How to Combat Sunni Jihad

A muslim man in his village lives happy. He has his wife, faithful, beautiful. Children, so smart and healthy.
Likewise men else in the village

Then came a day when foreign invaders came.
A man was slain at the sword of the invader, who asked and plead for the invaders to leave the village

diplomacy never works with bullies.

So the men of the village, the women, children and all else found themselves being oppressed.
The men could not have negotiated and bargained for a peaceful resolution, for these invaders again- did not care nor even try to come in agreement of peace

Not a day can a man go watching his wife raped, temple burned and crumbled, his grocery robbed of the hard work fruits of labor

The men stood up against the infidels. Allahu is merciful to these native villagemen for they are believers and followers of Muhammad PBUH
They know Allahu will guide them through stopping these malevolent people. The Koran calls for them to never be subjugated in this way

Peace did not work so they now are fighting back.

When the natives fought back, the foreigners demonized the martyrs and continued their conquest. And such, did the Jihad of the natives continue.
You cannot deny yourself of Jihad as Muslim in this way. When your people are subjugated, fight the oppressors till you die.
This may be driving your truck back and forth under constant threat with medical supplies for wounded civilians
this may also be a lion, a martyr whom seeks the highest path Jannah aimed at a goal of death for enemy and death for oneself in process.

You can't poke a bear and not expect it to harass you back.

You should get rid of that shitty mujahedeen/terrorist avatar and get some of this;

mohammed's book expressly states that ALL THE WORLD MUST BECOME MOSLEM.

you gotta go to the fake propaganda of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to find that kind of crazy outside islam.

fearfearfearfearfearfearfearfearfear! hatehatehatehatehatehatehate!

they are the dark skinned barbarians, and you are the fair skinned, civilized saint!

whatever makes ya sleep better at night, bigot.

it's all inn their book.
i didnt make it up. mohammed did

i once read a book about a talking snake. then i read a book about how everyone was a lousy goddamn phony.

it's a fucking book.

go out and meet some muslims for fuck sake.
when ships passing through the Mediterranean were attacked by the barbarians, their crews held for ransom, and their cargoes stolen, Thomas Jefferson sent the US Marines in to free our captives and put down the barbarian sultan.

200 years later, and not a lot has changed, the barbarians still believe they are justified in attacking anyone who doesnt subscribe to their religion, but now civilized people are not allowed to respond, cuz thats racist.

learn some history.

inB4 "but teh crusades!!"

Protip: the crusades were a RESPONSE to 200 years of moslem invasions of europe, attacks on shipping, murder of pilgrims and enslavement of non moslems, and their clear and unequivocal insistence that all the world must kneel at mohammed's feet.

Further Protip: Moslems still engage in the slave trade today. primitive barbarians then, primitive barbarians now.

Whats with people and cock riding Thomas Jefferson?

You don't speak for all Muslims, so your second statement is invalid, more so because we don't feel the need to attack anyone, only when attacked first. Not all Jihad is extremism.

Did you think I was going to say the Crusades were the reason to justify that era of jihad?

Quit living in the fucking past, whats this shit about race and slavery, too. We get it, Muslim/Arabs are the 'demons'

Im not jimmy rustled at all, either. I'm getting quite a laugh at watching you make more and more shit of yourself. Wake up tomorrow son, look back at this thread and evaluate your ignorance. You'll see.
fearfearfearfearfearfearfearfearfear! hatehatehatehatehatehatehate!

they are the dark skinned barbarians, and you are the fair skinned, civilized saint!

whatever makes ya sleep better at night, bigot.

google the Sunnah of Mohammad.

all devout moslems are expected to conduct their lives IN EVERY RESPECT exactly as mohammed did.

sorry bucky, youre all wet on this one.
Did you even read what I said fully. So what if I am sunni and support Jihad let me post the meaning of Jihad AGAIN.


The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war.
Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle:

  • A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible
  • The struggle to build a good Muslim society
  • Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary

Now by 'the struggle to defend Islam' it means

In brief, war is permitted:

  • in self defence
  • when other nations have attacked an Islamic state
  • if another state is oppressing its own Muslims
War should be conducted:

  • in a disciplined way
  • so as to avoid injuring non-combatants
  • with the minimum necessary force
  • without anger
  • with humane treatment towards prisoners of war

I don't see anything wrong with that. Can you point out anything you disagree with with what I have posted.

the only thing I see wrong with that is Jihadist Muslims conducting their warped version of jihad have killed more Muslims (regardless of sect) then they have infidels.... That is fucking priceless...
google the Sunnah of Mohammad.

all devout moslems are expected to conduct their lives IN EVERY RESPECT exactly as mohammed did.

sorry bucky, youre all wet on this one.

too bad for you that most don't.

that mundane fact leaves your fear-filled, bigoted misconceptions swaying in the breeze.
Whats with people and cock riding Thomas Jefferson?

