How to sell weed? First-timer.

this was probably a troll anyway...
You need to know what you're doing before you start doing it to avoid learning by your mistakes. generally its not a good idea in the long run to sell small quantities of drugs. the risk is far greater than the reward. if you're selling dime bags of premo buds that means you'll be going through 54 different transactions to go thru an ounce? not worth it. don't sell to people you don't know. it's that simple. it might seem appealing to be that guy who has the best weed who all the stoners you know buy from, but you're also putting your name out there way too much. you're basically a cop magnet. the key is lie low, don't sell to too many people, don't try to be on top. there is plenty of room for dumber greedier dealers to get caught. let them serve as an example. trust me, if you keep it to your boys and have even 5 people who regularly buy from you, you will turn profit and still smoke every day.

BUT, you need to accept the risk and know the consequences, it comes right along with the game. as with many other things in life, risk and reward go hand in hand
this is just retarded, and this kids gonna end up in jail, and guess who's payin for this kids meals? Taxpayers
@ hippypicker lol yeah, dont be the drug dealer that works at the liquor store, who sells roofis instead of ecstasy like black doug! ha ha
best way to make money chopping is buy a quarter. sell it to someone then jack it back, and repeat, until nobody buys off you anymore. you can make alot of money off 7grams
how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy ) - no comment
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus ) - campus? who said anything about school grounds? loolz (cop)
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. ) - if your dealer upped his price, would you understand that he makes MORE profit ?
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? ) - if you're busted, its because they caught you WITH the drugs ..

Your basically asking the ppl of this site to do a survey for you, if you were a cop (which you are), you'd have an understanding of where med users, DEALERS, stoners hang out ..
You'd then follow there posts (as specially if there location is posted) and scan for similarities .. maybe ?? I would.
Are you a cop? you're too innocent for a first timer.
... basically,

"hey my name is Mr X, that is not my real name, you don't need my real name. Want to buy some weed?"
"psyche, yeah man i'll take oz."
"safe, here you go."
"ty mate"
"yer no probs"
"sorry about the mace and everything."
"dont worry about it, dont smoke it all at once"
"no promises"
"mmkay heres my number gimme a call if you need more"
"will do mate."

but seriously, you call yourself police... i've infiltrated this forum far better than you. muahahahahaha all these stoners are gonna get there cummupence.*

*i'm not police... im just really bored (stoned..) and ive just watched Cops With Cameras...
Like Al Pacino said in Scarface...... THE WORLD IS YOURS..... anything you want just get it... dont 4get dont get to greedy or you'll regret it... but yeah growing your own is where the money is at.
if you have to ask you don't need to be doing it. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you cant figure it out on your own your too dumb to be doing it. i dont mean to come off harsh i just dont want to see you get locked up because you tryed to do something you know nothing about

most people learn from someone so why be mean? when i was in high school i learned so he should too. the first thing to learn is that it's not worth it unless you never get caught/robbed. wont happen most likely. get another job because you could mess up school, etc

BUT if you really wanna i'd start by not selling to anyone you dont know. NEVER go on or within 1000ft of campus [the stadium/housing counts as well]. only keep like 3/4 of an ounce at once and NEVER in your domecile. just go get more if you need. trust me, people rob. and please keep your scale and everything else in your house absolutely clean. i cant tell you how many roaches i found under the couch cleaning yesterday. the cops will use whatever they can get. most important, if you get arrested, don't say anything.
most people learn from someone so why be mean? when i was in high school i learned so he should too. the first thing to learn is that it's not worth it unless you never get caught/robbed. wont happen most likely. get another job because you could mess up school, etc

BUT if you really wanna i'd start by not selling to anyone you dont know. NEVER go on or within 1000ft of campus [the stadium/housing counts as well]. only keep like 3/4 of an ounce at once and NEVER in your domecile. just go get more if you need. trust me, people rob. and please keep your scale and everything else in your house absolutely clean. i cant tell you how many roaches i found under the couch cleaning yesterday. the cops will use whatever they can get. most important, if you get arrested, don't say anything.

