How to lace Weed with coke?

Coke is great. Oh and by the way no need to freebase it just sprinkle some in a blunt or on a bowl. We call it a Grenada Snowcap
Freebase is fine unless your a fiend like me, stick to flake and fuck sniffing repress. Its shit! Fuck crack an all come to think about it. all in Moderation. i spent £450 this week on 5 g's of coke. Shit! Im quiting come sunday!:mrgreen::!:
Originally Posted by SquishMitten
Coke is great. Oh and by the way no need to freebase it just sprinkle some in a blunt or on a bowl. We call it a Grenada Snowcap

That would make me puke!:spew:
Buy a qp of swag, then buy a can of coke, it can be regular coke, or diet, or cherry, but not coke zero, that shit is a total downer.
Proceed to empty can of coke over QP of swag, now let it dry in the sun, or if yo arse can;t wait, get a heatgun, and blo dat shit dry mofucker.
Now roll a spliff, fetch a bucket, and light spliff, proceed to throw up in bucket.
P.S. the only thing with rat poison you consume is tap water, go look at a packet of rat poison, check the main ingredient, floride.
Cocaine is garbage and doesn't belong on cannabis. JMO In most places coke has been stomped on by so many thugs it isn't worth using. Granted, if your getting pure snow from a celebrity or a trust worthy rich person, then a couple fat lines can be fun. Just remember, 1 fat line leads to another and another and another. Eventually, it takes an 8 ball line to get a 10 minute buzz. Then when you run out you will turn into a raging POS and can't breathe for a week. Just sniff it all and be done with it. Stick to smoking cannabis, this way it helps reduces dumb shit authorities from saying cannabis is a gateway drug to harder stuff. lol
its never seems to have any effects on me when ive smked primos (coke weeds blunt, never my coke). A big waste in my mind. Sniff the coke smoke the weed, unless u like to waste the coke
Buy a qp of swag, then buy a can of coke, it can be regular coke, or diet, or cherry, but not coke zero, that shit is a total downer.
Proceed to empty can of coke over QP of swag, now let it dry in the sun, or if yo arse can;t wait, get a heatgun, and blo dat shit dry mofucker.
Now roll a spliff, fetch a bucket, and light spliff, proceed to throw up in bucket.

Cocaine has the exact same effect when smoked too, lol. But don't use diet anything... causes cancer!
All coke has ever done for me is make my face/throat numb, and stopped me from gettin faded smokin weed..Definitely not worth it. :P
Ironicaly I spent a good period doing crack, never liked coke though.
I also agree it has no place on a halucigenics chat.
i agree with every1 else u prolly dont wanna get into coke . most people cant afford it, and the ones who can probably will lose their source of income if they get hookd. But i guess i'd rather lace a blunt with half a gram then blow rails. GL...