How to lace Weed with coke?

I don't really know what to say. If it isn't grown I don't much condone it. But to each his own. Guess you could try it. Curiosity killed the cat? Maybe sell the snow and get some better toke? Or you could shoot heroin. I hear that is fun. Your yak should be pink. Not a rock. Crack heads.
Anyone ever try opium on a joint? Good stuff. I've got some poppies going and give it a rip every couple months or so. Still the same issues with addiction, but not nearly as much a risk as coke or meth or heroin.
Coke sucks unless your drunk as fuck then it's fucking crazy lol. Always have a fat bowl of dank for after the last line when your trying to snooze lol.
It seems as though everyone wants to know how to lace weed with cocaine. Come on really guys, is that a question? Sprinkle that white on green, it ain't that hard!
coke sucks dick cuz unless u live in a coke producing country , its normally reli dirty and cut with loads of shit. I liv in england and sum of the coke round here is around 7% actual coke, i don't even bother with it, mushrooms is way more fun and weed is nicer,
not as bad a mephadrone though, that shit is fucking disgusting
but why don't you bomb a bump, wait for 10 minutes and then hav a nice fat joint
your really lucky to have 7%...
cocaine is no more evil than any other drug its the people who use it that make it seem that way. For over a thousand years south american people have chewed the leaves of coca, The coca leaf was, and still is, chewed almost universally by some indigenouse communities, and guess what these people aren't sick there not addicted they dont run around like crack heads. and with the amount of leave they chew they deffinitly still get the near a full effect. people should not belive what they hear about any drug there are hundreds of orginizations spread false truths about many substances. including all governments worldwide.. that said I dont do coke but I have before
uhhhh people? who would want to mix coke with weed?? kinda like pissin in the wind. stay natural! you can't pick a line off a plant!! who wants to smoke weed and have your heart beat fast as hell. sell the coke and buy some weed
coke is shite when its cheap, i pay £90 a g. pearlesent as ya like gives you a good charge. repress coke is shit 20% pure if ya lucky
i remember when i took coke for the first time, i thought it had no effect on me at the time but looking back i dont understand how running after the postman while naked wasnt a dead giveaway to me, i guess i just thought i was really confident, anyway that really put me off coke, i dont like how i couldnt tell it had an effect until the effect was thanks :)
i remember when i took coke for the first time, i thought it had no effect on me at the time but looking back i dont understand how running after the postman while naked wasnt a dead giveaway to me, i guess i just thought i was really confident, anyway that really put me off coke, i dont like how i couldnt tell it had an effect until the effect was thanks :)
ok sounds like some fucked up chang?!?!?