Don't you love it when your cleaning and there's just a bombardment of the shadiest paraphernalia...Having a lot of people roll through over the years sometimes I'll go through a major cleaning i find alll SORTS of baggies and roaches and carpet weed, even beer cans turned into pipes and shit stuffed under one of the couches...hahaha a few times i actually found like Full bags that somehow just slipped through the crack...1/8's and dubs and shit...funnny shit
-only chop to trusted people, less heat
- know the spots/ areas you chop in and dont bait out yourself chillin there on the reg
-if the kush your picking up is pricey, your gonna have chince a bit, intill you start chopping large weight
You posted the question because you´re looking for an answer. We all have to start somewhere, I was where you are many years ago.

How to get customers? Look around, search, show your merch, you don´t show you don´t sell. You see a group of smokers walk right up to them and get in there. Let them know. Look for females that love to party they will plug you in with the scene.

Secure Locations for exchange- private property, houses, apartments, anywhere away from the public space. you can do it in public such as gas stations or on the street, but you have to be slick and keep on moving. In a private sceneario you can weigh it out and session, more relaxed and chilled.

At first clients will be pushy, once you build your client base you begin to train your customers, let them know what spots and times are acceptable for you. If they want it great, if not they can go with someone else.

a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that?- Increase your buying capacity, start buying oz.s, then QPs, then the full lb. To make a profit you have to buy low and sell higher, negotiate a better deal from your source, when they know it´s for business they´ll usually help out, unless it´s a dick dealer, and if that´s the case boycott him all together.

and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? Eating it will dry out your mouth badly, try to save the product and bribe your way out of the situation. You have legs don´t you, then run, fast, put some distance. If the street level bribe does not work you will have to call your attorney, which you should have on retainer. Only take out what you´re going to move, don´t walk around with a pound, stash the pound and pull out an oz at a time, deliver 3 1/4s and hold on to one for demo.

For emergency evidence elimination you can use sulfuric acid, keep gallon of this on hand. You can keep a charcoal pit hot all day, you toss whatever into that and it will incinerate immediately

how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy )
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus )
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. )
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? )

I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.
If you have any more questions let us know, another pupil for the Frank Dank 420 school of dealing.

Done correctly there is more risk in being a taxi driver or a licor store clerk. Legalize it everywhere.
I will not post my name for privacy reasons, so just call me jay.

I've been smoking weed for 2 years now, I started smoking regs and then moved on to some grade A if not B+ grade weed. People have told me they've smoked the same strain but not as strong as mine, so I know I'm smoking fire stuff.

A few weeks ago I lost my job, plus I gatta study and go to school so my schedule wasn't really flexible. I know the dealer I buy my goods from also grows it indoor and even makes new strains by cross breeding, so I know I have a hook up their. But my problem is I don't know where to start like:

how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy )
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus )
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. )
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? )

I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.

Please and thank you guys :) first post.

Couldnt be bothered reading the whole post so i dunno if this has already been said, but buy an OZ at the cheapest price possible, split it into 50's and double ur money. I buy an OZ for $350 and after i sell it in 50's i make $800 so thats a profit of $450 of each oz, buy 4 or 5 ounces and u got a decent profit. Aslong as u can get a continuous flow of ounces coming in u should be able to make a steady ongoing pay, i grow small amounts aswell and i can tell u thats where the money is really at but it doesnt sound like thats an option for u so id stick to purchasing ounces and moving them in 50's, hope this helped.
I guess you have to decide what sort of a dealer your gonna be. In your case start off with people you at least know. Keep in mind that things will change and be more dangerous when a larger amount of folk know of your businesses.

Both of my parents started off smoking weed and graduated to selling bulk hard drugs. They did a good job of keeping it secret from me for some time :) However the stories they told me and the battle of making a new life afterwards... Plus at the end of things your gonna either get caught or be wise and stop dealing so why even have to be wise? And think, maybe you wont quit dealing after high school and fuck things up.

Bottomline, the most important thing to you should be your future. The big worry would be the criminal conviction on your university application form, eak!