human shitbag ariel castro hangs self

Judging from his last post I think there's other more important tests they'll need to do

I did my time for it. "Emotional Overload for the poor kid! To see his best friend raped like that, and, it's probably the music!" 6 months of anger management, a psychological evaluation, and a year of probation. They did pound me the next round, that's when I did my big stretch.

I make no secret about what I am. That's more dangerous for me than you'd know. Not only do "normals" hate me for what I am, but my kind generally hates me for airing our thought processes, and being glib about my "personality disorder." We're different, but very similar. I have a strong moral code, I quit my job, knowing it may financially set us back, because my boss allowed a thief to walk clean. I'll deal with the thief in my time, the boss is a good person, and I made sure that there was a person there that could stop me, if he started a fight.

There has to be a common ground we all meet on, though. Do you have any idea what it's like, knowing that people, given the chance, state constantly that they would torture my kind. I've seen it go so far as "he's got kids, kill them too, they're probably monsters." "Normal" people constantly claim that WE (psychopaths/sociopaths/the broken) are the monsters, but, in the next sentence, they state their desires to see the EXACT SAME THING done to the person who did it. That makes NO sense. I agreed to respect all life, and only take it in defense of self or those I have given my promise of protection to. No more vendettas. Why is it that a "monster" can do that, but people that SHOULD NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT AS AN OPTION continue to yell and scream for it?

Not all of us are rapists, or killers, or suffering from a secondary "mental illness" that causes blood urges. Not all of us are the broken. A lot of us are actually GENETIC. The guy in the white house, he's one of us, the guy that'll fix your heart, or the chick that will carefully remove that tumor from your head, so you don't die, they're one of us. It's not "for humanity" it's for the challenge. The "House" avatar. Always makes me laugh. He was the first openly APD doctor on television. We are absolutists, though. You get it one way: Monstrosity bad, or Monstrosity good. Not both.
I did my time for it. "Emotional Overload for the poor kid! To see his best friend raped like that, and, it's probably the music!" 6 months of anger management, a psychological evaluation, and a year of probation. They did pound me the next round, that's when I did my big stretch.

I make no secret about what I am. That's more dangerous for me than you'd know. Not only do "normals" hate me for what I am, but my kind generally hates me for airing our thought processes, and being glib about my "personality disorder." We're different, but very similar. I have a strong moral code, I quit my job, knowing it may financially set us back, because my boss allowed a thief to walk clean. I'll deal with the thief in my time, the boss is a good person, and I made sure that there was a person there that could stop me, if he started a fight.

There has to be a common ground we all meet on, though. Do you have any idea what it's like, knowing that people, given the chance, state constantly that they would torture my kind. I've seen it go so far as "he's got kids, kill them too, they're probably monsters." "Normal" people constantly claim that WE (psychopaths/sociopaths/the broken) are the monsters, but, in the next sentence, they state their desires to see the EXACT SAME THING done to the person who did it. That makes NO sense. I agreed to respect all life, and only take it in defense of self or those I have given my promise of protection to. No more vendettas. Why is it that a "monster" can do that, but people that SHOULD NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT AS AN OPTION continue to yell and scream for it?

Not all of us are rapists, or killers, or suffering from a secondary "mental illness" that causes blood urges. Not all of us are the broken. A lot of us are actually GENETIC. The guy in the white house, he's one of us, the guy that'll fix your heart, or the chick that will carefully remove that tumor from your head, so you don't die, they're one of us. It's not "for humanity" it's for the challenge. The "House" avatar. Always makes me laugh. He was the first openly APD doctor on television. We are absolutists, though. You get it one way: Monstrosity bad, or Monstrosity good. Not both.

thank you for sharing, minne..what happened to that guy..did he die?
thank you for sharing, minne..what happened to that guy..did he die?

Not back then, but, he went to prison a castrato with "rapist" carved into his chest, once on each side. I called emergency services at the McDonald's, and let 'em know that some guy cut off his nuts, cauterized it with a MAPP torch and brazing tip, and ate them, sauteed in butter with garlic., after kick-starting his pulmonary system with 3Mg of adrenaline.

