Hypothetical grow notes

Had to chop one plant early due to bud rot. We have been having a lot of rain. Couldn't find a label. Will look back in the thread and see if I can figure out what it is.
I did get by the screen room. Several plants were getting too tall. Only one of them had "S" curved though, and it was an Ass Cheese male. I set him out in the briars for now. Will decide what to do with him later. Transplanted 4 pots of Skunk AF X PN X SMC X GdR in the PPS patch. From 1 to 3 plants in each pot.
I got the screen room covered with a shower door yesterday afternoon. We have five more nights in the 20's, so some of them will be too tall by then. I guess I can do some LOB work on them.

I checked on the FP patch. Other than one being a little more purple, they looked alright. Well, almost all of them. Either Too Slow or CP1 got halfway dug up. I covered it back up. {it's the one in the big pot where Shunk AF was in the full season grow}
I have had zero time for my plants this week. I did cover up the screen room before the freeze. It was forecast for 30F this morning so I took the glass off them yesterday afternoon. They were all alive, but some were laying over. But the kicker it it got down to 27F in my tent this morning, so I might have taken the glass off too soon. Will tend to them when I have more time.
We have had two waves of cold air. Eight nights in total with lows in the 20's. Everything that was out got killed except for one plant in the FP patch. There were two new sprouts in one hole in the HGW patch, and one in the stl patch. Doubt they would make it on time now. Lost a few in the screen room, but most were still alive. Not standing up, but alive. I have 3 more nights in the low 20's on the way. Looks like this crop is shot, and it's a long time until fall.
I may have some small amounts of Skunk X Shit/Skunk in my far flung stash bottles, but over all, I am just about out of it. Now I'm hitting the Poly Shunk 1.5 {Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk} really hard. It's the stoniest stuff I grew last year. And it was chopped a week or two early due to rot. Lots of good Possum Shunk 1.5 seeds. That is Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Gorille de Raisin X Poly Shunk 1.5. Can't wait for spring.
It got down to 16F this past week. It killed the young plants in the screen room, and put a real hurting on the Big Buddha, the last flowering plant that I had. I went ahead and chopped it. Was also able to save a little bud here and there. If this is going to be the weather pattern going forward, I will have to figure something out, or leave the spring cropping to the greenhouse guys.
I've had some questions about my strains, so I'll go over a few of them now.

Poly Shunk 1 IBL {In Bred Line}

Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Shit/Skunk. The male and female were both from my 2017 full seasons. Very stoney with a deep musk taste.
PS1 X Skunk Shunk

Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Shit/Skunk male X Skunk X Shit/Skunk female, from 2017 full seasons. {same male used for the PS1 IBL.

Afghani X Shit/Skunk male X Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Ass Cheese female, from the 2017 full seasons. The Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Ass Cheese cross was made in the 16-17 Spring crop.
Possum Shunk 1.5

Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR male X Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk female from the 17 full seasons. The PC X GdR cross was made in the 16-17 Spring crop.
Blue Shiva X Blue Shark male X Ass Cheese female from the 16-17 Spring crop. Ass Cheese is Donkey Kong X Cindy's Blue Cheese. A friend made this cross in 2016.
Big&Stinky X Chicken Pen 1 IBL from the 17 full seasons. B&S was the male from Bag Seed Tester 2. CP1 is a sativa heavy pheno of my Jack Carlos Cross strain.
SV2 IBL from 17 full seasons. This was another bag seed tester. Due to life, I didn't get to harvest it before it died. So not sure how it smoked out.