How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]


Active Member
do u HAV to use that much canni?
im not made of money..
its like 20 for a g around here.
nd im flat out broke.
do u think i could make it with like 2g's?


Well-Known Member
uh, freezing it will just make yerself a bowl of slush.

and I'd say it wouldn't be worth it to make any weed tasties with just 2 grams. ya ought to grow to shit so you've got ungodly amounts coming out of your ears!


Well-Known Member
So far, I took all the trimmings and stems from a 2 plant harvest, eat a few brownies, and feel tired. Maybe slightly high, but not really. I need to triple the dosage or something.

I think on my next harvest, I will just use quality covered trics leaf trimming otherwise used for making hash, and use that. I need a better THC ratio!
Yeah, you cant use the big fan leaves really. Only stuff with visible trichs on it... stems, shake (nugget shake), and trim that has crystals on it. It can be a pain picking out the trimming thats worth keeping, and the trimming that isnt, especially when youre doing a lot of plants, but by using only stuff with thc on it, youre guarenteed to have some potent brownies.

If you use actual weed... not just leftovers, you dont need to use nearly as much. I used 1/4 of nugs on a batch of 8 brownies and they were plenty potent.

Mids are also a good thing to use for cooking, if you dont have trimmings. Mids are much cheaper, but just as effective for cooking as good weed, but for the same price you have 4x as much. Since youre only extracting the thc and not smoking it, it doesnt matter that its seeded mids or whatever..


Well-Known Member
With 2g's, you can make firecrackers. Theyre not the best tasting, but youll get the same effects as a larger batch cooked properly.

IIRC, firecrackers = weed + peanutbutter + crackers + microwave.
I'm making brownies and new at it. Just bought a quarter of bud and don't know how much sticks of butter to add, and do I use the whole quarter with the butter amount. I'm making one tray of brownies. And any suggestions on wat to charge per brownie if i wasted $110 on a quarter and wasted $25 on the brownie ingredients...Thanx.


Well-Known Member
With 2g's, you can make firecrackers. Theyre not the best tasting, but youll get the same effects as a larger batch cooked properly.

IIRC, firecrackers = weed + peanutbutter + crackers + microwave.
Yea what he said, firecrackers are suppose to get you ripped and under a gram a piece, but taste like shit


Active Member
I've made this a few years back with a very similar recipe. However you should know that I used EVERYTHING: Leaves, stems, buds, branches, trunks, anything leftover on the floor that I didn't want to smoke.
You chop it all up, but I don't know why people insist on grinding down to a powder as I"ve seen here, it tastes pretty nasty and you really want to just STRAIN it and not have that in your butter.:spew:
I cooked it for about 12-18 hours, I started the night before and took it off the stove before work.

Now I remember someone saying something about using margarine instead of butter. I think I' used margarine just because butter burns at a lower temp than margarine.
(Now you chemists out there might have a point about the fat content in margarine not being conducive to binding with the THC, so I defer to someone with more experience in that matter.)

Anyway after pouring in a glass bowl, strained with cheesecloth. You twist that ball until every drop comes out. (The stems and trunk are soft now) And of course you chuck that away. In the end I had a flouresent green disk floating in some green water.

Now I made some cookies with it that have a really, really strong bitter taste. So make sure that the recipes you use have nuts, or chocolate chips, or something to counter that woody, bitter taste.
I've cut it also with normal butter and margarine, and this helped the flavour immensely.

I decided to put some on my english muffin in the morning when I went to work. Just a dab to taste it.

About an hour later I'm in my cubicle at work, and I am melting. I had my hands in my head, completely fucked up. Dealing with insurance customers all day was a nightmare!!!

I made cookies with it week later. Me and a girlfriend drank and ate about a dozen. The next day we woke up and couldn't move our legs!! She crawled to the toilet where she remained for two hours. I fell off the bed and somehow managed to call both of our jobs and say we were sick. It took hours for us to form proper sentences.:confused:




Active Member
Yeh awesome thread. I just pulled 4 hermies from my first frow, chopped them all up, dried them a bit and are on the stove atm. I used about half a stick of butter for about an Oz of stems and leaves. No idea what will happen but will repost tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Yeh awesome thread. I just pulled 4 hermies from my first frow, chopped them all up, dried them a bit and are on the stove atm. I used about half a stick of butter for about an Oz of stems and leaves. No idea what will happen but will repost tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes.
cool. cant wait to hear


Active Member
FAIL. lol damn i must have got it wrong. Have had 5 cookies now and not feeling a thing. Back to drawing board. More leaves, less butter, more fatty and i will stove it for 8 hours instead of 4.


Well-Known Member
FAIL. lol damn i must have got it wrong. Have had 5 cookies now and not feeling a thing. Back to drawing board. More leaves, less butter, more fatty and i will stove it for 8 hours instead of 4.
Haha, I hope you didn't end up on the floor an hour and a half after you wrote that....some baked tasties take a bit of time to kick in, and four hours is definitely sufficient time for that thc to dissolve into your butter.


Active Member
lol nah. I was eating one every hour to be safe.. after 4 hours i uped it to as many as i could eat but yeh nothing. I think i bodged it by trying to dry the leaves out too quick in the oven.


Active Member
thank you ...this website has done what it intended..i have the recipy i needed no problem..
thanks cakes here i come im gunna use 20 g ..good bud .. ill post how it went ..



Active Member
ok canna butter take 2. Using 3 whole hermi plants i pulled out for half a stick of butter since the last batch had no affect at all. Chopping it fine this time and leving for 6 hours instead of 4. This better work becuase i cannot get any real bud anywhere atm and still another month till me female is ready!


Active Member
lol speaking of cola, do you still have Dr. Peppa over there? The stuff that tastes like cough medicine? Canna butter looking much better this time only after 3 hours but im still doubtful it will turn out good.


Active Member
hmm i left mine uncovered during the simmering process. I hope this doesn't matter. GRRR why i cant i follow instructions!