Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Just so we're clear, KAFIR is the practice of Takfir...
"KAFFIR" is the south African racial slur the equivalent of "nigger" in America...
Now either you're dumb as fuck or judging by this thread all Muslims are "kaffirs" to you...
Kafir (and the often used alternate spelling of Kaffir) are arabic, meaning Apostate, apostasy is punishable by death enslavement or shunning (depending on what you can get away with)
the moslem assumption is that everybody is born "muslim" (a faithful servant of allah) but they commit the sin of "Shirk" if they do not adopt the beliefs demanded by mohammed and thus become apostates (kafir/kaffir) which was part of the moslem slave trade argot which gradually merged with languages of east africa, which is how it wound up in swahili and afrikaans, with an original meaning of "one who can be taken as a slave" gradually morphing into a synonym for native black african.
"kaffir" is also a type of lime found in east asia, and a fermented milk drink popular in eastern europe.
funny thing... languanges change over time and words take on new meanings.
even the word "nigger" is simply a corruption of the word Negro.
might wanna check your etymology.
Edit: ohh yeah, and "Takfir" is the act of declaring a moslem to be an apostate, so wtf are you talking about?