I assume you are referring to: The Ten Crack Commandments...12345678910
if you have to ask you don't need to be doing it. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you cant figure it out on your own your too dumb to be doing it. i dont mean to come off harsh i just dont want to see you get locked up because you tryed to do something you know nothing about
most people learn from someone so why be mean? when i was in high school i learned so he should too. the first thing to learn is that it's not worth it unless you never get caught/robbed. wont happen most likely. get another job because you could mess up school, etc
BUT if you really wanna i'd start by not selling to anyone you dont know. NEVER go on or within 1000ft of campus [the stadium/housing counts as well]. only keep like 3/4 of an ounce at once and NEVER in your domecile. just go get more if you need. trust me, people rob. and please keep your scale and everything else in your house absolutely clean. i cant tell you how many roaches i found under the couch cleaning yesterday. the cops will use whatever they can get. most important, if you get arrested, don't say anything.
I will not post my name for privacy reasons, so just call me jay.
I've been smoking weed for 2 years now, I started smoking regs and then moved on to some grade A if not B+ grade weed. People have told me they've smoked the same strain but not as strong as mine, so I know I'm smoking fire stuff.
A few weeks ago I lost my job, plus I gatta study and go to school so my schedule wasn't really flexible. I know the dealer I buy my goods from also grows it indoor and even makes new strains by cross breeding, so I know I have a hook up their. But my problem is I don't know where to start like:
how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy )
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus )
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. )
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? )
I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.
Please and thank you guysfirst post.