How to sell weed? First-timer.

Its faily easy in the uk if you have friends who smoke, but i couldn't tell you for usa as its a totally different kettle of fish.
The money is made on the buy not on the sell. This applies to practically everything in life.

Secondly, selling pot to college kids is a terrible idea. You do realize they have futures in front of them? How many would turn and make a controlled buy when faced with the thought their parents might find out where their student aid money is going? Let other people worry about selling drugs and concentrate on what you are in school for... an education.

Stick with me, kid. You'll go far!
Yeah i agree just keep your head in the books because you obviously dont know what you are doing if you had to make a thread on how to sell pot...ROTFLMFAO
Yeah i agree just keep your head in the books because you obviously dont know what you are doing if you had to make a thread on how to sell pot...ROTFLMFAO

You don't have to be like that, bro. For the sake of keeping the vibrations lifted, I would say it is not tc's fault. Selling pot has been glamorized in recent years through the media, specifically, Hollywood. The lure of big money will always bring those down on their luck to the notion, but it is Hollywood that sells you this the most.

I believe that the world does need good dealers while prohibition and the war on drugs is occurring. The problem is many of the dealers and people associated with this lifestyle become prisoners of war and can turn states evidence on the guy above them at the drop of the hat. Considering such small returns one see's off selling drugs to begin with, and stacked comparably next to the things that "could" happen, I can't of good conscious recommend that line of work to anyone. The tricks that leo use are simple and as old as time; divide, conquer. In this regard, that would imply confidential informants. It is not fair to anyone, and yet it is still highly effective today. Again, I don't recommend to anyone selling any drug as a career path as it seems very short sided. Splitting up an ounce 4 ways between your buddies is a different story though.

Again, stay strong and stick with school. If you put half the focus into making an A in a class and doing well on the lsat as many do on selling drugs, you could be a huge asset to the war on drugs from a different angle. Why not become a lawyer and help the cause that way? Countless people are arrested every year and none of them belong in jail. Help them, raise your vibration, grow your own, and worry about money later in life. Sucks being poor, that's why people work hard to get out.

You don't have to be like that, bro. For the sake of keeping the vibrations lifted, I would say it is not tc's fault. Selling pot has been glamorized in recent years through the media, specifically, Hollywood. The lure of big money will always bring those down on their luck to the notion, but it is Hollywood that sells you this the most.

I believe that the world does need good dealers while prohibition and the war on drugs is occurring. The problem is many of the dealers and people associated with this lifestyle become prisoners of war and can turn states evidence on the guy above them at the drop of the hat. Considering such small returns one see's off selling drugs to begin with, and stacked comparably next to the things that "could" happen, I can't of good conscious recommend that line of work to anyone. The tricks that leo use are simple and as old as time; divide, conquer. In this regard, that would imply confidential informants. It is not fair to anyone, and yet it is still highly effective today. Again, I don't recommend to anyone selling any drug as a career path as it seems very short sided. Splitting up an ounce 4 ways between your buddies is a different story though.

Again, stay strong and stick with school. If you put half the focus into making an A in a class and doing well on the lsat as many do on selling drugs, you could be a huge asset to the war on drugs from a different angle. Why not become a lawyer and help the cause that way? Countless people are arrested every year and none of them belong in jail. Help them, raise your vibration, grow your own, and worry about money later in life. Sucks being poor, that's why people work hard to get out.

Thats a nice way of putting it.
Jay. ok your drug dealer name is Jay Dog. thats more trill. anyways let me answer your questions correctly. don't listen do what these amateurs have to say.

how do I get customers? - dial random numbers with your area code and ask them if they want to buy. also walmart parking lots are the best place to pick up new clientèle.

secure locations for the exchange? - just leave it in a bush and tell whoever is getting it to leave the money in the bush. bush deals r the best because bushes don't nark

a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? - you buy it for $80 and sell it for $60. it might seem like you are losing money but trust me. this will make people call you all the time for bud and you will start selling WAYYYYY more than all the other dealers. thats the best way to become a successful dealer

and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? - You definitely do not want to eat it, the cops will suspect that. all the pros plug it up their ass. best hiding place.

tard .
first of all a quarter can be sold from 80-120 bucks and if its really good it might be 5-10 dollars more (aim for 105-110 since you say you got that fire). Or you can make little dimes for such a small about make them .6 - .7 dimes. Re-up with that money. Also if you know the grower then tell him to hook you up a little if your boys with him, and let him know you're selling now, you can also take weight off of him, by working for him so he doesn't have to the shit, you do. a quarter is really hard to work with b/c its so little.

yeah and if u get caught? your dealer would hunt you if you get out off jail thinking you snitched on him
just get a real job and save money, then start planting your own weed to sell. work in a skateboard shop or something that you know that most customers probably smokes weed. but dude just get a real job it pays more than selling weed.
just get a real job and save money, then start planting your own weed to sell. work in a skateboard shop or something that you know that most customers probably smokes weed. but dude just get a real job it pays more than selling weed.

