How would you control guns?

How should we regulate guns?

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Well-Known Member
Would that Georgia mother the other day have been able to protect her family better against the intruder if she had less, more, or the same amount of ammo. Keep in mind she shot him 6 times, once in the head even, and he drove away.

use common sense, not dumbassery.
if she got him to flee using 6 shots, i think she could have even been MORE effective with 10 rounds, no? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You still can not make that assumption, I'm sorry. The timing would have been different, he might have slamed two 10 round cartrides in and on the third fumbled and taken down. Things do not always play out perfect in a situation as such.
you consulted with white supremacists before saying that, no doubt.


Active Member
How long will this take to release the weapon to the shooter? What provisions against failure? cn
It's a step in the right direction. I believe it could and would save lives. Its instant, the second your skin touches the pad its ready. I also believe we have the technology where law enforcement would be able to deactivate "lock" that weapon wireless. The big problem though "imo" is that if we cant control our borders and imports fully...nothing will matter. Regardless what happens or is solved here in this country. Cant get a gun here? Run over the border. Or it will be "i know a guy".


Well-Known Member
That doesn't negate the import of his post: you cannot know what would have happened. cn
true enough. but it does speak for itself what happened there. they got him changing clips. he didn't have to change his clip until he wanted to fire the 34th shot.

you would not be losing any freedom if he had to reload to fire his 11th shot. and you know it.


Well-Known Member
It's a step in the right direction. I believe it could and would save lives. Its instant, the second your skin touches the pad its ready. I also believe we have the technology where law enforcement would be able to deactivate "lock" that weapon wireless. The big problem though "imo" is that if we cant control our borders and imports fully...nothing will matter. Regardless what happens or is solved here in this country. Cant get a gun here? Run over the border. Or it will be "i know a guy".

Or it will be, "Im not taking all of my guns to the police station so the government can put devices on them to prohibit me from using it."


Ursus marijanus
It's a step in the right direction. I believe it could and would save lives. Its instant, the second your skin touches the pad its ready. I also believe we have the technology where law enforcement would be able to deactivate "lock" that weapon wireless. The big problem though "imo" is that if we cant control our borders and imports fully...nothing will matter. Regardless what happens or is solved here in this country. Cant get a gun here? Run over the border. Or it will be "i know a guy".
When you are in need of an effectively pulled trigger, the difference between instant and one full second can be life/death thrice over.

Imo the only way to effectively pursue the gun argument is to first do away with emotional arguments that boil down to guns, ewww! There is a societywide assault on the idea that guns are an appropriate tool for civilian self-defense. You notice it when folks ask "how would such a gun be useful for hunting and shooting target?" That is a good but imo the lesser reason for gun rights. The greater is to keep gov't honest. UB might weigh in with something about the Gov't with its nukes and tanks being unimpressed, but that will only demonstrate that he is ignoring my arguments to just that point. cn


Ursus marijanus
true enough. but it does speak for itself what happened there. they got him changing clips. he didn't have to change his clip until he wanted to fire the 34th shot.

you would not be losing any freedom if he had to reload to fire his 11th shot. and you know it.
This is where I say No. I would be losing freedom by the simple matter of a restriction being imposed. With the Ratchet a real situation worldwide, I simply say No. cn


Well-Known Member
This is where I say No. I would be losing freedom by the simple matter of a restriction being imposed. With the Ratchet a real situation worldwide, I simply say No. cn
lol, so much for you being radically pragmatic.

your freedom to fire 33 shots or 120 shots without reloading has to be balanced against people's rights not to be taken out by the 119th bullet.


Active Member
Or it will be, "Im not taking all of my guns to the police station so the government can put devices on them to prohibit me from using it."
Yep, there's many issues with what im talking about. I brought biometrics up because i thought people would find it interesting. Guns are here to stay. Disarming or restricting the right for law abiding citizens to own firearms will do nothing. Guns are here to stay regardless of laws. And im glad!!!


Active Member
Yep, there's many issues with what im talking about. I brought biometrics up because i thought people would find it interesting. Guns are here to stay. Disarming or restricting the right for law abiding citizens to own firearms will do nothing. Guns are here to stay regardless of laws. And im glad!!!
No wireless hacking from the man, a lot less problems. Fuck the man.

For someone to fire a weapon that isn't programmed for them would require far more complex hacking and would simpler to just get illegal gun to use, therefore leaving the general population that know how to conduct themselves alone.


Well-Known Member
The background check prevented the shootings?
I dont know how you came up with that. Desert Dude, you were right, I misread, he was turned down by the sporting goods store because he declined the background check. Wasn't exactly insisting, wasn't ramming it down your throat now was I?


Ursus marijanus
Woe now. AS AN INNOCENT I do have a right, TO NOT BE SHOT. Written/coded or not my friend. no matter any other FACT anyone may bring to this conversation.
You have the right to not get shot, but no guarantee. (After all, our cops are armed.) If you are truly serious about this, I suggest you consider the police's privilege to carry guns to not exceed that of the civil population. If you want less guns, remove privileged arms-possessor classes beyond active military.

Imo it is very important to distinguish a right from a certainty. The guns, ewww! activists tend to think that banning guns will lead to less violence. I consider it my right to not get stabbed. Against that, i will pursue my privilege to carry a weapon. Notice that i do not call it a right because if it were, i would not need to jump through hoops of qualification. cn


Well-Known Member
We need to control people. Considering nobody wants any restrictions on guns we need to tighten them up on people. An MMPI would do a lot to identify wackos. It could be blind - anonymous with a control number assigned - but no approval if mental illness is clearly evident would be a huge step in cutting down these senseless tragedies for shooters like in Aurora and Tucson. Kids taking guns they swipe from their parents? Gun safes should be mandated.

I was USMC 68-71 and I also taught at a medical magnet high school for 3 years. The thought of teachers armed and collateral damage are just a little too much. Teachers are flocking to gun classes to save their lives and who can blame them? But they are not combat trained. Trained cops doing such jobs are often strongly challenged.


Active Member
No wireless hacking from the man, a lot less problems. Fuck the man.

For someone to fire a weapon that isn't programmed for them would require far more complex hacking and would simpler to just get illegal gun to use, therefore leaving the general population that know how to conduct themselves alone.
I wouldnt mind it having something like that on my .45 though.Keep all my guns in my safe and have my pistol next to my bed. That way only i can shoot it and not have to worry about my kids or anyone getting a hold of it. I also dont have to tell a intruder to "hold on a minute while i get this safe open" as hes raping my wife.


Active Member
I wouldnt mind it having something like that on my .45 though.Keep all my guns in my safe and have my pistol next to my bed. That way only i can shoot it and not have to worry about my kids or anyone getting a hold of it. I also dont have to tell a intruder to "hold on a minute while i get this safe open" as hes raping my wife.
And oh shit..hold on another minute while i go into another part of my house to open another safe to grab ammo, because the law says i cant store ammo in the same place as my