human shitbag ariel castro hangs self

when you're in solitary/isolation/protective custody, all you have are your thoughts and memories. Better hope that you have more memories worth living for than memories that make you want to die. I did a 6 month stretch in solitary once, we had 2 suicides. .....snip.......

Isolation, it separates the APD's from the herd. However the problem is when the permanent schism is internalized. When you no longer seek, or actually reject, the companionship of any others, you simply feast upon anything, then the perfect predator has been created. The prison system seemed to me to be predator creation 100.
Of course scum like him should suffer, he kidnapped , raped these girls repeatedly and then beat the snot out of them so they would miscarry.
Then on the taxpayers dime he gets to live in relative safety with three squares.
From what I've read none of those women had any of those guarantees while he had them.
Fuck him and anyone who feels sorry for him.

You sir, are a hypocrite. The girls were afforded safety and protection by the law, it failed. The girls were his victims. In prison he should have been afforded the same right to be free from harassment, and if it failed, it is what it is. No reason to cheer, though. Either every life deserves equal protection, or no life deserves protecting. Take your pick, compassion or vendetta? Let me ask you, were YOU raped by him? If not, than I'd say you actually are a sadist, but a bit afraid to actually get on with it yourself, so you get with the crowd and cheer for the torture of others.

I'm not sure that last sentence was directed at me, but, I'm constitutionally incapable of feeling sorry for anyone, and would prefer not to have intercourse with you.
Isolation, it separates the APD's from the herd. However the problem is when the permanent schism is internalized. When you no longer seek, or actually reject, the companionship of any others, you simply feast upon anything, then the perfect predator has been created. The prison system seemed to me to be predator creation 100.

The genetic predisposition towards APD, and those incidents we've discussed, when I was a little kid, that set me apart. Solitary was a gift for me, I'd get a 30-90 every year or so, kinda' a vacation. It did really set in though, the love of isolation, during that 6 month stretch. I hated using my voice when I got out. I still dislike talking, and would rather write/email/text. My circle of acquaintances is never more than I can count on my hands...

I don't understand the fascination that otherwise normal people have with homosexual S/M fetishes. The whole prison sex thing... I just don't get why otherwise "straight" and "Non-violent, normal" people get so excited about prison sex.
You sir, are a hypocrite. The girls were afforded safety and protection by the law, it failed. The girls were his victims. In prison he should have been afforded the same right to be free from harassment, and if it failed, it is what it is. No reason to cheer, though. Either every life deserves equal protection, or no life deserves protecting. Take your pick, compassion or vendetta? Let me ask you, were YOU raped by him? If not, than I'd say you actually are a sadist, but a bit afraid to actually get on with it yourself, so you get with the crowd and cheer for the torture of others.

I'm not sure that last sentence was directed at me, but, I'm constitutionally incapable of feeling sorry for anyone, and would prefer not to have intercourse with you.

The last sentence was directed at anyone that feels sorry for him so do you feel sorry for him?
I am not a sadist, far from it, you see scum like him choose to live outside the law but when they get caught they hide behind the law so they have the best of both worlds unlike the victims.You say the law failed them, perhaps in the aftermath of their disappearance it did but the law or anyone for that matter cannot predict crimes so there's no way of preventing such crimes.
I have no compassion for people like him, regardless of how he was raised, big boo hoo, you speak of every life being treated equally but he made a conscious decision to harm these ladies in an unspeakable manner and do you think he would have developed a conscience and some of that compassion you mention if he hadn't been caught?
As for intercourse what are you on about.
You seem to want to get personal because I am expressing my entitlement to an opinion so maybe you should go have intercourse with yourself and shove your compassion where you shove your dildo.
i LOLed pretty hard at the title.

5 stars therefore. i predicted..jailhouse justice:mrgreen:no way this guy does a plea deal "for life sentence" then off's himself..told ya guys..this girl know her shit or in this case "shitbag":lol:..

EDIT: 5 stars because this was news to me today..
when you're in solitary/isolation/protective custody, all you have are your thoughts and memories. Better hope that you have more memories worth living for than memories that make you want to die. I did a 6 month stretch in solitary once, we had 2 suicides. Another 180 day discipline, and a check in (protective custody.) I know the check in was a sex offender.

Guards did their job just fine. They checked on him every 30 minutes, according to current news sources. So, he couldn't do the time, oh well.

