How would you control guns?

How should we regulate guns?

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Well-Known Member
You never know where those fuckers could be hiding. Kind of like random safety checks at your home, you would never know when they're coming. You should really come out in full support of random home safety checks.
you're an idiot.

some kids here in portland, like age 7, pulled a gun on some lady the other day. do you think the parents should get off scott free for letting their kids get to their gun?


Well-Known Member
no, it's because it came up for renewal during a republican presidency and congress, dumbass.
You don't have to get mad at me because you support illogical laws. Is every law that has been on the books effective? Or is it all the Republicans faults?

the mag limit would have mitigated the tucson massacre. having to buy multiple guns and clips and extend your own clips is all extra nonsense that makes it tougher to do what you can do easily with a 33 round clip.

a 10 mag limit would have ended the tucson massacre before more people were killed or injured.
You can keep repeating yourself, maybe your assumption will become FACT if you type it enough.


Well-Known Member
Anybody that is any good would only take a few seconds to change clips. But that still does not prove your statement. Now if you want to continue to say something is fact, then make sure you have proof to back your silly ass up!!

describe to me the fashion in which loughner was stopped, white supremacist lover.


Well-Known Member
you're an idiot.

some kids here in portland, like age 7, pulled a gun on some lady the other day. do you think the parents should get off scott free for letting their kids get to their gun?

No, as I said twice before, I support punishment, but not fantasy preventative punishment forced upon all of the people who have done nothing wrong.


Well-Known Member
Anybody that is any good would only take a few seconds to change clips. But that still does not prove your statement. Now if you want to continue to say something is fact, then make sure you have proof to back your silly ass up!!
you gonna keep dragging your feet, or you gonna tell me how loughner was taken down?


Well-Known Member
No, as I said twice before, I support punishment, but not fantasy preventative punishment forced upon all of the people who have done nothing wrong.
punishing people for not locking their guns safely away from those who shouldn't get to them is "preventative" punishment.

anyone who does nothing wrong, i.e. locks their guns away from their mentally unstable son, would not be punished.

are you trying to not understand this?


Active Member
Bam. A little pin prick like diabetes test if you want to fire YOUR firearm. or something simpler like a finger print scan.
The technology is already here. On safes and the last i remember hearing about it being on a firearm was when they were testing it out with law enforcement.


Well-Known Member
Who's dragging there feet dick face? You made the statement.... just because he was taking down that way still does not prove your statement. You can't prove your so called fact. So just give it up all ready.

you gonna keep dragging your feet, or you gonna tell me how loughner was taken down?


Well-Known Member
Who's dragging there feet dick face? You made the statement.... just because he was taking down that way still does not prove your statement. You can't prove your so called fact. So just give it up all ready.
so let me put the words in your mouth for you then.

jared loughner was stopped when he went to change his 33 round clip.

would there have been more, less, or the same damage if he was stopped when changing his 10 round clip?

use math, not white supremacists.


Well-Known Member
punishing people for not locking their guns safely away from those who shouldn't get to them is "preventative" punishment.

anyone who does nothing wrong, i.e. locks their guns away from their mentally unstable son, would not be punished.

are you trying to not understand this?

Picking at straws because you have an overall shitty argument. Fine, I don't support preventative regulations, but I do support preventative punishment. Do you feel like you have won now?


Well-Known Member
Picking at straws because you have an overall shitty argument. Fine, I don't support preventative regulations, but I do support preventative punishment. Do you feel like you have won now?
i'm not trying to win anything.

i just think it's a good idea to keep your guns locked away from people who shouldn't have them and that it's a good idea to legislate this common sense into law.

i could care less what you think, how you put it, or anything else that doesn't give me something to do while waiting for the dishwasher to finish so i can vacuum.


Well-Known Member
so let me put the words in your mouth for you then.

jared loughner was stopped when he went to change his 33 round clip.

would there have been more, less, or the same damage if he was stopped when changing his 10 round clip?

use math, not white supremacists.
Would that Georgia mother the other day have been able to protect her family better against the intruder if she had less, more, or the same amount of ammo. Keep in mind she shot him 6 times, once in the head even, and he drove away.

use common sense, not dumbassery.


Well-Known Member
You still can not make that assumption, I'm sorry. The timing would have been different, he might have slamed two 10 round cartrides in and on the third fumbled and taken down. Things do not always play out perfect in a situation as such.

so let me put the words in your mouth for you then.

jared loughner was stopped when he went to change his 33 round clip.

would there have been more, less, or the same damage if he was stopped when changing his 10 round clip?

use math, not white supremacists.


Well-Known Member
i'm not trying to win anything.

i just think it's a good idea to keep your guns locked away from people who shouldn't have them and that it's a good idea to legislate this common sense into law.

i could care less what you think, how you put it, or anything else that doesn't give me something to do while waiting for the dishwasher to finish so i can vacuum.

You want to limit the amount of rounds people can hold, who knows what else. Don't make it out like you just want stricter punishments all of the sudden.