How to tell real purple weed from fake

I'm loling up and down this whole thread. Purple is always nice, because it looks pretty. That's about it. I've smoked a ton of weed, and I can truly say that nothing about purp sets it apart from good ole green. Sure, it's nice bag appeal, but I'm not going to water my shit with spray paint or dip my nugs in food coloring. Fuck that. Everyone seems to be overthinking something that will eventually become a puff of smoke. Just load the damn shit and hit it, motherfucker.
Purple weed tends to be crappy. GDP is the best purple weed I have tried and it is not really that purple.
So, don't buy purple weed.
I grew purple haze that actually turned purple. It was crazy good. It didn't clone very well or stay as healthy as my other strains so I only flowered the one plant and let the genetics die. It was good though, wish I still had it.



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What is the appeal of purple weed? Not like you're going to see it inside that joint.
To most folks who know their shit, purple is associated with a taste. The taste/smell is often grapey, fruity or berry like. There are many purple strains out there that do not possess this taste/smell. This may not make sense to some people but I will often say "this weed tastes purple" even when there is not the slightest tinge of purple in the bud. When it comes to marijuana I think purple is an adjective for a taste as well as a color. There is my two cents.
Canadian scientists are currently working on extracting specific genes from deep ocean species that exhibit the bioluminescence trait and are isolating the gene and inserting it in the DNA of marijuana so it glows in the dark.
Canadian scientists are currently working on extracting specific genes from deep ocean species that exhibit the bioluminescence trait and are isolating the gene and inserting it in the DNA of marijuana so it glows in the dark.

Lol that's so stupid but I would totally grow that shit!!

Yeah.. I've never had really great purple anything... sometimes I wonder weather or not I'm looking at some kind of purply/black mold lol. It's just supposed to look pretty.