Hunter-Gazi: Giuliani and Russian propaganda scam to help Trump get re-eelcted. Shot 2020-10-25 at 6.46.27 PM.png

The finish-line strategy of the Trump campaign has landed, convolutedly, on the narrative that Hunter Biden is an inconvenient son. That he is trailed by a fug of damaging allusions: Burisma. Ukraine. “His son didn’t have a job for a long time,” President Trump taunted Joe Biden in Thursday evening’s debate. “Cocaine use,” he’d jeered in the first.

Donald Trump Jr., tapping in for his dad in the proxy battle of large adult sons, has said that Hunter is a “crackhead” and has complained to Sean Hannity that if he, Don Jr., had done what he’s accusing Hunter Biden of doing — a web of shadowy misdeeds allegedly uncovered by a Delaware computer technician, Rudolph W. Giuliani and the New York Post — “I would be phoning in from Rikers Island.”

Clearly, there is a lot to unpack here.

But as a starting place, we might note that Joe Biden’s response to all of this has been to love his son.

Freely, unconditionally. “I’m proud of him. I’m proud of my son,” Biden retorted in the first debate, after the president brought up Hunter’s drug use — which both Bidens have admitted and spoken about. “No one said anything he did was wrong in Ukraine,” he said in the second.

In the miasma of one New York Post article about Hunter, alleged text messages presented as part of the incendiary package instead came across as the tender missives of a worried dad. “Good morning my beautiful son,” Joe allegedly wrote Hunter while the latter was checked into a rehab facility. “I miss you and love you.” According to the alleged texts — whose provenance and authenticity have not been verified by the Bidens or by other news organizations — Hunter worried he would be a drag on his father’s campaign. “Only focus is recovery,” Biden reassured him.

To watch these two sets of fathers and sons — Donald and Donald Jr. in one corner, Joe and Hunter in another — is really to watch two kinds of fathering play out as a parable: of love, of family, of country.

It’s not hard to imagine what the president thought he was doing when he first dredged up Hunter’s drug use and stilted military career: that Joe Biden would be embarrassed of his son. And maybe that voters would think less of them as a family. Trump’s older brother, Fred, died of alcoholism in 1981. Friends of the family told The Washington Post last year that it was like “a dark family secret,” causing “shame” for the Trump family, for whom — as Fred Trump’s daughter, Mary, later put it — “weakness was the greatest sin.”

In the Trump family at large, a father’s love was contingent on filial devotion, Mary L. Trump also said. How much a son embraced the family business, how much he lived up to the family name. In recent years, Don Jr. has attempted to become his father’s greatest hype man and defender, on the campaign trail and in life.

How strange for the president, then, to lay out all of Hunter Biden’s embarrassing failings, and to have Joe Biden’s response be: “I’m proud of him.”

Slate reporter Aymann Ismail wrote a thoughtful essay about the Joe/Hunter relationship, and how uncomfortable it can be for some men to witness that kind of intense, intimate fatherly love. “Ideals of stoicism, hardness, and quiet, solitary strength are projected and performed by men,” he wrote. “A portrait of open and unembarrassed affection between a father and his adult son challenges that.”

Last week, John Cardillo, a conservative Newsmax host, tweeted a black-and-white photograph of Joe and Hunter hugging, the elder Biden kissing the younger on the cheek. “Does this look like an appropriate father/son interaction to you?” Cardillo demanded.

Does this look like an appropriate father/son interaction to you?
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) October 22, 2020
The implication was something incestuous or untoward, so the overwhelming response could not have been what Cardillo was hoping for. “I wish my dad was still here to hug me like that. So, yes,” wrote comedian Ben Stiller, in what was a fairly representative response. “My dad died when I was 14. I would give a lot for one moment like this,” wrote the author Mark Harris. (Plenty of other folks responded with not words but pictures — of Trump hugging and kissing his own adult children, of him patting the vicinity of Ivanka’s butt. Make of that what you will.)

Joe Biden’s life as a father has been shaped by loss. His daughter Naomi died as an infant in the car crash that also killed his first wife. His son Beau died of brain cancer at age 46. Beau, the golden boy who would have been, by many standards, easy to love — who “had all the best of me, but with the bugs and flaws engineered out,” as Biden wrote in his memoir.

After Beau’s death, Joe decided not to run for president. Hunter holed up in his apartment and drank vodka. Then, one day, Hunter told the New Yorker, his dad showed up at the door and said: “I need you. What do we have to do?”
Is the goal of fatherhood to shape your offspring in your own image — the path you feel is worthiest and best — and to require respect and devotion? Or is the goal to love your son even in his lowest moments, to redefine your expectations, to take on the heavy load of unconditional parenting, even when it’s a lopsided deal?

It’s no stroke of brilliance to point out that these two philosophies mirror the relationship the two politicians have with the country. Trump, a man who loves America only if it is nice to him and loves him to his exacting specifications: “It’s a two-way street; they have to treat us well, also,” he said in March, hanging the promise of federal coronavirus relief on whether blue-state governors were appropriately deferential.

Biden, a man who loves America even though it’s sometimes self-destructive. Even though it’s beaten down, embittered, spiritually adrift, wild with anxiety. “I’m running as a proud Democrat, but I’m gonna be an American president,” he said at Thursday’s debate. “I don’t see red states and blue states. What I see is American United States. And folks, every single state out there finds themselves in trouble.”

After the first debate, several voters cited Biden’s openhearted defense of Hunter as a standout moment in the debate. It spoke to them as parents, who knew the pride and heartache of watching their children suffer and struggle through a challenge. I wonder if it also spoke to them as children, careening toward the end of 2020, longing for a reassuring presence to say they were going to make it — they had struggled, but they were all, every one of them, worthy of love.

