  • Naked man running down a dirt road. Was high and had seen snakes coming out of his TV and one had bit him.
  • A bleeding toe after striking furniture barefoot (patient already had band-aid and bleeding controlled, lived 1 block from level 2 Trauma Center). Another at 4 am for indigestion (5 freshly empty pizza boxes on kitchen table). Not kidding.
  • Power outage and wanted to know when 'we' were going to turn the lights back on....
  • Drank an energy drink and now feels shaky and hyper.
  • Somebody called because her eye was crusty and she thought it was pink eye but come to find out it was just the sleep in her eye
  • Mosquito bite
  • Little Johnny feeling nauseous and dizzy. Little Johnny just got off the biggest spinning ride at the fair!!!
  • Got a call for a baby crying and they didn't know why.
  • "I'm on the highway just north of town and almost hit a mountain lion"
  • Bird stuck in a tree
  • My farts are keeping me awake!! Also one woman who rang during a power outage because she was concerned that she wouldn't be able to call if she needed us!
The issue was not if dumb people call 911 over idiotic reasons. The issue was the assertion an ambulance will be sent out for the express purpose to take you to the emergency room to have a pregnancy test administered for no purpose whatsoever. That's not how it works.
The issue was not if dumb people call 911 over idiotic reasons. The issue was the assertion an ambulance will be sent out for the express purpose to take you to the emergency room to have a pregnancy test administered for no purpose whatsoever. That's not how it works.

I could call right now and say I have abdominal pain, been throwing up everyday and feel nauseous
Then get to the hospital and ask for a pregnancy test

Money has already been wasted
Are we to really believe people are dialing 911 and requesting ambulances for the purpose to take them to the hospital for a pregnancy test, and these people are not having charges filed for misuse of emergency services and are actually having an ambulance sent out?

That was the point I raised here.
I could call right now and say I have abdominal pain, been throwing up everyday and feel nauseous
Then get to the hospital and ask for a pregnancy test

Money has already been wasted

Cool. Now for my hypothetical scenario: The pregnancy test comes back negative and further tests discover a treatable form of cancer. Money was well-spent.
if a lady will call 911 over a 4 piece chicken nugget, you really believe people wouldn't call 911 for trivial medical purposes. Not all cities/counties have laws against calling 911 too much.
Cool. Now for my hypothetical scenario: The pregnancy test comes back negative and further tests discover a treatable form of cancer. Money was well-spent.
Yeah, because further tests for that kind of stuff are going to be done on a crazy lady that got brought in for a pregnancy test. Maybe your basic 5 panel... Money not well spent...
if a lady will call 911 over a 4 piece chicken nugget, you really believe people wouldn't call 911 for trivial medical purposes. Not all cities/counties have laws against calling 911 too much.

Please do not misconstrue what I said:

Are we to really believe people are dialing 911 and requesting ambulances for the purpose to take them to the hospital for a pregnancy test, and these people are not having charges filed for misuse of emergency services and are actually having an ambulance sent out?

Look at the bolded part.
Yeah, because further tests for that kind of stuff are going to be done on a crazy lady that got brought in for a pregnancy test. Maybe your basic 5 panel...

I was trying to point out the futility of arguing via hypotheticals. Apparently that point has been missed here.
Liberal Source?
That article in the link you provided was written by Grover Norquist. It makes me wonder if your colostomy bag deteriorates your brain

Grover Norquist

President, Americans for Tax Reform

GET UPDATES FROM Grover Norquist

Obamacare Raises Income Taxes on Middle Class Families with High Medical Bills

regardless of the author, it is published by a liberal source!
The Huffington Post was launched on May 9, 2005 as a liberal/left commentary outlet

Or is your brain so deteriorated that you don't know what a liberal source is?
You need to vent your bag outside
The methane is fucking up your thought process

I don't have a bag anymore! That's the beauty of the health care system before obama care! Obama care would have said removing the bag and reattaching my intestines is an elective surgery! I would still have a colostomy bag and a horrible quality of life! Check the picture I posted, You can see the scar where the bag once was!

A liberal source published the article, they must agree with it or the wouldn't be putting it out there for their followers. You don't see Fox new spewing liberal stuff!
I don't have a bag anymore! That's the beauty of the health care system before obama care! Obama care would have said removing the bag and reattaching my intestines is an elective surgery! I would still have a colostomy bag and a horrible quality of life! Check the picture I posted, You can see the scar where the bag once was!

A liberal source published the article, they must agree with it or the wouldn't be putting it out there for their followers.

You are so fucking stupid it hurts
I don't have a bag anymore! That's the beauty of the health care system before obama care! Obama care would have said removing the bag and reattaching my intestines is an elective surgery! I would still have a colostomy bag and a horrible quality of life! Check the picture I posted, You can see the scar where the bag once was!

A liberal source published the article, they must agree with it or the wouldn't be putting it out there for their followers. You don't see Fox new spewing liberal stuff!

Speaking of your picture ...... I'd say a little man-scaping is in order.

It looks like you have Buckwheat in a reverse triangle choke! :-)
Stupid for not wanting to be put on a waiting list to hopefully get my bag taken down or having part of my insurance not cover it! I'm pretty sure you are the stupid one, supporting obamacare, not having a job that provides medical or enough pay to get medical. Maybe if you spent a little less time on the weed forums.... LOL!
Speaking of your picture ...... I'd say a little man-scaping is in order.

It looks like you Buckwheat in a reverse triangle choke! :-)

Yeah, but you cant always get the nurses to manscape you in the hospital. I'll spend over a month at a time in the hospital, cant even roll over let alone shave my balls...
Stupid for not wanting to be put on a waiting list to hopefully get my bag taken down or having part of my insurance not cover it! I'm pretty sure you are the stupid one, supporting obamacare, not having a job that provides medical or enough pay to get medical. Maybe if you spent a little less time on the weed forums.... LOL!

Sorry I think I read your wife is getting you a new cheaper policy.... Can't afford the policy you have? Why are you buying more insurance??? What about obamacare???