smokey green
Active Member
Should be on page 17
Thanks man....Just watched it....furkin awesome! now get yer grow on!!
Should be on page 17
hahaha that is hilarious, at the top of the page before the video it says : Have alittle respect, this was quite a process.
did you read what i wrote before i saw this three posts above this LOL.
first of all he looks like he is ready for a mission and to take on the zombies in the playstation game resident evil LOLOLOLOL, now he is struggling and it takes forever for him to pull off a sheet of thin polythene that is covering the door, LOLOLOL but he talks a good game though, and then he takes forever with a crowbar to rip the thin flimsy door open with a couple of small flying splinters and my sides are sore, because once he has it open he stares in side for ages cos he is terrified to enter the place LOLOLOL if he was a burglar breaking in to someones house when they were in bed asleep, by the time he got in to the house, they would be sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast LOLOLOL.
christ he is still staring in you would think the door was put there to keep something in not keep people out LOLOLOL
he lifts the camera and places it in front of him as he enters a sort of re-assurance and safety shield that if there is something in there we will see it first and get attacked first LOL then he says i would be lying if i said i wasnt a little bit frightened in here though you know LOLOL
and after 4 cups of cofee the adrenalin kind a kicks in LOL give me some of YOUR cofee,
LOLOLOLOL he eventually enters and he spotted a spider in there and started jumping about and screaming like a woman LOLOLOLOL i cant fucking believe this, this is the funniest thing i have seen in years. the fucking spider is terrified of him and all the screaming he is doing and turned white with shock, hahahahaha, LOL
this guy has been watching to many egyptian mummy movies where they set traps for anybody trying to enter LOLOL.
i have to show this to my kids hahahahahahahahahahaha.
if this was on you tube with the title, guy scared to enter old secret room under house ,the guy would get more hits in a week than lady gaga gets in a year.
Dude, I'm new here too but it seems rep is inversely relational to the number of "LOL"s posted. Cool out...
That explains the asinine assumption then...
It's cool sweetheart... I've been trolling for months. I'm here for the knowledge and advice, not post count bragging rights.
this is an old property.I wonder what that room was? What was in the hole up top?
this is an old property.
it looks as though the hidden room travels through his house (or business premises) foundation wall to outside of his house boundary, and the stairs on the left are an old outside access as the dirt and leaves on the stairs confirm my theory.
the opening in the roof looks like a delivery hatch that could be opened from outside and the coal or wood could be dropped through from outside, in to the coal bunker below, you could then open the door from the cellar and collect coal or wood to put on your fire or furnace, they never kept the fuel for a fire outside as it was easily stolen too.
the outside hatch covers would have been slightly raised of the ground to prevent the collection of rain water below, and water tanks were never below ground even if the water was easily kept cold as a pump would be needed to remove the water, the water tanks were always put high where the water could be gravity fed through a pipe to a tap.
but that is my theory, i am not there to inspect it properly. it is either that or it was where someone could hide his huge stash of grass but i doubt it. more like a hidden huge stash of coal that could get you through a long bleak winter. and the owners long past would probably have had a dog in the house as an alarm for intruders at night.
Very cool!!! I have plans of 2 conex boxes under my house when I build it. That will be pretty sweet, I cant wait to see what this guy makes this up as. And find a way to keep that door hidden. Do the old book shelf trick. lol. I wish I had a underground layer!!
I'm pretty sure the Anthracite coal that was used extensively in the last century for heating and cooking does not produce measureable amounts of gas - its primarily stabilized carbon. The hole in the overhead is as Weegogs surmised - the loading chute.I think your right there is a tube for ventilation. Coal would have made alot of gas being taped underground like that.
Holy shit I found a secret underground room in my basement!!!! It appears to be an old cistern or coal room behind my foundation wall!!!! I tore down an old work bench and metal wall cabinets to get more storage space and found a fucking door!!!!!!! I have yet to go inside but peaked through the plastic sheeting and it is huge!!!!! Atleast 10x10x10!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I hit the jackpot!!!!! Sorry I am really really excited and had to tell somebody! This could be an awesome project!!! I will update and post pics at a later time!!!
thats funny, in the video the plastic sheet and door was resealed very well after you had already removed the plastic, opened the door and had a peek.
are you sure you are not someone that is an attention seeker, if you want attention, get your hands dirty and build a brilliant grow room inside with pictures, then fill it with plants and update us with the growing results, you will get even more attention then.
you posted this thread 2 and a half months ago and claimed you invested lots of money on a lot of crap to go in there, a gas mask for fucks sake our troops in the helmand province dont even get a gas mask, a crowbar that you couldnt use properly, a camera, and god knows what else, to open something that was only a flimsy piece of timber, and you had opened it already, now you leave us all in limbo, and you stumbled about in there like something from a laurel and hardie film, screaming like a little girl scared of a little spider, there is a fishy smell surrounding this thread. and we demand an explanation from you !!!!!