How would you feel/react?

Man wait till she is asleep and the jerk off in her face, and say there... now you know how it feels, then smile and wink at her and say nighty night sweetie I love you.

Earlier tonight I caught my Gf lying to me about something stupid. A chore needed done and it was her turn to do it, I asked her to do it and she said she already did it today. I knew she hadn't done it, but she assured me when i went for a nap earlier she did it. I told her she was lying and she said she would swear on her life she did it. Then I noticed a bit of evidence that proved she was lying. Something so silly and insignificant has now got me feeling horrible emotions of mistrust and anger. I yelled at her, used strong language etc I don't even know if i'm overreacting or not ,it's so insignificant ,yet at the end of the day she has broken my trust to some degree .. am i overreacting about it or was i right to yell?.. would you feel the same way? this is the worst thing to happen so far in 5 years of being together.:-(

smoke a blunt doggie. relax. tell her you dont want a lazy bitch. 5 years is a long time and this is all you have to worry about your golden. if she does that shit all the time i would get pissed. but still i get that trust issue thing becuz lying pisses me off regardless of how serious it is. ask her to do something important. tell her to grab something off the front porch for you like a tool or something. if she doesnt grab it, you grab it and 2 days later ask her where she put it becuz it cost like 600 bucks and you cant replace it anymore. lmao. did this shit once and she smartened up and gets off her ass more often now. lmao. told her it must have gotten stolen and thanks a lot. very effective.
Oh I'm sorry, I should just get all warm and fuzzy and hold hands with everyone else and sing kumbaya. It's a legitimate question, a good question and one that should be considered.

It's a legitimate question for someone trying to be a dick. Maybe he doesn't wanna think about how she could have lied and he never knew it? What kinda shit is that to put in someones head? Way to go Dickhole
this is the only time i have actually caught her lying. I worry if this is just the tip off an iceberg , Yelling gets you nowhere so you guys are right ,i did overreact a little.

FB - yeah 5 years makes it a bit more worth it..

Kmr- I was thinking along the lines of it was a white lie that spiralled out of control.. she didn't mean for it to get to a situation were she needed to defend it...

See4 i like your style man ,I also hate lies, I never tell them.I will do as you say and use this as a get out of jail, if she cheats though there is no going back i'm afraid. I always thought there was no chance of that ,but when shes just swore on her life on a pathetic lie about cat litter ,it might not seem to far fetched.

min, i'm chilling now with a joint and i guess i did overreact, i'm sure we can work this out..

sunnib - nah man she knew it, when i pointed out the evidence she looked like she just wanted te ground to swallow her lol..

You ever thing that your cats just took a piss in it after she cleaned it?
I missed the whole "swear on my life" part. That's the sign of a habitual liar right there in my experience.
yo puff, glad to see you're getting some good advice bro.

but honestly, let this one roll off your shoulder, don't sweat it. you never know what was going on her mind at the time. maybe she was occupied with something else, and just gave you a quick answer to let it go. or maybe she went to check the litter box and was like, "meh, doesn't need to be done"... so she figured that she did her job... or whatever.. but just this time, let it slide.

if you see a pattern, then you have this to use as an example of a "pattern" when you bring it up. lets hope you don't have to.
It's a legitimate question for someone trying to be a dick. Maybe he doesn't wanna think about how she could have lied and he never knew it? What kinda shit is that to put in someones head? Way to go Dickhole

It's a legitimate question. <--- that's the stopping point. Lying is something that weakens trust. When trust is chipped, no matter how small the chip, it's got to be questioned, and then that chip repaired.

And, you call him a dickhole, but not the cunt above, that said dude should blow a load on her face?
It's a legitimate question for someone trying to be a dick. Maybe he doesn't wanna think about how she could have lied and he never knew it? What kinda shit is that to put in someones head? Way to go Dickhole
I have no issues with your overly sensitive, pansy, squat when you pee personality calling me anything.
I missed the whole "swear on my life" part. That's the sign of a habitual liar right there in my experience.

naw, a girl can have something on her mind and just wants to not be confronted.. so she tries to end the conversation as fast as possible. it could be from anything. if this is the first time he "caught" her, i wouldn't jump to conclusions so quick... when he sees a pattern, then you roll in deep and be like, "look bitch, i done told yo ass dont be fucking lying, i will cut you deep bitch.... now go make me a sammich!" lol

but he shouldnt have to get to that point.
Wow seriously no need to be rude and try and upset someone who had the courage to discuss a personal problem. Grow up and learn some class
You're all a bunch of pansies. You guys gonna piss on his head and tell him it's raining too?

you callin me a pansy kinetic? i will show you r. kelly, ill make it rain up in this place.... and if it's gunna be that kinda party, im gunna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
Seriously? Over a cat box? Wow.

You have some anger issues. Or maybe you are pregnant?

Or maybe... your chick didn't want to hear you bitching about a cat box any more and just said it to shut you up.
you callin me a pansy kinetic? i will show you r. kelly, ill make it rain up in this place.... and if it's gunna be that kinda party, im gunna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
just make sure they arent hot. burnt dick is not a good time. lmao
And, you call him a dickhole, but not the cunt above, that said dude should blow a load on her face?

I've done this. And belive it or not, it's a great way to wake up and fuck hard, better then rolling over and touching the ass sayin "hey baby" and getting told to go the fuck to sleep.

He relized that he over reacted, but you shouldn't put the "what if this happend before" in the conversation because that causes paranoia and makes things harder to get back on track.