How much longer do you think?


Active Member
This is a picture of one out of the 5 Purple Dutch Passion plants that I have growing right now, and this picture is from about 5 days ago, and yesterday was two month into flowering.......every bud on the 5 plants look like this one. Thanks in advance,

P.S they are a lot more orange and darker, I used the 420 scope but its so damn hard to tell, no matter how good I focus it and hold my hand steady I still cant tell. I feel like there ready for harvesting but I'd rather double check and make sure I'm right rather then rushing and having doo doo.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from pic. Looks like lots of white hairs. Not much solid bud formation. 3 weeks easy, prolly 4 or more to go.


Active Member
Well like I said that is an old picture, they don't really have white on them anymore, there more orange/green/purple then anything, I will post a more recent picture of them either tonight or tomorrow because I'm pretty positive they are just about done. I just wanted to ask a "pro" since this is only my 7th harvest and people tend to make countless mistakes.

Thanks you

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
without inspecting the trichome, there's no way to dictate what buzz (high/stone) you will get ..

pics could be clearer, though still, props on the grow, did you get the wet weight ?


Active Member
we did check the trichomes, and my phone takes bad pictures im telling you though you cant really judge what the buds looked like thru these pictures they look a lot darker and orange in person. Also they where flowering for a week and 2 months so i think they were pretty good on timing there.....if i would of waited another 2 weeks it would of been almost 3 months vegg which is nuts haha.


Active Member
sativas can take up to 15-16 weeks to finish properly so I'd definitely let it go for at least a couple more weeks, if not 3. It's gonna be killer tho!


Active Member
7-8 weeks for indicas and 10-14 weeks for sativas. Get on ebay and get a 30x pocket microscope for $8 so you can see when your tricomes are are ready. I wait til mine fill up like balloons w/ res and when about 40% amber 60% cloudy white and then I pick them.


Active Member
The bud has been drying for exactly one week as of today. I went there last night to check them out and so far everything is going amazing, they smell like piff, they are drying slowly each day, and the crystals are more defiant now. The only bad thing about them is they slimmed down, Obviously since this is my 6 or 7th harvest I am aware they they lose weight and fluffiness from drying out so I know its normal for this to happen.....So I'm not worried too much, I figured i would just give you guys an update to anyone that cares.Also I will take a newer picture and post it on here when I go over there today. Thanks

P.s - Anyone who has any good methods to drying please post them on here, right now they are hanging from strings by the stems and after they are done drying i was going to put them into huge air tight jars to cure, if there's anyone that knows a good way or method to do in between drying and curing please post it here. once again thank you for your help.


Active Member
Also, I don't understand how people get there shit to come out looking like high times bud, like every time i grow it comes out good and smokes pretty good, but you can still tell right away that its home grown.


we did check the trichomes, and my phone takes bad pictures im telling you though you cant really judge what the buds looked like thru these pictures they look a lot darker and orange in person. Also they where flowering for a week and 2 months so i think they were pretty good on timing there.....if i would of waited another 2 weeks it would of been almost 3 months vegg which is nuts haha.
if you can't take good fricken photos, then don't even bother
Also, I don't understand how people get there shit to come out looking like high times bud, like every time i grow it comes out good and smokes pretty good, but you can still tell right away that its home grown.
most of the killer pictures you see in high times are indoor no? outdoor usually looks imperfect because it has to survive the great outdoors.