human shitbag ariel castro hangs self

when i say delusional..people keep telling themselves it is so..then it will be so..he had an uber sense of narcisissm..even to go as far as being argumentative with judge at his hearing trying to convince the court that he and his captives were all one happy family, even though he already plead watching him on TV at this hearing, i could see he really believed his shit..

That right there is actually pretty convincing evidence of APD. We have enough trouble without attention brought by shit like this.

Annie, I know, he's most likely not a broken, he's probably an APD, with minimal outside influence. His suicide struck me (instantly, and privately) as a temper tantrum. Took away his toys, sent him to his room...

And, guys/gals wanting him rape/tortured in prison... Here's how it REALLY works. He's of Latin descent, so he'll go to the Latins, and will ask for protection. He'll be sent on a couple "missions." He'll be given a tax, and after that, he'll be protected. He'll also be free to rape cute young guys that come into the prison for pot possession or DUI (for example.) He will be required to do occasional missions, probably violent/sexual in nature, because of what he's in for... But, there won't be a circle of punishment that he'll have to suffer. He'll be raped a couple times, maybe beaten a couple more times, and that'll be it. He's high profile, he's a "star." And, when that star fades, he'll be protected already...
naw, he's just worm food at this point. no soul, no hell.

yeah while we might need a figurative hell to curse him to, that would mean he'd share it with just straight old hooker users or blasphemers or some shit... if the bible mentioned a tier system where level 5 is for people like hitler and castro to get sodomized by satans red sausage constantly then i might believe it.
and within those levels are rings. Level 7 is for the violent that is gaurded by a minataur. There's an outer and inner and middle ring.

Annie, I know, he's most likely not a broken, he's probably an APD, with minimal outside influence. His suicide struck me (instantly, and privately) as a temper tantrum. Took away his toys, sent him to his room...

We are partial to our 'stuff' can't love well but we can own GREAT! The way I look at it, it is his definition of winning. You think you got me, watch this, game change.
You sir, are a hypocrite. The girls were afforded safety and protection by the law, it failed. The girls were his victims. In prison he should have been afforded the same right to be free from harassment, and if it failed, it is what it is. No reason to cheer, though. Either every life deserves equal protection, or no life deserves protecting. Take your pick, compassion or vendetta? Let me ask you, were YOU raped by him? If not, than I'd say you actually are a sadist, but a bit afraid to actually get on with it yourself, so you get with the crowd and cheer for the torture of others.

I'm not sure that last sentence was directed at me, but, I'm constitutionally incapable of feeling sorry for anyone, and would prefer not to have intercourse with you.

You must spread some non-dairy blablabla
You see we look at the monsters and can all agree they are less than us.....snip....Yeah he was sick, evil, awful, nuts whatever perjoratives you choose. He was not fit for human society. So how do we illustrate humane methods.

i don't look at it as someone being "less than" others. to me it's a simple matter of how much one steals from society (literally, emotionally, whatever) vs how much they put back. some acts of bad are so heinous that they completely nullify any good ever done. for me personally, once that line has been crossed, my concern for one's humanity vanishes. there's no longer a benefit to society to be concerned with that individual's humanity. it's more than just being "fit" for society, the guy used up his humanity points and we should no longer waste emotional resources on him. the death penalty would be more humane if we didn't drag it out for decades.

food, water, shelter. that is all he is "owed" from a civil society which he will never rejoin and that he is already draining financially just by being kept alive. personal safety beyond mere decorum isn't our problem once we make the decision to cast him out forever. we let him live and we agree to pay to give him food and a place to stay. our job is done.

i'm more pissed about him sharing space with people who WILL rejoin society. THAT'S what's broken. lifers mingling with people who will rejoin us someday is the real issue of civil well-being, not bodyguards for people who callously destroy lives. the guy wasn't in prison for cheating at mini golf.
i don't look at it as someone being "less than" others. to me it's a simple matter of how much one steals from society (literally, emotionally, whatever) vs how much they put back. some acts of bad are so heinous that they completely nullify any good ever done. for me personally, once that line has been crossed, my concern for one's humanity vanishes. there's no longer a benefit to society to be concerned with that individual's humanity. it's more than just being "fit" for society, the guy used up his humanity points and we should no longer waste emotional resources on him. the death penalty would be more humane if we didn't drag it out for decades.

food, water, shelter. that is all he is "owed" from a civil society which he will never rejoin and that he is already draining financially just by being kept alive. personal safety beyond mere decorum isn't our problem once we make the decision to cast him out forever. we let him live and we agree to pay to give him food and a place to stay. our job is done.

i'm more pissed about him sharing space with people who WILL rejoin society. THAT'S what's broken. lifers mingling with people who will rejoin us someday is the real issue of civil well-being, not bodyguards for people who callously destroy lives. the guy wasn't in prison for cheating at mini golf.

So, parents of friend come to me, I'm 17 at the time. Their daughter (16 at the time, my friend and trip buddy) was raped and had "bitch" and "whore" carved one onto each breast. (that's also how she lost her virginity.) Anyway dad says "I'd like to feed him his testicles." So, I grab the guy, beat his ass, tie him up, trunk of the Granada, off to abandoned farm w/barn where I meet parents. Dad gets there, sees stove (Coleman gas,) cot, scalpal, adrenaline injection, and blowtorch. Fucker starts puking everywhere and was crying when I did the old snip and sizzle. Pop some adrenaline, and serve dinner.

Moral is? You really don't know what you are getting behind, head. While it may be an emotional salve to say that you think it should happen, in the face of logic, you shouldn't reach for an emotional salve, but honest logic, and humanity - once it's gone it doesn't come back.
So, parents of friend come to me, I'm 17 at the time. Their daughter (16 at the time, my friend and trip buddy) was raped and had "bitch" and "whore" carved one onto each breast. (that's also how she lost her virginity.) Anyway dad says "I'd like to feed him his testicles." So, I grab the guy, beat his ass, tie him up, trunk of the Granada, off to abandoned farm w/barn where I meet parents. Dad gets there, sees stove (Coleman gas,) cot, scalpal, adrenaline injection, and blowtorch. Fucker starts puking everywhere and was crying when I did the old snip and sizzle. Pop some adrenaline, and serve dinner.

Moral is? You really don't know what you are getting behind, head. While it may be an emotional salve to say that you think it should happen, in the face of logic, you shouldn't reach for an emotional salve, but honest logic, and humanity - once it's gone it doesn't come back.

I totally believe this story.
So, parents of friend come to me, I'm 17 at the time. Their daughter (16 at the time, my friend and trip buddy) was raped and had "bitch" and "whore" carved one onto each breast. (that's also how she lost her virginity.) Anyway dad says "I'd like to feed him his testicles." So, I grab the guy, beat his ass, tie him up, trunk of the Granada, off to abandoned farm w/barn where I meet parents. Dad gets there, sees stove (Coleman gas,) cot, scalpal, adrenaline injection, and blowtorch. Fucker starts puking everywhere and was crying when I did the old snip and sizzle. Pop some adrenaline, and serve dinner.

Moral is? You really don't know what you are getting behind, head. While it may be an emotional salve to say that you think it should happen, in the face of logic, you shouldn't reach for an emotional salve, but honest logic, and humanity - once it's gone it doesn't come back.

minne - is that what you did time for?