how to tell if our plants are stretching?


New Member
we planted our germinated seeds about 5 days ago. They sprouted about 3-4 days ago. Our tallest one is 2 inches already. it keeps tipping over under the oscillating fan and the other 9 arent. is this a sign of stretching? a couple are already 2 inches tall after sprouting 3-4 days ago. how far away should we have our 600 watt mh bulb? it makes sense to have it at 50% power and closer... will this fix the stretching problem?


New Member
idk why its not showing the pic, but its about 2 inches after sprouting 3-4 days ago. if anyone that knows if this would be stretching ide appreciate any help


Well-Known Member
ditch the 600w and put them under 24/7 6500k flouroscent lights for 2-3 weeks. your burning the plants either by light or heat.

as far as the tipping over, put some more soil around the stem, might have to build the soil up a little to give her some support. i did this to ALL my seedlings that were stretching.


Well-Known Member
Hard to really put a finger on it w/o pics[edit] It looks like someone fuck something up on RIU because pics stopped showing up... On other post too...