Hypothetical grow notes


Powernap X Sinmint Cookies male X Gorille de Raisin female from 16-17 Spring crop. GdR is Donkey Kong X GrapishBS. The same friend who gifted me the Ass Cheese made the cross.

I'll stop for now.
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I moved the Blue Shiva X Blue Shark X Ass Cheese seedling down to the FP patch. Didn't transplant, just sank the pot.
late to the party but here.

like reading a book having to visual these outdoor plots.

happy growing brother
I had some patches found last year. Names of my strains are not that common, so I was running scared from Google. I changed my name and haven't been posting pictures. But I do have a plan for this season. On IG we have group chats with up to 15 people on there. I might do something like that with PM's here, so I can post pictures, and not worry as much.
Yea, I suffered from Solar Seduction. I grew 2 GdR and a Peach out in the open in an old wet weather pond, when I knew I should have stayed in the brush. There were plants just yards away they didn't find, but I stopped tending them. Just came back to harvest.

They didn't knock on my door, but I'm pretty sure they had a good idea who's it was. This year is going to be low pro for sure.
On Tuesday I transplanted the (Blue Shiva X Blue Shark) X ({Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X Ass Cheese) down at the FP patch. From now on I will call it as BSBS X PCAC. Looks like it's a girl. Another week will tell for sure.
On Tuesday I transplanted the (Blue Shiva X Blue Shark) X ({Powernap X Sinmint Cookies} X Ass Cheese) down at the FP patch. From now on I will call it as BSBS X PCAC. Looks like it's a girl. Another week will tell for sure.

nice, not too cold for BSBS x PCAC, huh?
nice, not too cold for BSBS x PCAC, huh?
It looked alright after the two light frost we had last week. This was the seed I had planted in October for my Spring crop, and it didn't sprout until a couple three weeks ago. It will early flower any day now, but what to do? I didn't have the heart to kill it. Although I did kill a tray jumper about the same age.

I put this seedling in a tall Styrofoam cup, and sunk it in my pepper pit in the garden. So for two weeks it got full sun. The roots had filled the cup, so should be alright going forward. except for the early flower, re-veg deal.
It looked alright after the two light frost we had last week. This was the seed I had planted in October for my Spring crop, and it didn't sprout until a couple three weeks ago. It will early flower any day now, but what to do? I didn't have the heart to kill it. Although I did kill a tray jumper about the same age.

I put this seedling in a tall Styrofoam cup, and sunk it in my pepper pit in the garden. So for two weeks it got full sun. The roots had filled the cup, so should be alright going forward. except for the early flower, re-veg deal.

might try putting a bucket over them on cold nights
I put some seeds in soil on 3-25-18. 41 cups, with two seeds in a few of them. Had the first sprouts yesterday. 4 of 41 this morning. Blue Shiva X Blue Shark X Ass Cheese was the first above ground.

Big & Stinky X Chicken Pen 1 {my IBL}
Big & Stinky X Chicken Pen 1 {my buddy's IBL}
Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X B&S X CP1
Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Gorille de Raisin
Ass Cheese {buddy's IBL}
Blue Shiva X Blue Shark X AC
Poly Shunk 1 IBL {triangle kush cookies X nightcap X shit/skunk}
Poly Shunk 1 X Skunk Shunk {skunk X shit/skunk}
PC X GdR X Poly Shunk 1.5 {triangle kush cookies X nightcap X sinmint X shit/skunk}
Shunk AF {Afghani X shit/skunk} X PC X GdR

I did some hole work this week. Added one gallon of soil mix, 2 scoops chicken shit, 1/2 scoop mag and Epson salts per hole. Will add coffee ground compost and lime next time. Forgot it this go round. I got 5 holes done in the Peach Patch, 2 holes in PPN and all 8 or 9 holes in PPS. Also got all holes done in HG and HGW patches. I did run out of Mag on one hole. Just not sure which one it was.

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DSCF6497.JPG I had sunk a few 3 gallon pots for my fall/winter grow. I dug all of them up, making the holes a little bigger. I'm trying for smaller plants, so didn't go real big on any of the holes.
I did have a surprise. The hole in HG that had ate so many Hurricane Head sprouts last year had two little plants in it. They are not as old as the BS X BS X PCAC judging by size and flowering. Looks like one male and one female. About 9-10 inches tall. I have to assume they came up from seeds left in the soil. Will have to look and see what I put in it during the fall/winter grow. When using soil with seeds, I always use it only on seeds from the same strain, in case this happens. Just have to look back and see if I can figure out what was in there last.