I am a Victim of Marijuana Abuse.


Well-Known Member
I am celebrating... Cooking my own concoction of home made tacos.. including home made shells.. 3 different meats including an entire package of bacon. I will keep you updated w/ pix.


Active Member
Can you scroll to the top of the page? You just hit the arrow button facing up and it takes you to the post that came first. Then just re-read posts made by Raw. Probably easier than making a post of your own IMO. Hope this helps!
Gee, thanks for NOT wasting YOUR time to post something dumb...if YOU scroll back to the Op, and quote it, I hope you notice IN THE POST THAT STARTED THIS THREAD, that there is no mention of law enforcement...hooked on phonics, bro...I hear it works.


Well-Known Member
wtf? why did she do it? i wouldn't beat her ass but i would definitely fucken CONFRONT that bitch and make her very uncomfortable. that tends to hit people worse than a smack anyway. go do it!
Yes, make her FEEL LIKE SHIT! Guilt, guilt, guilt is what she deserves. Even if it wasn't about weed that is just a sneaky, low, spiteful thing to do. What the hell is wrong with her?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I am celebrating... Cooking my own concoction of home made tacos.. including home made shells.. 3 different meats including an entire package of bacon. I will keep you updated w/ pix.
Bacon strips
Bacon strips
Bacon strips..put it in the oven then YOU WIN!



Well-Known Member
&& this morning I foundout all my PH UP was poured into my res.. thank god I am not doing Hydro right now..

I check PH before watering an hour ago & it says 9.6 o_O I am cleaning/checking/double checking EVERYTHING in my grow room before it gets fed to my plants.. Depressing weekend. I am going to buy new PH up/down & nutes this weekend. Not risking it.


Well-Known Member
Oh my god you've got me thinking about bacon!

I prefer bacon in the top oven/grill, so it's not burnt to a crisp in the frying pan. Chewy meaty goodness. Three kinds of meat? Om nom nom nom... I like meat...


Well-Known Member

:) Yes it was gooood. 2nds when I wake up later. I have gotten 3hrs of sleep, :[ .. . I will be back soon. <3
Oh my god you've got me thinking about bacon!

I prefer bacon in the top oven/grill, so it's not burnt to a crisp in the frying pan. Chewy meaty goodness. Three kinds of meat? Om nom nom nom... I like meat...

daniel cardenas

Active Member
at least the problem is gone you should only have to clean up once now that she's gone and props for kickin her out and not getting violent, thats the high road if i ever seen it.


Well-Known Member
it is a female so beating her ass is not an option
shes seriously lucky sh;es not in Canada. because i know a lot of other Females that would be MORE than willing to go and beat her ass.... and something like THIS Deserves it.

After Anti-freeze, PH - up and everything else i would be scared to use the Nute bottles to Raw.

hope your life starts looking up


Well-Known Member
That was a pure horror story. I have no idea how I would have reacted to that, but I applaud you for not using violence. I hope everything gets better!


Active Member
I'm assuming she's an adult, so you can give her a damn good slap.
I think we all feel that way, but it's a damn good thing he didn't. She would only have to complain to the police and he would never get her out of his hair.