I Found a Secret Room In My House!

Ha this is great. Always thought about excavating out a secret underground room. Water would be a problem where I am though.
That's a perfect place to grow... The way the lights will reflect off the dome shape is going to be beautiful. It's like somebody built that grow room just for you to find. It was destiny and your plants are going to be magical :D

but make sure you conceal it back up pretty well also. maybe fix up your basement and put a book shelf with wheels in front of it after you are done setting everything up... I would hate for something like this to be taken away.
yea, i have changed my opinion, that looks like charlie mansons childhood play room. fuck going in there. i would just shot gun the door down and sick a dog on whatever is lying in wait to steal your soul.

I read this post about 20 minutes ago and I'm still laughing.
LOL, the man hole above it is just the bottom of a well. Here is where the man hole leads to:


Is THIS your back yard? If so, take extreme caution, and if you have any pets, you probably shouldn't let them outside.


Just going to bump this because I feel it's The Best post on this forum next to the whole entire ghetto grow thread.
ok, didn't read everything so if anyone else said this sorry.. I know people said there MIGHT be a body in there.. while reading this.. I honestly was hoping that you fount a body... i know.. wtf would you want that for.. idk im stoned.. and it would be one them things that i could just see me or someong else high saying.."god damn.. wtf?! how did that get there?!" <-- sorry lol. its funny.. i got a sick since of humor... my post just became long and pointless.. i shall leave now...

Bravo on the find and good luck on the future of this secret garden. definitely one of the funniest threads ive read in a while. subbed for sure
Shameless bump in case anyone missed it. No new updates really. Need to finish a couple big projects first. Got my home networking done and my fallen tree chopped up (a tree fell on the deck/porch), so getting closer. Still need to finish my bathroom remodel before I start getting my hands dirty with this again. Happy growing.
OMG!!! that happened to me and when i opened it up i found a skeleton, so i called the police, when the police came they taped off my house and started a murder enquiry, there was a short tv appeal for any missing persons, and it was about 2 weeks later that the police found out who it was, it was the 1982 northern ireland hide and seek champion.
OMG!!! and just imagine your in your secret grow room working away and you collapse and die, so you get put on the missing persons list, then somebody finds a secret room in your old cellar a few years later, and thinks great lets build a secret grow room here i am going to open it up. LOLOLOL. and after they had found and cremated your body they spotted the crematorium staff wandering around the grounds stoned out of their fucking heads on the fumes. LOLOLOL
OMG!!! that happened to me and when i opened it up i found a skeleton, so i called the police, when the police came they taped off my house and started a murder enquiry, there was a short tv appeal for any missing persons, and it was about 2 weeks later that the police found out who it was, it was the 1982 northern ireland hide and seek champion.
Hahahahahahah Made me smile and i havent even smoked yet. good job xD
Great thread and huge congrats on the find. If nothing else for the historical and coolness factor. I have a VERY important tip for you... cover that freaking doorway ASAP. Keep it secret, keep it safe. The last thing you need is someone unexpectedly finding the entrance and blowing the entire operation. Trust me. The greatest value in having a secret grow room is it remaining just that... a secret grow room. Tell us, preferably often and with plenty of pics! But some random HVAC tech or plumber would love to tell his buddies about the crazy underground room he saw at your house. I know you don't plan on letting anyone down there and only family will see it but, uh... things happen. And once the cat is out of the bag it is impossible to shove it back in.

Get a large locking metal cabinet, secure it to the wall, and cut out the back of the cabinet. Second, as amazing as this find is you have to keep in mind that cleaning it up, making it safe, dealing with water seepage, and transforming it into any kind of habitable/workable space is going to be a MASSIVE PROJECT. I'm talking a metric crap ton of man hours here and you can't just call all your friends in to help for pizza and beer. If you have a grow buddy you absolutely trust, then you just cut your work in half. But doing this on your own will take a ridiculous amount of man hours and logistics (not to mention a fair amount of cash.) Still, it would most likely be worth it. Everyone on here will be cheering you the entire way. Maybe I missed it but do you own the house? Do you have any plans on moving in the near or far future?
keep it hidden. hang a full length closed shelf on the door. so when its closed, it looks like a shelf against the wall.
The concerns with any type of swinging/hanging door or shelves is that the hinges are usually large, difficult to conceal, and can show signs of sliding on the floor. Even with a shelving unit hung directly on a door (that opens out obviously) it will be difficult to have the shelves not "hover" above the ground when closed, but not bind on the floor when open. And again, you'll have telltale signs of sliding on the concrete floor.

Trust me on this one... the locking cabinet with no back is your best bet.
i want some of what you 3 have been smoking in the 3 threads before this one, a hidden door, cammmooon, who the hell is going to be in his cellar, do you let people go in to your cellar whenever they feel like wandering around your home, if he tells someone he is growing weed and he gets a drug bust a fucking sniffer dog will smell it from the front door of the house anyway and leg it straight to the cellar, even through a door sealed with tape. i mean you cant hide it from anyone that lives there with you except your kids, keep the cellar door locked and tell them there was a large water leak and it is dirty damp and there is sharp tools down there, and you cant hide it from your wife she might find it think you dont know about it either take a hairy fit and call the fucking cops when your out. tell your wife what the two of you are planning and she can help you put it together then you can keep the only key to the locked growroom and that way if she falls out with you wind her up and tell her that her fingerprints are in there. at the end of the day if only you two know about it then its your secret.