Hunter Biden might not be the son America dreams of having. Joe Biden might be the dad.
Joe has no need to attack Trump's family, he has too much class for that, others like the Lincoln Project will do that stuff. Same thing for dealing with most of Donald's misdeeds and crimes, the new AG and special independent counsel will take care of it. Ron Klein Obama's pandemic czar is Joe's right hand man, his team wrote the book on pandemic response and Joe will see that he implements it. There will be many willing hands to help Joe, all patriots know the problems and there are plenty of first class people available with experience, to fill the jobs in a Biden administration. It shouldn't take Joe too long to right the ship of state, provided Donald doesn't sink it first.
I think more though it makes sense to look at this scam the day Edward Snowden stole the data files from the NSA and was smuggled to Putin by Wikileaks founder Assange in mid-2013. Around this time all kinds of long term trolls were birthed. From a bunch of internet (free to use) 'news'-esque propaganda sites selling to foreign buyers (OANN, the Hill, the Nation, etc) to give the trolls a narrative to sell across every forum online, to BLM founding which brandname was later used to radicalize the right.
I can’t find anything to support the suggestion that The Nation was sold to foreign interests...what you got?
I’ve been keeping up with “LaptopGate”, and so far, there is NO evidence that it’s Hunter Biden’s, that “he” dropped it anywhere, that there’s anything at all supporting the very fluid and fishy stories about “how it came to be found”...though I especially like the scrambled garbage that makes up “MacIsaac” and his shaggy-dog bullshit: the entire thing stinks to high heaven
And we are full circle to the stupidity of this attack Trump is eliciting foreign help from.

No wonder Trump wants to shut up google, it takes seconds to figure to the scam if you just look and know a little of what is going on.

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And it circles back to Trump's troll Bannon. Who is one of the latest of Trump's buddies to face criminal charges. All because they are two bit con artists that got very unlucky when Trump illegally worked with a foreign nation's military and got them all caught because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
I’m 54 and my brother is 52, my father hugs and kisses us both like this and it is beyond priceless.
I grew up hugging and kissing my dad and my brother, my grad-dad - never anything weird or “complicated” about it. Dreamed about seeing my dad the other night (now long dead), and I held him close, and I cried. I miss my dad a lot. We disagreed about many things, but he was a good man
And we are full circle to the stupidity of this attack Trump is eliciting foreign help from.

No wonder Trump wants to shut up google, it takes seconds to figure to the scam if you just look and know a little of what is going on.

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And it circles back to Trump's troll Bannon. Who is one of the latest of Trump's buddies to face criminal charges. All because they are two bit con artists that got very unlucky when Trump illegally worked with a foreign nation's military and got them all caught because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
Is that the guy whose yacht Stevie was busted on?
So true. Biden said that if the super predators of the racial jungle dont vote for him then they ain't black and go back in chains.

But the seriously racist part about him is I haven't seen him sniff any black women's hair.
Bobulinski's testimony is not Tuckers opinion. If you are unaware of how an interview works please look into it to save yourself more future embarrassment.
Oh the irony that Hunter says he "is holding the Trump card" because the CEFC heads "are coming to be partners with the Bidens."

His Trump card and his contribution to the deal was his name, therefore he needed way more money than those that actually worked and showed up to meetings and shit!
If they set up pay for play deals for me with corrupt governments that I had to kick back to them on, then yes. That is called enabling.
Compelling interview by Tucker tonight of Democrat veteran Tony Bobulinski, who said the literal reason he came forward was due to Chuck Schumer claiming Russian Collusion referencing the email in the NY Post that was actually addressed to Bobulinski.

Tucker is not the source for the interview.
Ad hom more though.
Doesn't mean that he has guests that are not full of shit that he allows to spew their half facts and suppositions all over Tucker's air time.

Fox already debunked that tools 'Big guy = Joe Biden' bullshit. They are already discredited, why do you still listen to liars?
How’s that blowblowiski stuff working out? I don’t watch republican fantasy tv so maybe you can update us.
I saw the clip on youtube earlier, but I figured I would watch later on because its just too stupid to watch this early in the day.
Not just racist but dishonest. He once had to drop out of a presidential campaign for plagiarizing speeches and lying about his educational history.

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God you're desperate.

Biden was attacked because he didn't say who he was quoting in a couple speeches he gave while in others he did. Even though he said it in character.

And the school he went to had him retake a class when he didn't properly source something in his paper.

In-case you want to see where left-troll was trying to sell this bullshit:
Doesn't mean that he has guests that are not full of shit that he allows to spew their half facts and suppositions all over Tucker's air time.

Fox already debunked that tools 'Big guy = Joe Biden' bullshit. They are already discredited, why do you still listen to liars?
I wish I could slap his ignorant face, he makes it like he’s learning something.
When drumpy made a “speech” at a rally in Pennsylvania the other day he said I WENT TO COLLEGE here. Holy shit I couldn’t stop laughing. Then he said he knew Pennsylvania better than Joe Biden does. Bahahahahaaa
I forgot who it was that posted this link, but it is pretty good.

I especially love what was written at the end of it:

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What was Hunter Biden supposedly doing wrong when his father was a regular citizen (albeit famous) in 2017?

You do know that Joe was not in political office at the time, so what exactly would it matter what his kid was doing with respect to Joe Biden? There was no political office to trade favors or anything else from.

It is not like Donny Jr getting 10's of thousands to show up and toss out some troll rant for a half hour using public money. This is so funny if it wasn't currently being spammed to millions of Americans who might actually fall for another Trump troll con.
God you're desperate.

Biden was attacked because he didn't say who he was quoting in a couple speeches he gave while in others he did. Even though he said it in character.

And the school he went to had him retake a class when he didn't properly source something in his paper.

In-case you want to see where left-troll was trying to sell this bullshit:
Those two should get a room.