All of you people wishing the shit on him in g-pop... Why is he less human than his victims? Why does he deserve to be tortured and raped? Isn't that condoning his very actions? It's no different, a predator and prey ... Weaker being preyed on by the stronger. And, remember this, the next time someone posts about killing an animal and laughing about it. It's again, no different. Killing/torture for the pleasure of it, you've just condoned those actions.
why is he less human? he committed inhumane and unforgivable acts for years and would have continued had he not been caught. why does he deserve torture and rape? he should not be forgiven for his crimes. after what he has done why is it fair to treat him as an equal human being? he is not equal. the amount of purposeful torture he inflicted on his victims would be almost impossible to match both mentally and physically. torturing such a being cannot be considered condoning his in your mind is killing this man equal to killing an animal? maybe you feel this way because you are thinking our sole intent is to seek pleasure when torturing or killing this man, but there is so much more than that; it is only natural that we could potentially feel pleasure in doing such a thing. i probably wouldn't, but some might. i would want him tortured or killed simply because he has done more wrong than can be forgiven and does not deserve just nor humane treatment.
Laws are in place to help curb people from doing shitty things to one another. In our society we have to move through everyday trusting one another. Everytime you drive you do this. Everytime you leave the house you do this. If I go get my mail and am ran down it's not the cops fault, it's the douche bag that hit me who is at fault. Once you act with malice towards your fellow human out of your own personal desires it is the instigator who is at fault not the laws.
I thought he didn't want the death penalty... dude.. doesnt he have a daughter or something? srry kid, your dad is a fuck up.. He got hit by a train..

yes, he had a daughter with michelle the first girl he captured..the one who came to court and read the open letter at his hearing..
The last sentence was directed at anyone that feels sorry for him so do you feel sorry for him?
I am not a sadist, far from it, you see scum like him choose to live outside the law but when they get caught they hide behind the law so they have the best of both worlds unlike the victims.You say the law failed them, perhaps in the aftermath of their disappearance it did but the law or anyone for that matter cannot predict crimes so there's no way of preventing such crimes.
I have no compassion for people like him, regardless of how he was raised, big boo hoo, you speak of every life being treated equally but he made a conscious decision to harm these ladies in an unspeakable manner and do you think he would have developed a conscience and some of that compassion you mention if he hadn't been caught?
As for intercourse what are you on about.
You seem to want to get personal because I am expressing my entitlement to an opinion so maybe you should go have intercourse with yourself and shove your compassion where you shove your dildo.

I don't have compassion, not for him, and not for any of his victims. I lack empathy, and therefore cannot build up to emotions like compassion. Wanting to see someone torture is sadism. it IS, there is no arguing it. The argument comes later, in whether or not you are ok with knowing you condoned the raping and torture of a human.

Letter of the law, that's what it is. You either condone his actions, or you condemn the actions of others that do the exact same thing.

why is he less human? he committed inhumane and unforgivable acts for years and would have continued had he not been caught. why does he deserve torture and rape? he should not be forgiven for his crimes. after what he has done why is it fair to treat him as an equal human being? he is not equal. the amount of purposeful torture he inflicted on his victims would be almost impossible to match both mentally and physically. torturing such a being cannot be considered condoning his in your mind is killing this man equal to killing an animal? maybe you feel this way because you are thinking our sole intent is to seek pleasure when torturing or killing this man, but there is so much more than that; it is only natural that we could potentially feel pleasure in doing such a thing. i probably wouldn't, but some might. i would want him tortured or killed simply because he has done more wrong than can be forgiven and does not deserve just nor humane treatment.

We have laws in place, to protect us, and to protect those who hurt us. We all operate outside the bounds of the law. That doesn't give people the right to torture us. You say you want to see him tortured and killed, support his being raped. Would you do that to him? I would. If I were in the joint, I'd find out who was protecting him, I'd convince them that he would not be killed, and that he'd still pay his protection tax. And then I'd break out my knife and razor (even in the joint I kept those.) I know it's wrong though, and I know it's for nothing but my own personal satisfaction. I won't get behind others doing it, because they are violating the sanctity of life.

Laws are in place to help curb people from doing shitty things to one another. In our society we have to move through everyday trusting one another. Everytime you drive you do this. Everytime you leave the house you do this. If I go get my mail and am ran down it's not the cops fault, it's the douche bag that hit me who is at fault. Once you act with malice towards your fellow human out of your own personal desires it is the instigator who is at fault not the laws.

Gotta say, I really thought you'd swing for the side of the law being the punishment. And not get behind torture. No matter how fucked up he is.