Well put.The money might look good up front but if you do the math a job works to your advantage.
Sounds like you have a need to sell....But We're sort of against selling illegally...Am I right guys?

Also sounds like you lack the experience needed to sell safely and intelligently.

Anyone who has the experience of a seasoned smoker/buyer...would know exactly what to do...I'd recommend continuing smoking for a few more years...Learn some lessons...take some losses...Then you'll have the know-how.
when can i sign up for drug dealing 101 ??
the game is hard if you tryna move will take your losses of being robbed or your connect not pulling through so you cant move stuff but only sell if you know what your doing because a cop would laugh if he saw this...and you know once you get in the game its gonna be hard to get out..
dude, here it is. Have you thought about the dispensaries? If you got a 'card' you can get into their offices and ask to speak to the manager to see if their willing to buy your weed. They will determine if its good weed or not and you better know what quality you got and they will either reject or buy your weed. That's the safest way to do business. Outside of that you shouldn't be asking online. Ask your dealer.
Counter Intelligence, Drop Spot's, Counter Measure Choke Point's, Logistics, Intelligence Gathering, Human Research, Sabotage. etc.
You have to learn EVERYTHING about your enemy, in your case LE.
These are my words of wisdom.
I've read alot of bashing and alot of help in this thread. Always amusing reading stuff like this. I'm just wondering why anyone would want to be a "dealer". You risk too much running the streets and who the hell would want to chop up ounces into small bags to carry around. I just find this ridiculous....

To be constructive about your endeavor I'll tell you a little bit about my plan. You can knock it or try it, doesn't matter to me. I don't smoke marijuana but I have a ton of very close knit friends who do. These folks are older and have old connects. Everyone is tight knit and and they don't run the streets dealing piddly dope bags. I'm working on my first grow using a separate flower/veg area. I have it set up that I will wholesale my entire harvest to one of my friends who also deals in brick weed. He buys his brick from whoever he buys it from, this isn't my concern, just as his client list isn't my concern. My concern is offloading my 1/4lb give or take harvest in one shot to somebody I've known for a very long time. The deal I've worked out is $200 per ounce if he buys the entire harvest or $275 per ounce if he buys by the ounce. This just happens to be my deal as in this area premium sensi can run upwards of $400 an ounce. It's a win win here for both of us. No running the streets, no bagging up anything under an ounce and no making multiple runs. This is not dealing, this is supplying. You don't want to be a "dealer", you want to be a supplier and offload to 1 person who can take care of getting rid of it without you being involved. As I dial in my growing, I'll make more money due to bigger yields, but it isn't a get rich quick scheme at all. It's a hobby that has a return on the time/money invested. I will always work my full time job, thats what pays the bills =)

Good Luck!
Get a job. Pay the bills with that job. Grow your play money.
I play it the same way as Mudslide. I deliver 2oz at a time -state mmj regs-. If they want 1/4 - half lb. they get it at $200. Only 2 oz- $250. Just like Costco-buy in bulk to save money.
And only grow top shelf strain - no schwag.
Oh and most important - to make a constant profit you need a system. If you want to harvest once a month you need 4 sets of plants 1 month apart in age.
Good luck!
Find a grower or grow yourself. It's the only way your going to make good cash doing it.

Do spots and contract enforcement, sell pounds.. or at least ounces to make worthwhile cash.
1st off your an idiot. If you want to learn to sell without getting your ass arrested, or jacked. You need to be familiar with it and people who smoke it iE.Friends for years. cause if you dont know your Shyyt of top oh Boy. Their is no REAL WAY TO SELL weed. you have to be in the position, you dont just pick a corner like in the movies. you have to be smart. Real Sellers dont need to sell to strangers, their life just happened to endup that way selling to long term friends & true connections. You cannot BUY trust with money weed or your beautiful mug. So anyone you meet is just another Risk. Best bet? Start chiefing dro to yourself learn to eyeball ammounts.Grow it yourself to get the knowledge now and whala in a few years.. new man.. if your friends arnt potheads yet.. make them or find some to create relationships with ^^.