You don't speak for all Muslims, so your second statement is invalid, more so because we don't feel the need to attack anyone, only when attacked first. Not all Jihad is extremism.

Did you think I was going to say the Crusades were the reason to justify that era of jihad?

Quit living in the fucking past, whats this shit about race and slavery, too. We get it, Muslim/Arabs are the 'demons'

Im not jimmy rustled at all, either. I'm getting quite a laugh at watching you make more and more shit of yourself. Wake up tomorrow son, look back at this thread and evaluate your ignorance. You'll see.

there is no "reason" for any era of "jihad"

religious wars of conquest are 100% unreasonable every time they are applied.
islam IS racist, and islam STILL condones slavery and slavery is still quite common inn the moslem world. like most racists, they are the first to claim that any who oppose them are racist.

speak out against moslem atrocities: "That's Racist!"
not allowed to build a huge ugly minaret in downtown historicc Geneva: "That's Racist!"
not allowed to wear a burkah and veil for drivers license photo: "That's Racist!"
not allowed to impose sharia law on france: "That's Racist!"
want to check to make sure the "broad" under the burkah is not actually a wanted terrorist trying to sneak out of england after the 7/7 attacks: "That's Racist!"
think girls should be allowed to go to school without having acid thrown in their faces: "That's Racist!"
think chrisitans in indonesia should be able to be christians without being hacked to death with machetes: "That's Racist!"
think hindu temples should not be torn down and replaced by mosques: "That's Racist!"
think jews should be allowed to live in their ancestral homeland: "That's Racist!"
think film makers should be able to make films regardless of what some primitive religion says without getting stabbed in the streets: "That's Racist!"

should i go on, or are you willing to accede that islam is toxic?
too bad for you that most don't.

that mundane fact leaves your fear-filled, bigoted misconceptions swaying in the breeze.

nope, i think it's a grand thing that most moslems have cast off the primitive violent demands of their religion, but unfortunately for MOST moslems, the barbarians in their midst still hold to the Old Ways.

even more unfortunate for MOST moslems, they dont object to the words and deeds of the barbarians in their ranksvery often or very loudly, since the barbarians are the ones who issue death warrants and send retarded kids to school with bombs in their backpacks.
nope, i think it's a grand thing that most moslems have cast off the primitive violent demands of their religion, but unfortunately for MOST moslems, the barbarians in their midst still hold to the Old Ways.

even more unfortunate for MOST moslems, they dont object to the words and deeds of the barbarians in their ranksvery often or very loudly, since the barbarians are the ones who issue death warrants and send retarded kids to school with bombs in their backpacks.

us civilized people never issue death warrants.

let's not forget how loudly civilized folks like you objected when retarded kids went into schools with guns and shot the place up.
Therefore what?

Slippery Slope?

Therfore, those who DO practice the Sunnah of Mohammad are suspect.

suspect of being primitive barbarians.

meanwhile, the primitive barbarians hold that ANYONE who is not on exactly their wavelength is a kaffir, so "moderate moslems" are also targets, just not as high on the list as the Great Satan or israel.

given time however, the barbarians will work their way down the list.

mohammed promised victory as long as they are patient, and you know he always delivers...
us civilized people never issue death warrants.

let's not forget how loudly civilized folks like you objected when retarded kids went into schools with guns and shot the place up.

we dont issue death warrants for writing a book, or making a film.

THATS the difference.

Obvious Observation was Obvious, therefore i assumed you might make the logical leap, looks like i once again overestimated your intelligence.
we dont issue death warrants for writing a book, or making a film.

"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?" - Glenn Beck



good thing we are so civilized, unlike all those barbarians out there.
Therfore, those who DO practice the Sunnah of Mohammad are suspect.

suspect of being primitive barbarians.

meanwhile, the primitive barbarians hold that ANYONE who is not on exactly their wavelength is a kaffir, so "moderate moslems" are also targets, just not as high on the list as the Great Satan or israel.

Just so we're clear, KAFIR is the practice of Takfir...

"KAFFIR" is the south African racial slur the equivalent of "nigger" in America...

Now either you're dumb as fuck or judging by this thread all Muslims are "kaffirs" to you...