Hypothetical grow notes

I looked back in this thread, and couldn't really figure out what the two young plants in HG might be. As the grasshoppers were eating my plants, I was steady putting more in their place. Didn't keep a good record of what was going in where.

Although reading back, I see I saved pollen from a couple of males in the fall/winter grow. I need to find that.
Only six cups with no visible sprouts. {3 cups with 2 sprouts} But a couple were showing white yesterday, and haven't came the rest of the way up. And a couple that do have leaves, haven't really done much.

Today is first full day of light. I topped off with dirt and gave them a drink of water. Got to remember the seaweed juice next time.

Only six cups with no visible sprouts. {3 cups with 2 sprouts} But a couple were showing white yesterday, and haven't came the rest of the way up. And a couple that do have leaves, haven't really done much.

Today is first full day of light. I topped off with dirt and gave them a drink of water. Got to remember the seaweed juice next time.

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I see two sprouts in one cup. Was that on purpose or did 2 come from one seed (twins) your definaltley kicking my ass in numbers man. Your making me want to go home and germ 14 lol
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Only six cups with no visible sprouts. {3 cups with 2 sprouts} But a couple were showing white yesterday, and haven't came the rest of the way up. And a couple that do have leaves, haven't really done much.

Today is first full day of light. I topped off with dirt and gave them a drink of water. Got to remember the seaweed juice next time.

Looking great! I have definitely found that the right seaweed extract helps a ton by promoting root growth in germination and early establishment.
I see two sprouts in one cup. Was that on purpose or did 2 come fro one seed (twins) your definaltley kicking my ads in numbers man. Your making me want to go home and germ 14 lol
In fall/winter seed tests, some of the fresh seeds didn't do as well as others. The night I did the planting, I didn't have my notes with me, but I'm pretty sure one of the under achievers was the Blue Shiva X Blue Shark X PC X AC. I put two seeds each of that strain, and one other.

But maybe my memory is suspect. I have 3 cups with 2 sprouts each, and a few with no sprouts.

And only half of the plants are going in my garden. I split everything down the middle with my veg buddy.
In fall/winter seed tests, some of the fresh seeds didn't do as well as others. The night I did the planting, I didn't have my notes with me, but I'm pretty sure one of the under achievers was the Blue Shiva X Blue Shark X PC X AC. I put two seeds each of that strain, and one other.

But maybe my memory is suspect. I have 3 cups with 2 sprouts each, and a few with no sprouts.

And only half of the plants are going in my garden. I split everything down the middle with my veg buddy.

is that ((Blue Shiva x Blue Shark) x (PC x AC))? Can't get this shit str8 in my head :-P
is that ((Blue Shiva x Blue Shark) x (PC x AC))? Can't get this shit str8 in my head :-P
Ok, here is the low down. This is a cross I made last year. Using a BS X BS male from PPS on a PC X AC female from PP.

Blue Shiva {Sensi Shiva Skunk x Blueberry} X Blue Shark {Mr Nice's Shark Shock X DJ Short's pre 2000 blueberry}


PC {Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X Ass Cheese {Donkey Kong X Cindy's Blue Cheese}

See? It's so simple. lol
The cups I used have grooves all the way around them. I wrote in the grooved part, so I had to skip about a 1/4 inch between letters. Even with abbreviations, some of the names reached half way around the cups.
The cups I used have grooves all the way around them. I wrote in the grooved part, so I had to skip about a 1/4 inch between letters. Even with abbreviations, some of the names reached half way around the cups.

dude, name some of your stuff.


shorter name kush
abbreviated OG
sour littlename

i would have to have all that in a spreadsheet to keep it str8.

as long as everybody is getting high, a name really don't matter. just giving you a hard time, bud.

but damn every time you type out one of those names i almost lose my buzz looking at it. have to smoke more to get over it. bongsmilie
In fall/winter seed tests, some of the fresh seeds didn't do as well as others. The night I did the planting, I didn't have my notes with me, but I'm pretty sure one of the under achievers was the Blue Shiva X Blue Shark X PC X AC. I put two seeds each of that strain, and one other.

But maybe my memory is suspect. I have 3 cups with 2 sprouts each, and a few with no sprouts.

And only half of the plants are going in my garden. I split everything down the middle with my veg buddy.
When I zoomed in on the picture, I saw one of the cups with two sprouts was Poly Shunk 1 X Skunk Shunk. Not sure what my reasoning was for putting two seeds of that strain.

Keep in mind that I do ceremonial burnt offerings when I plant. Although I'm 98.5% Western European, I have spent the last 30 years dabbling in the Creek Indian religion. They use tobacco smoke to signal their prayers. I use herb for my burnt offerings. {so I can get pretty high when planting}

This year I did a different strain for each of the four blessing I ask of the Grandfathers. I ask blessing of the Eastern Grandfathers of the soil going under the seeds to offer the food they will need {and for a warm spring}, the Southern Grandfathers for the seeds to sprout and be true to their Grandfathers {and a mild, sunny summer}, the Western Grandfathers of the soil above the seeds to be soft and easy for the sprout to part and the roots to grow {and a fruitful harvest in the fall} and finally the Northern Grandfathers of the water used to saturate the soil {and an uneventful drying and a great cure with a chance to prop your feet on the proverbial hearth with a bowl in hand}.

Burnt offerings used when planting. Poly Shunk 1, Poly Shunk 1.5, Ass Cheese and GdR.