I do not like John McCain

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Hm. Do I think he could get his agendas past Congress, varies on which issue. Now, I don't think he'd have an easy time at all actually changing the laws themselves- he could make things different.

As far as the Federal Reserve- that one's going to be the tough one. We're most likely going to need to change up Congress before that happens. But I know for sure he would push Congress to step in, do their duty, and actually regulate and watch what the Federal Reserve is doing.

Could he personally end the income taxes on the record? No. But he sure as hell could pardon anyone arrested. Making the law ineffective. He could do the same with the marijuana issues and such- just pardon everyone. That would send a real clear message.

Could he bring home all the troops tomorrow- absolutely.

As far as his privatization policies- it's a very Libertarian view.
The simple explanation can be found here Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee
The fact is that the government is VERY bad at handling money- VERY bad. The "cost" of merely collecting the taxes and "distributing" the help is absolutely ridiculous. 2/3- yes 2/3 of every dollar collected by the government is spent TO COLLECT THAT MONEY. Private non-profit organizations have a better turn over rate from their donations to the amount of money actually handed out. Look at the American Red Cross- 92 cents of every dollar goes DIRECTLY to the programs and services they offer.

Here is an EXCELLENT article about the subject, and about how the poor and people who need help would actually get MORE with less regulation.

Also, while I agree that corporations are usually very greedy and underhanded- the fact is that in a free market society, if you don't like the service, if you don't like their ethics, if you don't like how they're handling their business YOU CAN GO ELSEWHERE. But when you have the government pretty much taking a monopoly and they're just as underhanded as the corporations (and run by the same people) what's the difference? Except for the fact that people will actually have choice and say in where they put their money.

Now.. the assassination question is a hard one for me to answer honestly... yes. I do believe they would try to assassinate him. David Rockefeller Sr. is ON TAPE saying "Ron Paul is not a problem at this time". Arrogant assholes. Also, sources have said that a Ron Paul assassination is "on the table" if he starts too much of a grass fire... I think there would be a bloody back lash though. Ron Paul has also been asked about this directly and he said that he "is very well aware of the danger he's in" and that "they have killed people for less".
I'd sure like to see the proof about that 2/3 collection number, seems to me the gov't couldn't operate on 1/3 of the revenue. And yes the public does have a hand in how the government is run, but none in how the corporations are run, unless you are a CEO. I'll even agree to more local government replacing the tentacles of the feds, but in our state, NV., the state government is as corrupt or more corrupt than the feds. The sitting governor is involved in many scandals and even tried to rape a woman in the parking lot of a local bar, before getting elected. Tell me the elections aren't skewed


Well-Known Member
today is ron paul and his wifes 51st anniversary there is going to be another huge donation bomb today. i think they know what would happen if they assasinated him.
we all know what would happen, the people have power and thats what he believes it should be, with his ideas and the support from the people these ideas will pass, i think the people would feel safe about making these decisions with him representing our country


Active Member
[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']I don’t like him because he is a liberal disguising himself as a conservative. I like real conservatives like Reagan, Thompson, & Coburn.[/FONT]
Here's some questions for you. If Ron Paul became president, do you think he could get his agendas past congress?
As head of the executive branch, it is up to the President to direct the Justice Department with regard to its activities and priorities. While the President may not unilaterally be able to enact or repeal laws, the President can direct the Justice Department to direct its resources and energies toward or away from whatever areas he sees fit. If he tells the JD not to prosecute marijuana crimes, or income tax non-filers, that's his business. As GWB has shown, there's a whole lot the Pres can do without requiring Congress to go along.


Well-Known Member
As head of the executive branch, it is up to the President to direct the Justice Department with regard to its activities and priorities. While the President may not unilaterally be able to enact or repeal laws, the President can direct the Justice Department to direct its resources and energies toward or away from whatever areas he sees fit. If he tells the JD not to prosecute marijuana crimes, or income tax non-filers, that's his business. As GWB has shown, there's a whole lot the Pres can do without requiring Congress to go along.
:hump::hump::hump: Said that...:blsmoke:


New Member
Here's how liberal McCain is ...

