How to lace Weed with coke?

coke is definetly no something youd want to get into. Most people i know that consume weed dont like coke or like the scumbags that do/deal it. Fuck off if you do blow. for real.
wow this threads still around =D well i've done the coke and im not a fiend! so take that fuck face
hahahaha =D it is very like want want want while your doing it tho so i can see it being addictive to a person who has a history with addiction
oh yeah, no doubt lol its not all lies... hahaha i mean there are tons of coke heads out there. i dont even like coke, i just hate when some pot head hates on some other drug. or some other drug user.
Yea i got lots of sources i just don't see paying 50$ for .5 grams for any drug i won't pay over 40 for 3.5grams of pot
I can get grams of yay for about 40 bucks and wouldn't pay a cent more, I dont like coke cause after two lines pot becomes totally ineffective for me and id sooo much rather be high on pot than coke.. but it used to be alot of fun..
Coke does suck. :D No Coke! Pepsi! Now Cocaine... That's creative thought spawning shit right there. Our team of extractors here on the Hallucinatory Substance board need to lay down the Mimosa and pick up the Coca. ;) That's what I do. :D
Coke does suck. :D No Coke! Pepsi! Now Cocaine... That's creative thought spawning shit right there. Our team of extractors here on the Hallucinatory Substance board need to lay down the Mimosa and pick up the Coca. ;) That's what I do. :D

Haha fo sho. Intead of laying down the mimosa we should keep that going and pick up on some coca leaves lol. Lately I've been thinking about mixing a fat line of the girl with a fat line of deems. I wonder what you would call that? I snorted deems before and I think I would rather snort broken fine ground up glass. That shit burned, so if I ever try it again by blowing it you better believe it's going to be with a fat rail of yak lol. Fun trip though, not as intense but it felt like I was under water the whole time. I guess thats just how my trip played out. Peace