How to smoke a joint in a toke

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Everybody knows what a gravity bong is, right? Atleast I hope so...

1. Take you're standard gravity bong, and replace the existing bowl with a metal or glass bowl, with a long stem. The longer the better, but Id say about 2 inches is the minimum. (Heat the cap for the bottle up, and push the stem thruogh, for a good seal)

2. Find some stretchy, heat-resitant tubeing, and stretch it over the bottom of the stem. Heat resistant isnt neccacary, as long as you have a long eough stem, but be warned: some polymers release toxic chemicals when heated. ake sure you're tub goes all the way to the bottom, but doesnt touch

3. DO NOT cut te bottm of the bottle off, or it wont work. Instead poke a bunch of really small holes, if you poke enopugh, you wont notice when you take the hit. Screw the cap on the bottle. I have a 1.75 litere as the chamber, and a 2 litere as the "bucket" Load the bowl. Pull the bottle out of the water untill smoke begins to bubble up from the bottom. Its a great alternative to harsher straight bottle, and allows you to take aboslutley mssive hits, without even feeling it. It combines the filtering efect of a regular bong, and the effectiveness of a gravity bong.

4. If it doent work:

1. I bubbles from where I made the holes in the bottom of the botte, and not the tube. Answer: Make the holes smaller. Its easier to pull air up from the bottom, than it is to pull it down from the tube, if the holes are too big.

2. Water comes out the bottom, like normal, but it doesnt bubble. Answer: It's not seled properly, try pushing the bowl through another cap. Torch the cap untillit srtarts to melt, then quckley force the bowl through, smetimes it will require alot of force, but if it pops through, than it's propbibly a good seal.

Mine works great, and gets me way too blazed all the time.

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Come on guys! Its inegnious, everybod who has used it has asked me to make one!! Maybe you guys already thought of it... it irritates me when a whole bunch of people read you're post and dont respnd to it. Or maybe you're all busy makin one...