How well are you liked VS. how much you like others


Well-Known Member
I overuse the feature here b/c it makes navigating easier for myself/others. If you look at your own postings on this site, there is a lag when using search feature...making it difficult at times to find your own posts.

Like solves that with one click.


Well-Known Member

Likes Received Likes Received (4501)
Likes Given Likes Given (5116)
2687 posts.


Active Member
I give out likes on my phone from the mobile site like a whore trying to make rent. When I go to the full site, it shows that I have given 0. Looks like I'm a dick but I'm not. I've been "liking" but for some reason the full site doesn't register it.

Just wanted to let riu community know that I appreciate the likes I have received and do attempt to give them out!

Turns out I was doing something else. Hooray for my brain! It actually took me getting really high to figure this out. Now I saw that I can only like from the full site. I'm given out likes now people! (Not that anyone gives a puff...)

Hey ebgood! Where's that booty shaking gif again? Gotta like the hell out of that one!


Sector 5 Moderator
where ya been hiding out?
My job has been kicking my ass bro. It's very physical and mentally challenging. I get home and wifey has dinner ready. I get maybe an hour on the computer then it's time to spend some quality time with her and our son.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
My job has been kicking my ass bro. It's very physical and mentally challenging. I get home and wifey has dinner ready. I get maybe an hour on the computer then it's time to spend some quality time with her and our son.
Your post makes me smile. To love & be loved......there's nothing like it.