how often to flush hydro?

Oh I've gotten a little further advanced than that. Just a tad. Thanks for the concern though. 34 years as medical professional calibrating sensitive equipment and maintaining anything from clean to sterile settings to isolation with negative pressure air rooms. A bunch of plants in simple solutions has been kind of easy - comparatively. Our "solution" conductivity at work ranges from 13.4 - 14.5, our pH from 7.1-7.5 with acceptable error of 0.01%. Bicarb solution has a conductivity of 50-51 acceptable. We mix our own dialysates and bicarb solutions daily.

Words like solution and conductivity may be a bit large for your targeted audience harley. You may need to dumb it down a bit.
Words like solution and conductivity may be a bit large for your targeted audience harley. You may need to dumb it down a bit.

Actually these words are nothing new, I learned about conductivity in the first grade and solution around the same time. Had my first Microscope in second grade so speak for yourself.
It is absolutely amazing the shit people will try and pass off on here to try to sound smart even though it is completely fabricated. I am gonna call straight up bullshit on the 100 degree res temps. It has blown me away that this clown has been growing since he started growing pubic hair but yet hasnt learned enough to know that people who really do know what they are talking about can see right through him. It is not that there is the most O2 in 60 degree water, it is that there is near zero O2 in 100 degree water. I dont doubt you can grow like that but your plants are gonna be skinmpy and sick and your yield is gonna be a huge waste of time is all. I dont know why I am wasting my time with a guy that trys to say he was growing weed since before he learned to tie his shoes but I am.
Your not gonna get a low ppm if you are reading instructions on the bottle which most novice growers do... Power growers never have root problems simply because the media cleans the solution before it recylces back to the res. Power growers can have 100 degrees temp in res and would still do fine..
You sir are making yourself look like a child. Stop while you are losing.
Damn man, you guys realize its arguments like these that last pages long that make threads get locked and STILL DONT help the poster what he asked. People need to keep personal shit to themselfs... go make a thread about your plants growing how you want and protect your way of growing on that so atleast on that thread your posts will be on topic.
It is absolutely amazing the shit people will try and pass off on here to try to sound smart even though it is completely fabricated. I am gonna call straight up bullshit on the 100 degree res temps. It has blown me away that this clown has been growing since he started growing pubic hair but yet hasnt learned enough to know that people who really do know what they are talking about can see right through him. It is not that there is the most O2 in 60 degree water, it is that there is near zero O2 in 100 degree water. I dont doubt you can grow like that but your plants are gonna be skinmpy and sick and your yield is gonna be a huge waste of time is all. I dont know why I am wasting my time with a guy that trys to say he was growing weed since before he learned to tie his shoes but I am.

/\This here... is why people dont learn. Get a power grower and see for yourself is all I'm gonna say. My plants were never skimpy and sick but then again I have a quality strain. As for calling me a clown and what not shows your maturity level. A power grower is equal parts media and water by three gallons. So if the water has 0 oxygen like you say it still gets plenty through the media. Learned to tie my shoes around pre school time for your info. Your sarcasm and disbelief have been noted.

You sir are making yourself look like a child. Stop while you are losing.

Perhaps, but all I was doing was providing helpful info to a novice grower before he ran into some mishaps, and all you did was become sensitive when I said dont be lazy. Then proceeded to brag about how many gallons you are using while providing no more valuable instruction.
well thanks guys my system is going good now but i was thinking back to when i first started and didnt flush till the end and i had better results. ill do some tinkering with my nute levels
I flush aftrr every res change with plain un-ph'd water from ro filter...I never have issues and my smoke burns smooth to the last hit. Flush