I think they knew he didn't do it to himself, before he told them. He had to confess the rape to implicate her father, who pointed squarely at me, as I had told him he could do. I did my MMPI, my scalar personality test, IQ test, and case history study. I was thrown in anger diversion, as I had already been incarcerated and that simply made me more efficient.
All of you people wishing the shit on him in g-pop... Why is he less human than his victims? Why does he deserve to be tortured and raped? Isn't that condoning his very actions?

you gotta be fucking kidding me?? "Why does he deserve to be tortured and raped?" seriously?

this piece of shit should be tortured daily like Moses Roper was. every member gets to whip him 50 times as hard as they can. then feed him and keep him alive so he doesnt die and they can do it more. then peel his finger nails and toe nails off. he should be tortured like the innocent families in concentration camps in northern korea and get his head beaten on until his ears fall off and his eyes are sideways in his head, then practice surgery on like doctor death did in the holocaust camps to kids with no anaesthesia. all while being mentally tortured as well, like he did to those women.
you gotta be fucking kidding me?? "... whip him 50 times as hard as they can. --

then feed him and keep him alive so he doesnt die and they can do it more. then peel his finger nails and toe nails off. he should be tortured like the innocent families in concentration camps in northern korea and get his head beaten on until his ears fall off and his eyes are sideways in his head, then practice surgery on like doctor death did in the holocaust camps to kids with no anaesthesia. all while being mentally tortured as well, like he did to those women.

First, great argument for humans being better than monsters.

Second, so, I read that as it's written, and was like "how will they whip him 50 times harder than they can?" And chuckled, and then I processed it, and laughed my ass off at the difference in meanings. 50 lashes is 10 more than a death sentence, and most people's heart don't make it past 30... So, limit to 10 per, 20 minute intervals, 3 max daily, and, skin shredders like bull whips or tails are a bad idea, he'll shock out on you before day 2.

You have a knack for describing it, got any skeletons in that closet of yours? Or, just really twisted? Tell you what, some day, I'll stop by with someone for you. I'll give you proof of guilt, and the requisite tools for a fuckfest of torture. You let me know how you work it out.
Don't get me wrong minne I'm sure the dude was a piece of shit, but you can understand why people wouldn't wanna be caught down an alley late at night with either of you now. Not that you're the same, but if your beef is the hypocrisy of people wanting to fight fire with fire, then I guess you're guilty of that too
Don't get me wrong minne I'm sure the dude was a piece of shit, but you can understand why people wouldn't wanna be caught down an alley late at night with either of you now. Not that you're the same, but if your beef is the hypocrisy of people wanting to fight fire with fire, then I guess you're guilty of that too

i'd be okay with minne or vac any night or alley and be more worried about the men who looked at me the wrong way:wink:
Don't get me wrong minne I'm sure the dude was a piece of shit, but you can understand why people wouldn't wanna be caught down an alley late at night with either of you now. Not that you're the same, but if your beef is the hypocrisy of people wanting to fight fire with fire, then I guess you're guilty of that too

No, my beef is with people demonizing psychopaths, not because of things done, but because of a genetic difference. And, my other beef is with people talking about "losing humanity" and then asking to travel down that road. To endorse that is no different than to do it.

I've made a conscious decision to not be the monster in any dark alley. But, I do understand the feeling. Even if you did view us as "the same" I'd understand, it's a logical conclusion, and most people DO view us as the same, or view me as worse, because I walk freely, and can control myself, so when I misbehave, it's intentional.

You'd never know me, in the dark alley though. I'm tall, good looking, articulate, well dressed with an easy, if bashful, smile, piercing eyes, and shaggy surfer hair. I frequently wear t-shirts and jeans, with a button down half opened down the front. Or, suit and tie. If you were a bad person, and we crossed eyes, you'd immediately know what I am, and probably run away, if you were a good person, you'd smile back, and probably feel compelled to say hello. People frequently come around me, strangers, when there's a dangerous situation building. I'm seen as some kind of helpful goodwill shield. I've asked people that have stepped behind me, or approached me and interacted with me, simply because of a problem around. They said something along the lines of "You seemed safe, like a protector."

I've never claimed what I did was right. It wasn't, I mutilated a person, because I could. To exact revenge for something that wasn't done to me. I am not bragging, I'm pointing out that people don't really understand what it is they're asking, when they wish torture on others.