APDs don't develop a conscience. We don't have them. We don't "find" compassion, guilt, or remorse. Our brains function differently than people with a conscience. It's just the way it is. Now, "broken" people, AKA BAPD, they do have a sense of guilt. The reason they're called broken is a B (borderline) does actually have a conscience. The do have empathy. So, they CAN (re)develop emotional bonds. That's the opposite of the separation that Annie mentioned. They are broken though, because they were exposed to an amount of violence, at a young age, that their emotional cord severed. Because they had it, they still do, but, the primitive brain overrides it. When finally stopped, the reality of what they did begins to set in. At that point, it gets ugly. Think about every single wrong thing you've ever done. Then, think about the reality of it, the guilt for every pinched cigarette, every time you cheated, every time you beat someone's ass, every time you told a lie... Everything. All of that guilt hitting you at once.

His suicide showed that he had in fact reconnected. It also shows that as a very small child, he was abused in some way, so horrifically that his mind made the decision to reject all emotion. He was seriously sick, and very dangerous. It's good he's gone.
I don't have compassion, not for him, and not for any of his victims. I lack empathy, and therefore cannot build up to emotions like compassion. Wanting to see someone torture is sadism. it IS, there is no arguing it. The argument comes later, in whether or not you are ok with knowing you condoned the raping and torture of a human.

Letter of the law, that's what it is. You either condone his actions, or you condemn the actions of others that do the exact same thing.

We have laws in place, to protect us, and to protect those who hurt us. We all operate outside the bounds of the law. That doesn't give people the right to torture us. You say you want to see him tortured and killed, support his being raped. Would you do that to him? I would. If I were in the joint, I'd find out who was protecting him, I'd convince them that he would not be killed, and that he'd still pay his protection tax. And then I'd break out my knife and razor (even in the joint I kept those.) I know it's wrong though, and I know it's for nothing but my own personal satisfaction. I won't get behind others doing it, because they are violating the sanctity of life.

Gotta say, I really thought you'd swing for the side of the law being the punishment. And not get behind torture. No matter how fucked up he is.


APDs don't develop a conscience. We don't have them. We don't "find" compassion, guilt, or remorse. Our brains function differently than people with a conscience. It's just the way it is. Now, "broken" people, AKA BAPD, they do have a sense of guilt. The reason they're called broken is a B (borderline) does actually have a conscience. The do have empathy. So, they CAN (re)develop emotional bonds. That's the opposite of the separation that Annie mentioned. They are broken though, because they were exposed to an amount of violence, at a young age, that their emotional cord severed. Because they had it, they still do, but, the primitive brain overrides it. When finally stopped, the reality of what they did begins to set in. At that point, it gets ugly. Think about every single wrong thing you've ever done. Then, think about the reality of it, the guilt for every pinched cigarette, every time you cheated, every time you beat someone's ass, every time you told a lie... Everything. All of that guilt hitting you at once.

His suicide showed that he had in fact reconnected. It also shows that as a very small child, he was abused in some way, so horrifically that his mind made the decision to reject all emotion. He was seriously sick, and very dangerous. It's good he's gone.

minne - many people have abusive, horrific childhoods and can still feel compassion, guilt and remorse..i believe it goes back to your genetics and predisposition in how you process that abuse.. he was delusional and you are correct in saying he reconnected..but that was a reconnect with the true reality that lockdown is not a "cake walk or a bargain to keep his life" his first victim, Michelle, said in court.."her hell is over, now his will begin"..funny it only took 30 days for this sick, dangerous person to "come to his senses"..
His suicide showed that he had in fact reconnected. It also shows that as a very small child, he was abused in some way, so horrifically that his mind made the decision to reject all emotion. ..snip.........

Apd isn't only from torture nor is it always the end product of such. That's a quibble but not much. His suicide could have shown he put his overlay back on, true. Another alternative is he simply did the math. I'm still not convinced the guards did not help him. Cops and robbers, two sides of the same coin is what people seem to forget.

If we were actually serious about prison's for rehab we would not run them as we do now (a way around the 13th amendment which specifically prohibits that end run but is ignored ha!). Prisons would not have any of the drug abusers, prostitutes etc.. There would be no white collar prisons, simply take their shit and send them on their way to begin again and publicity would take care of that issue and the social milieau them.

Next the prison's would be clean, sanitary and safe. Being separated from the herd, without your own choices in daily life is enough punishment. But in the prison there's school, school and more school. There should be many vocational options. Parole is no longer drug testing it's about making sure you have a good job and keep it. If you are having trouble at work there is intervention with the parole officer to help you fix it in a socially acceptable way. Not find a way to violate your fucking parole and send you back to time out where you learn nothing.

