Hulk a homo?


Well-Known Member
Hulk Hogan is ticked off at his ex-wife, Linda Bollea.The wrestling star filed an 18-page lawsuit Thursday in Clearwater, Fla., reports The St. Petersburg Times, claiming she lied and defamed him in her new book, Wrestling the Hulk - My Life Against the Ropes. In the book, she writes that Hulk repeatedly physically abused her and had homosexual encounters.
The court action cites page 140 of Bollea's book, in which she alleges her husband "tore my shirt, threw lamps, and held me down on the bed with his hands around my throat during arguments. Slamming doors. Pounding walls. I was always afraid he would kill me in one of his rages."
In a June radio interview, the lawsuit says, Bollea repeated the abuse allegations and also accused her ex-husband of having a sexual relationship with another male wrestler, Brutus Beefcake.
Hogan (real name Terry Bollea) says the claims have harmed his reputation and that she is trying to revive a "sagging career," which ended with their 2009 divorce. He is demanding a jury trial and a halt to his ex-wife's comments.
The Times notes that the lawsuit comes two weeks after the terms of the couple's confidential divorce settlement came to light in court filings. Documents show Linda Bollea received a little more than 70% of the couple's liquid assets in the settlement, including cars and millions from the couple's bank and investment accounts.
Watcha gonna do when the hulkster runs wild on YOU?


Well-Known Member
brutus beefcake and hulk hogan :)

one can just imagine the matched towels with hulk and brutus embroidered on them :D


Well-Known Member
It shrinks your nads..

Maybe he was just lookin for another man with a baby sized penis ? :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hulkamania you lil twerps! Dude will always be one badass suburban commando. Quit hating ya weasels!


Well-Known Member

lol the ronald raegen one is the best imo


Well-Known Member
that pic should have the caption

"Steroids, you grow large but your penis, does not"