I met a real monster, yesterday. Was shocked, taken aback. Looked at him, barely a glance, saw it BAM! I'll see him in the papers, soon.
So, parents of friend come to me, I'm 17 at the time. Their daughter (16 at the time, my friend and trip buddy) was raped and had "bitch" and "whore" carved one onto each breast. (that's also how she lost her virginity.) Anyway dad says "I'd like to feed him his testicles." So, I grab the guy, beat his ass, tie him up, trunk of the Granada, off to abandoned farm w/barn where I meet parents. Dad gets there, sees stove (Coleman gas,) cot, scalpal, adrenaline injection, and blowtorch. Fucker starts puking everywhere and was crying when I did the old snip and sizzle. Pop some adrenaline, and serve dinner.

Moral is? You really don't know what you are getting behind, head. While it may be an emotional salve to say that you think it should happen, in the face of logic, you shouldn't reach for an emotional salve, but honest logic, and humanity - once it's gone it doesn't come back.

the two are completely different. in that story you deprived the guy of the due process that our society gives to people who are accused of such things. had he been imprisoned, your intervention (as a free man) would be both impossible and unnecessary. castro got his day in court, got to have "his side" told, and was given a sentence based on a system that gets revised as needed by people who had no involvement with that particular (or any other) case. he was afforded everything that a civil society ought to give a man in that position, including the right to free legal counsel if he needed it. my point stands that our obligation to him ended when we signed the check for his food and housing for the next "1000 years". what happens to him after he gets his uniform and bunk is not our concern once we make the decision to never let him back into our society. only people who have a release date should be afforded a certain level of personal security on our dime as they will once again be our neighbor someday. we haven't cast them out for good and we haven't given up on them. castro was not one of these people.

to think i should wring my hands over the unfortunate jailhouse happenings of someone who admitted in open court to doing what he did for no reason...that's just something i don't understand. i'm not advocating state sponsored torture, here. i'm simply encouraging letting nature take it's course once we as a civil society have fulfilled our obligations to humanity. whether or not i approve of his fate once behind bars is irrelevant. he got everything a civil society owed him before he was incarcerated.
I make no secret about what I am. That's more dangerous for me than you'd know. Not only do "normals" hate me for what I am, but my kind generally hates me for airing our thought processes, and being glib about my "personality disorder." We're different, but very similar. I have a strong moral code, I quit my job, knowing it may financially set us back, because my boss allowed a thief to walk clean. I'll deal with the thief in my time, the boss is a good person, and I made sure that there was a person there that could stop me, if he started a fight.

There has to be a common ground we all meet on, though. Do you have any idea what it's like, knowing that people, given the chance, state constantly that they would torture my kind. I've seen it go so far as "he's got kids, kill them too, .......snip......

I'm not an absolutist. I have so many thoughts about this it would take a book for me to reply adequately. I don't hate you for opening it up. I frankly think it's beyond time we took off our masks and faced the normals who 'created' us.

What they don't realize is how damaging it is to worship at the feet of our IQ's then reject us when we don't agree with them. Then when they can't control the objective, emotionless thing they have created they attempt to burn us.

They can not see beyond their schematizing. So they go Mary Shelley on our asses. Sadly all this does is beggar humanity because the hope for us is in our evolution and like it or not we outliers (the statistically insignificant), are the only hope for the future.
I'm not an absolutist. I have so many thoughts about this it would take a book for me to reply adequately. I don't hate you for opening it up. I frankly think it's beyond time we took off our masks and faced the normals who 'created' us.

What they don't realize is how damaging it is to worship at the feet of our IQ's then reject us when we don't agree with them. Then when they can't control the objective, emotionless thing they have created they attempt to burn us.

They can not see beyond their schematizing. So they go Mary Shelley on our asses. Sadly all this does is beggar humanity because the hope for us is in our evolution and like it or not we outliers (the statistically insignificant), are the only hope for the future.

I am quoting this post because I think we can all stand to read it twice. This is a slam out of the park!

the two are completely different. in that story you deprived the guy of the due process ......snip.........

Inhumanity is an absolute. Either we all have humanity or none of us do. No court imprimatur can justify inhumanity because no one can know the sum total of a human. There are no scales or justice that can see into every niche of the human, not yet at least.