How to sell weed? First-timer.

dont sell weed if you dont have customers.. very simple.. if you have no friends and shit.. its going to be difficult for you. lol.. being social helps lol .

if you really are interested in being busted. try craigslist.
if you have to ask you don't need to be doing it. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you cant figure it out on your own your too dumb to be doing it. i dont mean to come off harsh i just dont want to see you get locked up because you tryed to do something you know nothing about
I agree lol so in your first haha
if you have to ask you don't need to be doing it. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you cant figure it out on your own your too dumb to be doing it. i dont mean to come off harsh i just dont want to see you get locked up because you tryed to do something you know nothing about
Irish said it best.. Lol sonim gonna have to add that the best way for you to sell pot is to apply for the licensing there's your first step to being a successful pot distribution company..or kinda be your own independent in yo know the job and the goal so when you decide your hungry enough to figure it out you will make groceries appear.. Or pay for diapers,date night ,probation fees, school supplies for kid if have one the list could never end.. But if your still smoking and your stressing about bills you must nit have it that bad my friend because the start up of scale,bags,gas to get around ,inspection of vehicle for anything wrong,etc another one of those lists..but if you just wanna be ignorant and expect those who have hidden pasts,stealthy projects,experience,or even if for necessity.. To risk knowledge or tips of the trade to a who are you jay? Sure buddy try bartering only atleast you wont get attempting to sale or or distribution charges ...that's just my opinion. What did I known im just a bartender better stick to the first guys..
if you have to ask you don't need to be doing it. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you cant figure it out on your own your too dumb to be doing it. i dont mean to come off harsh i just dont want to see you get locked up because you tryed to do something you know nothing about
LoL - nuff said :bigjoint:
just remember being a drug dealer is like running any other business.

1. Be nice. No one wants to buy weed off a asshole.
2. consistently have quality smoke. BE the guy your friends can count on to get them high.
3. availability, people dont wait for there drugs. If you arnt ready to sell weed when someone asks you you have about 10 mins before they buy it off someone else.

my best tip for finding customers is just find some buddys and smoke up with them. When your buddy runs out of weed and ur sitting beside him with a big jar of it hes not going to get weed off someone accross town if urs is better.
If you want to start selling I suggest you do these following steps;

1.) Download the Tor web browser (other-wise know as the "Deep Web")
2.) Go to a site called Intel Exchange http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/
3.) Post this shit there

I myself am not a druggie or dealer, however knowing the people on/in the Deep Web, they will help. Matter of fact I'm posting this VIA Tor right now. ;)
Anyways good luck to you.
But but but Innomolus hangs out there!
And @BarnBuster
Damn that little bug in your sig.
First I blew at it to get it off my monitor.
Then I called it a stubborn little bastard and tried to lift it off with my finger gently as to not smear bug guts on the screen.
Then got to looking at it real close because I thought it somehow got UNDER the screen.
Before realizing that just isn't possible.
I'm done smoking for the night lol. wont make money selling weed unless youre moving trucks just my opinion...ive moved alot of different weight brotha and it just aint worth it really, not with the pathetic risk, if youre going to move weight you move WHATEVER you can make the most money on the fastest, then just stop, wait, and cycle, dont give them enougj time to build a case, regain reputation make them think theyre paranoid and you arent doing shit then drop it again like noones business. Unles youre willing to drop crazy startup money on a huge indoor system...
If your ever in doubt if someone is a narc, make em smoke weed.
If they're a cop (not including someone blackmailed by the cops to reduce their sentence i.e. not a cop), they can't and won't do it.
they'll loose their job.
good luck and only deal with people you know and trust.
you could set up a hierarchy with some friends, you grow and make your friends go and do the dirty work.
whatever you do use common sense.
Narcs can smoke all they want. They can bust you just for trying to make them smoke weed.
Couldnt be bothered reading the whole post so i dunno if this has already been said, but buy an OZ at the cheapest price possible, split it into 50's and double ur money. I buy an OZ for $350 and after i sell it in 50's i make $800 so thats a profit of $450 of each oz, buy 4 or 5 ounces and u got a decent profit. Aslong as u can get a continuous flow of ounces coming in u should be able to make a steady ongoing pay, i grow small amounts aswell and i can tell u thats where the money is really at but it doesnt sound like thats an option for u so id stick to purchasing ounces and moving them in 50's, hope this helped.
You sell half 8ths for 50 fucking dollars. God damn.
OP is in jail now for selling reggie for 10 dollars profit. If anyone else is interested in becoming a drug kingpin, I recommend following mr sunshines post.
The key to it is buying at wholesale prices and getting rid of it at retail prices. Don't mess with anything under a qp, don't get rid of anything over an oz, don't carry more than what is considered a misdemeanor for your area and don't carry extras (product, pipes,bags, scales, etc) once you make the exchange the only thing you should have on you is cash
My advice?

Don't deal if you're growing, sell it all (not all at once) to one person you trust and let them deal with breaking it up.

Not as profitable, but greedy equals getting caught.
I have an occasional grow for the sole purpose of selling but iInever wanted to do it full time coz I have a job, started selling to just friends first then iIgot random phone calls coz my friends told their friend then their friend told their friend... You get the idea. It's mainly word of mouth as far as customers go you'll make more just growing and selling 100% profit good luck
I remember my buddy slinging good pot for fun while I was in college. Guy asks if he can move in with me since I had a spare room. So I let him, and good lord did the fire roll in.... Before I met him, he was finding pot left and right then it got better. Funny thing is before we got moved in, we used to smoke resin balls from cleaning our pipes. Now I had fire that was just bomb bomb bomb and it changed often. Now he didn't sell often but it was a far cry from what I was smoking which was regs by my book. Just that high that got you high but it wasn't fun. Very plain high. Either way he sold and I had contacts and so did he.
Funny how i was buying weed from other folks that I knew and then it became those people buying from my friend. They got word out and that shit was tough to stop in a college town. Luckily it wasn't a big issue no cops involved but we had to cut people off because it got too popular. We were doling out pot faster than we could smoke it and that almost came to about a dub or an 8th a day between a few of us. Long story but selling is a relative thing. If you aren't selling for much profit, pay a bill or two, you ought to be fine but paying thousands? You're better off making sure you have a structured plan in motion and a back up plan and then a back up for that.