Hunter-Gazi: Giuliani and Russian propaganda scam to help Trump get re-eelcted.

The evidence is piling up, more to come. Oh Joe! We always knew you were corrupt but this is really something.
This is already old news that has been debunked. Keep up with your own propaganda man.

Looks like all the tabloids are being activated by Dear Leader's handlers.

Wasn't this con about when after all the emails were evaluated 'Big Guy' meant China?

I was really curious about the road the Chinese government is running up to Trump's property he has there. That sounds like a for real pay off of a politician right there to me.

Your 7(6?) degrees of Kevin Bacon'ing some foreign person to the kid of the Democratic presidential nominee is not even close to the same as Trump getting direct payoffs through his the bank's properties that they let Trump keep his name on. How exactly do you expect Trump to pay off his $400 million dollar debt to god only knows who.


Found the post that debunked it already, turned out it was Fox that did the fact-check.
When Fox debunks this story you know it's weak.

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Wish I had time this morning for a full answer. Just cast my first vote for Trump. Why would I ever vote with people that smear me as racist, nazi, etc. over political differences? Think I’m the only person that feels that way? Lol. Dems are in for a HUUUUGE surprise.
No, just because you support a racist nazi doesn't make you one. It just makes you at best confused by their propaganda into thinking voting for Trump is a good idea when in any measurable metric it is clearly not.
I beg to differ
I know a small handful of people throughout my life that for different reasons are just so gullible to not see them as easy marks in this scam Trump pulled off to with the presidency.

I figure if people still fall for hand magic tricks, this is not much different.
if you really want to get banned on twitter, just mention the hunter biden sex tape that got leaked yesterday (or alleged sex tape)

i wont link it, its easy enough to find it bitchute or a similar website for those interested
You would think Joe was going to ut his kid in charge of the pandemic with how much everyone is worried about someone that is not on the Democratic ticket.

I don't think Hunter Biden has anything to do with what will be going on anywhere near the White House, so it is not really a issue at all that impact our lives whatsoever.

Until you guys whip up a tape of Biden bragging about an attempted rape, Trump wins any sleezy competition by a mile.