How many plants can you fit in a 50,000 sqft werehouse?

holy fuck thats a HUGE area. you'd be a millionaire easy..

that's *after* you've secured the insurance, grow space, nutes, set-up, fees, taxes, the inevitable setbacks, and everything else... you could clear millions easy, but you'd have to start with a ton of cash, knowledge, and help... it would take some serious balls too, especially as the dea would be knocking on your door about the first and every day...
I am probably dreaming but...

Since CA will legalize it in November, I am seriously considering finding a way to do this. I have the money to start it up. I think 1-2 Million is what it would cost. I have the investors. I have to get approval from a local city though. That is the hard part. I believe I could find some professionals that could come in and set it up.
Obama says he will instruct the DEA not to go after legitimate growers.
first i have heard of 50,000 sq ft. would take alot of capitol to fill it, however it would be more like 15,000 veg, 25,000 flower 10,000 for supplies & a drying area
after the first harvest i would rip off the top and make a retactable dome, greenhouse for summer months and lights for the cooler months. & def look into wind turbine & solar power to really bank the profit margin.
Thinking of a warehouse, brick with reinforced steel, razor wire fencing, cameras, armed security 24/7, could secure it. Also finished product wouldn't be stored there.
Could arrainge with Brinks possibly to do deliveries so no employees are at risk. Security gates to drive cars in with cement pilons.

10,000 for supplies? What do you mean? Dollars? I would think a lot more money than that.

Money is not the problem. The problem will be convincing a local city to agree. I would imagine a huge amount of the public would be upset.

Would need professional lobbying. Would need the support of NORML and many others to convince officials.

Definatley would run as a green business, solar pannels all over the roof to offset costs of electricity. I would expect electric bills to be $20,000-30,000 a month.
Lets assume 40,000 square feet is for flowering, the rest for vegging/mommies/drying/lunchroom.

40,000 sqft / 16 sqft that each 1000 watt lamp covers canopy-wise. You need 2500 lights. If you get 2 Lbs per light every 2 months, then its 1 Lb per light every 1 month which means you'd get 2500 Lbs of herb every month. At $2000 / Lb because you grow so fucking much at a time, that makes it $5,000,000 per month income.

2500 light setup would probably run about $300 per 16sqft total after all the accessories, so $750,000 startup capital would be about right to get started.
Thats great news. Once again I am probably dreaming but those numbers seem possible to me. Researchkitty, you have certainly done your research.

I have a meeting with a councilman today and will see what he thinks.
10,000 for storage for supplies, pots dirt, nutes, pumps, hydroton spare lights, ballasts, you would need to have a shit ton on hand.
Thinking of a warehouse, brick with reinforced steel, razor wire fencing, cameras, armed security 24/7, could secure it. Also finished product wouldn't be stored there.
Could arrainge with Brinks possibly to do deliveries so no employees are at risk. Security gates to drive cars in with cement pilons.

10,000 for supplies? What do you mean? Dollars? I would think a lot more money than that.

Money is not the problem. The problem will be convincing a local city to agree. I would imagine a huge amount of the public would be upset.

Would need professional lobbying. Would need the support of NORML and many others to convince officials.

Definatley would run as a green business, solar pannels all over the roof to offset costs of electricity. I would expect electric bills to be $20,000-30,000 a month.

the only way to convince the city will be to line there pockets, in one way or the other. whether its off the books, or a specialized tax just for you, your going to have to pay to get a license.
10,000 for storage for supplies, pots dirt, nutes, pumps, hydroton spare lights, ballasts, you would need to have a shit ton on hand.
multiply that by about 75 and your starting to get there.
dont forget about overhead cost of running such a large building, ins, salaries, utility bills, fire protection (required by law), and a shitoad of other incidental expenses you dont think you have but are there.

shit, theres 20k in electrical equipment to run that many lights....
wiseguy316- I would think more than 10K for that stuff, probably more like $100,000.

IAm5toned- Thinking about making them partners. If 5 mil per month is accurate, then why not give then 20%? 1 mil a month added to city coffers would be great for the city, think of all the ways they could spend it.
wiseguy316- I would think more than 10K for that stuff, probably more like $100,000.

IAm5toned- Thinking about making them partners. If 5 mil per month is accurate, then why not give then 20%? 1 mil a month added to city coffers would be great for the city, think of all the ways they could spend it.
that might do it....
george washington said-

"Few men have the virute to withstand the highest bidder."