Ann Coulter (yes, that Ann Coulter) came out on the talk radio circuit yesterday and announced that if McCain gets the Republican nomination, she (Ann Coulter) will come out in support of Hillary Clinton and even work on her campaign.



Well-Known Member
I don't know why.

Maybe because he's adocating perpetual war. Maybe its because he wants America to occupy the Middle East for a hundred years. (Can you believe anyone would have the nerve to say something like that?! Like anyone in 1908 could possibly imagine what life is like today, and plan ahead for international policy of today!)

The mainstream media has regularly called him the "media darling". I am dumbfounded. There's nothing darling about this guy. He's monotone in voice, extreamist in policy and dull in appearance. He doesn't look or talk like a president. Unless you count the fact that he lies about the current state of the war. ("We're winning." "The surge is working.")

Can anyone point to anything about him presidential? :roll:

I know he was a tortured POW and is against torture. Good! But will he be closing the illegal prisons and detention centers for supposed terrorists? No. Will he end this for-profit war in the Middle East? No. And that big, sweet bear hug he gave President Bush in the photo-opt tells me much of what we American's need to know about him.:hump:

I don't like John McCain.
I don't think you can hate on any candidates until you tell us who your supporting...


New Member
Exactly! If he would lighten up on the privatization thing, I'd go balls out for him. I've seen what the private sector does with human resources, they trash them in favor of profits. There is a place in society for government and it's main function should be to take care of its people, provide basic needs and protections. In order to achieve this they need funds. The fairest type of funding I've seen yet is the progressive Income tax, the more you make the higher the percentage you pay. It worked before the Bush tax cuts and would work again after rescinding them. Also they need to remove the cap on SS funding. Why should a person that earns a million bucks a year be exempt on the last $904,000 of income, rediculous. If they removed the cap, SS would be solvent for decades. It would be solvent for ever if they left the SS funds alone and let them accrue interest instead of borrowing (Stealing) them for the general budget.
i disagree. i like the fair tax. ZERO income tax. you do not tax people's income, you tax what they SPEND. so poor people obviously SPEND less then then rich folk, so they pay less.

rich people spend ALOT on the houses, cars, boats...so they pay aLOT in taxes.

and people in ANY group who are cheap asses and don't buy alot of material things wouldn't be paying hardly any taxes at all. it has well been touted as a 'savings-based' economy, instead of our current 'debt-based' economy.

sounds perfectly fair to me. also seems like the FED would have a problem with the fair tax plan. but the fair tax is the only reason i would vote for a man like huckabee.


Well-Known Member
as long as hilary gets the nomination Mcain will be the next president is my prediction, looks right now like hilary will be the dem nominee shes leading in all the states coming up except GA and Colorado

now if Mcain can secure the rep nomination from romney who kinda seems like a pussy to me in the ways of defense, i think Mcain is gonna beat him like a drum,

then it will be this

the wicked witch against the war hero thats is loved by millions of dems reps and indies.......case closed, hillary hosed and her and al gore can go run around together trying to get somone to pay attention to them for the rest of thier selfish egotistical lives

Semper Fidelis



Well-Known Member
Many independents will vote for ANYONE but Hillary. Her "against" number is probably a huge double digit figure. McCain's "against" number seems to be single digit.

The "against" number in this election cycle, will decide the next president.


New Member
Many independents will vote for ANYONE but Hillary. Her "against" number is probably a huge double digit figure. McCain's "against" number seems to be single digit.

The "against" number in this election cycle, will decide the next president.
I disagree. The "for" quotient is overwhelmingly for the Dems, either Hillary or Obama. The only way McCain wins is another false flag attack or fixed voting machines. Anyone want to bet? Romney is dead from the neck up as a mormon, his odds are very slim. Even the repuke base is leaving the fold. The dems (Which ever one wins the primary) will stomp the repukes 60-40, Word!
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