HPS Help

Royal Blue

Active Member
These pics are 2 weeks before harvest just wondering if i should upgrade to hps with no vent or stay with cfl?


Well-Known Member
even if heat doesnt become an issue you still need to maintain good quality air exchange. you need an exhaust dude at the very least.


Well-Known Member
you may be fine but a constant supply of fresh air would be better. plants use co2 and expell 0xygen so you want to keep fresh co2 rich air movin through and takin out the o2
do i need an exhaust do to having an hps or just period because I grow without
one fine with cfls?


Well-Known Member
I had a similar situation in a room like yours as far as heat and lack of ventilation was concerned I used an 8 lamp VHO flouresent which has more lumens than a 1000 watt MH,and cost less to run and it also runs pretty cool. You can hold your hand under it at 2" no problem. That helped a lot with the heat issue, and just finished six - 4' plants under it in soil, and they all grew great. I could leave the door open though and with fans keep the room at 76 to 78 degrees (in a basement). I used a ionizer for odor.

Royal Blue

Active Member
ok so i could upgrade to an hps just keep in mind
that my room could be better is that what your saying?
because the hps wouldnt increase the plants demand for c02.


Well-Known Member
if you want to you can but at this point, you have 2 weeks left? is that right? just ride it out you aren't going to benafit much from running 2 weeks under hps. work on your next grow build yourself a proper room for your next grow use your cfls to veg while you set it up you have a light already may as well get a fan and filter too then build an enclosure. thats what I would do.
ok so i could upgrade to an hps just keep in mind
that my room could be better is that what your saying?
because the hps wouldnt increase the plants demand for c02?

Royal Blue

Active Member
No those are old pics been curing for 2 months.
just trying to figure out if i should upgrade to
hps with no vent or stay with cfls because at the
moment there no way for me to vent or will there be anytime soon.