How to Combat Sunni Jihad

Just so we're clear, KAFIR is the practice of Takfir...

"KAFFIR" is the south African racial slur the equivalent of "nigger" in America...

Now either you're dumb as fuck or judging by this thread all Muslims are "kaffirs" to you...

Kafir (and the often used alternate spelling of Kaffir) are arabic, meaning Apostate, apostasy is punishable by death enslavement or shunning (depending on what you can get away with)

the moslem assumption is that everybody is born "muslim" (a faithful servant of allah) but they commit the sin of "Shirk" if they do not adopt the beliefs demanded by mohammed and thus become apostates (kafir/kaffir) which was part of the moslem slave trade argot which gradually merged with languages of east africa, which is how it wound up in swahili and afrikaans, with an original meaning of "one who can be taken as a slave" gradually morphing into a synonym for native black african.

"kaffir" is also a type of lime found in east asia, and a fermented milk drink popular in eastern europe.

funny thing... languanges change over time and words take on new meanings.

even the word "nigger" is simply a corruption of the word Negro.

might wanna check your etymology.

Edit: ohh yeah, and "Takfir" is the act of declaring a moslem to be an apostate, so wtf are you talking about?
"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?" - Glenn Beck



good thing we are so civilized, unlike all those barbarians out there.

and what christians are supporting Phelps and his inbred posse in their big mouthed but thus far harmless screaming?

who have they killed? who have they imprisoned? who have they blown up?

theres radical nutbar barbarians in christianity too, chrisitianity is ALSO TOXIC.

it was grown from the same poison root stock as islam and judaism, but christianity and judaism have moderated and become mostly harmless over the centuries.

im still not a christian so i dont know why you are telling me this shit.

you got any pithy examples of the excesses and violence of hinduism (the thugee cult) or shinto (the rape of nanking) or marxism (the entire history of marxism) to share while youre at it?
even the word "nigger" is simply a corruption of the word Negro.

White people made the word negro become unacceptable because of their culture. I use the word regularly and even call strangers by the word. I bet if you call someone you don't know a negro, you get knocked out and stripped naked in the street.
White people made the word negro become unacceptable because of their culture. I use the word regularly and even call strangers by the word. I bet if you call someone you don't know a negro, you get knocked out and stripped naked in the street.

you need to lay off the Blow.

save a little for export. your country needs the cash.
Jesus being quoted and then paraphrased by Shakespeare in John 14.
[SUP]16 [/SUP]And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
[SUP]17 [/SUP]Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
[SUP]18 [/SUP]I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

Comforter is capitalized in the King James version. This means that Bill thought he was translating a name. Why did Jesus say he was sending someone named Comforter? Gabriel is the Spirit of truth.

I don't particularly believe these old books, but Christianity and Islam are just two denominations of the same religion.
Kafir (and the often used alternate spelling of Kaffir) are arabic, meaning Apostate, apostasy is punishable by death enslavement or shunning (depending on what you can get away with)

Kafir or the alternate spelling of Kuffar is different to that of "kaffir"... The arabs use of kafir is not code speak for "African slaves" or a type of dead sri Lankan language...

the moslem assumption is that everybody is born "muslim" (a faithful servant of allah) but they commit the sin of "Shirk" if they do not adopt the beliefs demanded by mohammed and thus become apostates (kafir/kaffir) which was part of the moslem slave trade argot which gradually merged with languages of east africa, which is how it wound up in swahili and afrikaans, with an original meaning of "one who can be taken as a slave" gradually morphing into a synonym for native black african.

Using 40 words when 4 will do, AGAIN... Shirk or Shituf are the same thing moron...

"kaffir" is also a type of lime found in east asia, and a fermented milk drink popular in eastern europe.

funny thing... languanges change over time and words take on new meanings.

even the word "nigger" is simply a corruption of the word Negro.

Thats called a "kaffir lime"... Not to be confused with Kafir...

t i'm tamight wanna check your etymology.Edit: ohh yeah, and "Takfir" is the act of declaring a moslem to be an apostate, so wtf are you talking about?

I'm talking about salafist jihadism an offshoot of sunni islam that is manned by whackjob mass murderers... You seem unable to differentiate between muslim and extremist but that is expected...
and what christians are supporting Phelps and his inbred posse in their big mouthed but thus far harmless screaming?

who have they killed? who have they imprisoned? who have they blown up?

theres radical nutbar barbarians in christianity too, chrisitianity is ALSO TOXIC.

it was grown from the same poison root stock as islam and judaism, but christianity and judaism have moderated and become mostly harmless over the centuries.

im still not a christian so i dont know why you are telling me this shit.

you got any pithy examples of the excesses and violence of hinduism (the thugee cult) or shinto (the rape of nanking) or marxism (the entire history of marxism) to share while youre at it?

All religion is toxic, Judaism is no different... Case in point... Hasbarat...
you need to lay off the Blow.

save a little for export. your country needs the cash.

Ok. You go to Detroit and call someone a Negro. I will go to Santa Marta and do the same. Make sure you have a video camera on when you do it.

You will get knocked out and your camera stolen. The people I call will walk toward me and say hello to me.
Ok. You go to Detroit and call someone a Negro. I will go to Santa Marta and do the same. Make sure you have a video camera on when you do it.

You will get knocked out and your camera stolen. The people I call will walk toward me and say hello to me.

Heya Buck,
Don't you get tired of switching names back and forth?
Ok. You go to Detroit and call someone a Negro. I will go to Santa Marta and do the same. Make sure you have a video camera on when you do it.

You will get knocked out and your camera stolen. The people I call will walk toward me and say hello to me.

Exactly. That proves liberals are full of shit with all their equality nonsense.
Exactly. That proves liberals are full of shit with all their equality nonsense.

It's too bad most of the west coast is some liberal fantasyland.
I'd love to hear Bucks wife lands her next job in Detroit or New Orleans.
He could leave the house but never speak to anyone, without getting beat.
It's too bad most of the west coast is some liberal fantasyland.
I'd love to hear Bucks wife lands her next job in Detroit or New Orleans.
He could leave the house but never speak to anyone, without getting beat.

Not all of it. Liberals herd themselves on the west coast. It's a numbers game for liberals. They know they're so full of shit, the only way they can take over is to form liberal communes that make a mess. Then they slowly spread their disease. Conservatives like their individuality, well at least I do. There's a reason liberals are so often referred to as sheep.