How well are you liked VS. how much you like others


Well-Known Member
i like ppl's posts to let them know i read it. and when they like my posts i come back to see if they had more to say. its like a conversation. if they don't like my posts i often forget i even wrote it. and then there's certain ppl i just like everything they say but if somebody makes me laugh i like and rep. my likes give/get run very near the same most of the time. wish there was a love button.


Well-Known Member
Numbers are nothing but that, numbers. Are you touching peoples hearts positively, are you receiving the same from others? If not, prolly oughta leave the board simple as that.
I try to touch hearts but then i get told to keep my hands to myself.


Well-Known Member
I talked to an admin and they are changing "Likes" to "2_paranoids"

thats pretty telling as to how well liked I am around here

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
Why are the numbers off when you actually click on the likes? Mine says 122, but when you click on them it says 117 when it shows them?

Giggles says 9607 and 9604 when you click them.