So the normals with the pitch and pitchforks decide if human life is sacred or not. But once you decide ONE human is less worthy then BANG all we are quibbling about is price and you will be next (eventually). Back to the prisons. There will be some so dangerous they will not be able to leave the therapeutic milieau of prison. That is why prison's should be normal contained and cared for societies. They should mirror what we hope to send 'them' back to. They should be the best areas to be. Model systems of humanity.

One day when we finally look back upon our history when we are further along and have cracked the human mystery and can reach in and fix actually broken minds. We will reflect on the savage witch doctors we were, punishing broken machines. Sort of like taking out the Toyota's whose accelerator's stick and executing them for their 'bad' behavior. So while we don't have the insight, knowledge or the fix maybe we can sort of do the there but for the grace of god go I schtick and show some of that empathy you normals are so proud of. Empathy is easy when you can feel it but the real test is can you offer help to someone you despise?

I agree he was a monster. But our society will be known by how it treats it's monsters. So is all human life sacred or is that another sound bite?

Again I could be very wrong here as I am most definitely not even horseshoe close to normal (and I think we can all agree on that last sentence at least).
yet another epic fail on the guards behalf

he wasn't actually on a formal suicide watch. suicide watch involves constant observation or checks far more frequent than 30 minutes. it takes a lot less than 30 minutes to hang oneself. the guards were doing what they were instructed to do. he learned their routine, saw his window and took it.

as for all the sadism talk, fair enough. i'm not above petty vengeance, though. i'm only human. i'm only against the death penalty because it costs more than life imprisonment most of the time. death for free by the guy himself is fine by me. this guy stole more from humanity than he could ever hope to repay even if he lived the 1000 years. it's far deeper than 'he's a human" or "he's ill". he was not delusional. he was not incapable of understanding what he was doing. he was not seeking retribution against someone who did him a wrong. he was a turd.

my satisfaction with his death or dissatisfaction with his lack of suffering is far more human than the shit he did. it's one thing to not feel emotions toward other people, it's something else to willfully inflict hell on them for no reason than to get personal thrills.
he wasn't actually on a formal suicide watch. suicide watch involves constant observation or checks far more frequent than 30 minutes.......snip....

Every 15 minutes, medical standard of care..... shrug.... consider it takes about 6 minutes to die sufficiently for no really successful restart. There should be a camera with machine vision interpretation that sends a page to a guard if we were really serious about this. But I don't think they wanted to actually watch him. It was probably kinder for everyone concerned considering.

Oh and your quibble about the definition of humanity that's the slippery slope I spoke of. You see we look at the monsters and can all agree they are less than us..... Then as the definition shifts over time we get unhappy when we are rolled up in it. Oh those awful opium abusers and look at what happened to pot.... yeah this approach works so well...

But you see until the populace puts down the pitchforks and pitch we are still in the dark ages. The tyranny of the mean (statistical reference not colloquial mean), and I am so tired of it. We just torture those in the third std. deviation. Yeah he was sick, evil, awful, nuts whatever perjoratives you choose. He was not fit for human society. So how do we illustrate humane methods.

Does retribution EVER beget anything but MORE retribution? Haven't we learned that an eye for an eye only leaves the entire world blind?
he wasn't actually on a formal suicide watch. suicide watch involves constant observation or checks far more frequent than 30 minutes. it takes a lot less than 30 minutes to hang oneself. the guards were doing what they were instructed to do. he learned their routine, saw his window and took it.

as for all the sadism talk, fair enough. i'm not above petty vengeance, though. i'm only human. i'm only against the death penalty because it costs more than life imprisonment most of the time. death for free by the guy himself is fine by me. this guy stole more from humanity than he could ever hope to repay even if he lived the 1000 years. it's far deeper than 'he's a human" or "he's ill". he was not delusional. he was not incapable of understanding what he was doing. he was not seeking retribution against someone who did him a wrong. he was a turd.

my satisfaction with his death or dissatisfaction with his lack of suffering is far more human than the shit he did. it's one thing to not feel emotions toward other people, it's something else to willfully inflict hell on them for no reason than to get personal thrills.

when i say delusional..people keep telling themselves it is so..then it will be so..he had an uber sense of narcisissm..even to go as far as being argumentative with judge at his hearing trying to convince the court that he and his captives were all one happy family, even though he already plead watching him on TV at this hearing, i could see he really believed his shit..