I Found a Secret Room In My House!

i want some of what you 3 have been smoking in the 3 threads before this one, a hidden door, cammmooon, who the hell is going to be in his cellar, do you let people go in to your cellar whenever they feel like wandering around your home, if he tells someone he is growing weed and he gets a drug bust a fucking sniffer dog will smell it from the front door of the house anyway and leg it straight to the cellar, even through a door sealed with tape. i mean you cant hide it from anyone that lives there with you except your kids, keep the cellar door locked and tell them there was a large water leak and it is dirty damp and there is sharp tools down there, and you cant hide it from your wife she might find it think you dont know about it either take a hairy fit and call the fucking cops when your out. tell your wife what the two of you are planning and she can help you put it together then you can keep the only key to the locked growroom and that way if she falls out with you wind her up and tell her that her fingerprints are in there. at the end of the day if only you two know about it then its your secret.

I believe you meant posts not threads. Regardless, I wholeheartedly agree about telling his wife. It would be impossible to hide from her anyway as she might notice the 100's of man hours (and it will be) that he's spending "cleaning the cellar". As long as she's okay with it then she's just as liable and (God forbid) can't rat him out. He should upsell it as a not only a grow room but a private getaway for them both where no kids can find them. Although I didn't see any mention of kids but GOOD LUCK keeping them out of the cellar... LOL. Telling them not to is a sure fire way to pique their interest, or anyone else for that matter. And as far as everything else you mentioned, its not being paranoid man, its being cautious. You never plan on anybody else being down there but I'm telling ya'... sh*t happens. Visiting relatives, wandering friends, you forget to lock the cellar door just once, etc. The best advice I can give is cover the entrance now. Decide what you want to do with it later.

And in all seriousness... as excited as everyone is about this find... it will be a looooong sloooooow road, if it happens at all which I sincerely hope it does. But it's not as easy as grab a shovel and a broom, some spray paint and lumber, and voilà... a fully functional secret secure underground grow/smoke room! It's more about time, money, and tons of blood sweat and tears.
Oh my god. So awesome. I love mysterious hidden shit like that so much. +rep.

Also, some of the earlier comments were fucking hilarious, if not a bit harsh. :)
holy shit i found a secret underground room in my basement!!!! It appears to be an old cistern or coal room behind my foundation wall!!!! I tore down an old work bench and metal wall cabinets to get more storage space and found a fucking door!!!!!!! I have yet to go inside but peaked through the plastic sheeting and it is huge!!!!! Atleast 10x10x10!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like i hit the jackpot!!!!! Sorry i am really really excited and had to tell somebody! This could be an awesome project!!! I will update and post pics at a later time!!!

thats what i need
Didnt you see the video he posted? It was worth the wait. Funny as hell!

i can see this guy in a snapshot already, he is about 40 years of age, and he is standing there about 5`10", thick jet black hair, and a very thick moustache curled up thin at the ends, he is very muscular with strong thick wrists, his hands are large and he has small piercing bright blue eyes, with thick jet black eyebrows and a large thin nose, with lips that are almost purple, he looks menacing, his chin is unshaven, he has a scruffy white vest that has chest hair sprouting over the neck band, and the vest has thick black horizontal stripes on it, and there is brown leather buttoned braces holding up well worn denims turned up at the bottom to reveal his high 10 eyelet tackety work boots with exposed steel toecap, he has a green sandwich box tucked under his right arm, his very long dirty white home made cigarette between his left fingers has long since gone out, he has a black patchy sooty dirty colour all over him, and i can see a large dirty red handerchief sticking out toward the side from behind his left leg, it must be hanging from his back pocket, he has a dirty white hard hat on with a lamp on the front of it, and a dirty black tear running down his cheek from his right eye which is red and almost closed now, he is standing there with a digging shovel in one hand and handcuffs on the other, and he shouts at the top of his deep rough voice "how do you confuse an irishman" and he shouts again " you lean 2 shovels against a wall and tell him to take his pick".. Lolol (in the construction industry a pick is short for a pick axe so dont ask).
for huffpuffy 3 posts above this one, this was for the last 2 lines of your post.
i can see this guy in a snapshot already, he is about 40 years of age, and he is standing there about 5`9", thick jet black hair, and a very thick moustache curled up thin at the ends, he is muscular with strong very thick wrists, his hands are large and he has small piercing bright blue eyes, with thick jet black eyebrows and a large thin nose, with lips that are almost purple, he looks menacing, his chin is unshaven, he has a scruffy white vest that has chest hair sprouting over the neck band, and the vest has thick black horizontal stripes on it, and there is brown leather buttoned braces holding up well worn denims turned up at the bottom to reveal his high 10 eyelet tackety work boots with exposed steel toecap, he has a sandwich box tucked under his right arm, his long dirty thin white home made cigarette between his left fingers has long since gone out, he has a black patchy sooty dirty colour all over him, and i can see a large dirty red handerchief sticking out toward the side from behind his left leg, it must be hanging from his back pocket, he has a dirty white hard hat on with a lamp on the front of it, he is standing there with a pick axe in one hand and handcuffs on the other, he has a black dirty tear running down his cheek from his right eye which is red and almost closed, and he shouts "how do you confuse an irishman" and he shouts again " you lean 2 shovels against a wall and tell him to take his pick".. Lolol (in the construction industry a pick is short for a pick axe so dont ask).
for huffpuffy 3 posts above this one, this was for the last 2 lines of your post.

WOW Dude! Look on page 17 of this thread. It shows him going in for the first time.
hahaha that is hilarious, at the top of the page before the video it says : Have alittle respect, this was quite a process.
did you read what i wrote before i saw this three posts above this LOL.
first of all he looks like he is ready for a mission and to take on the zombies in the playstation game resident evil LOLOLOLOL, now he is struggling and it takes forever for him to pull off a sheet of thin polythene that is covering the door, LOLOLOL but he talks a good game though, and then he takes forever with a crowbar to rip the thin flimsy door open with a couple of small flying splinters and my sides are sore, because once he has it open he stares in side for ages cos he is terrified to enter the place LOLOLOL if he was a burglar breaking in to someones house when they were in bed asleep, by the time he got in to the house, they would be sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast LOLOLOL.
christ he is still staring in you would think the door was put there to keep something in not keep people out LOLOLOL
he lifts the camera and places it in front of him as he enters a sort of re-assurance and safety shield that if there is something in there we will see it first and get attacked first LOL then he says i would be lying if i said i wasnt a little bit frightened in here though you know LOLOL
and after 4 cups of cofee the adrenalin kind a kicks in LOL give me some of YOUR cofee,
LOLOLOLOL he eventually enters and he spotted a spider in there and started jumping about and screaming like a woman LOLOLOLOL i cant fucking believe this, this is the funniest thing i have seen in years. the fucking spider is terrified of him and all the screaming he is doing and turned white with shock, hahahahaha, LOL
this guy has been watching to many egyptian mummy movies where they set traps for anybody trying to enter LOLOL.
i have to show this to my kids hahahahahahahahahahaha.
if this was on you tube with the title, guy scared to enter old secret room under house ,the guy would get more hits in a week than lady gaga gets in a year.
hahaha that is hilarious, at the top of the page before the video it says : Have alittle respect, this was quite a process.
did you read what i wrote before i saw this three posts above this LOL.
first of all he looks like he is ready for a mission and to take on the zombies in the playstation game resident evil LOLOLOLOL, now he is struggling and it takes forever for him to pull off a sheet of thin polythene that is covering the door, LOLOLOL but he talks a good game though, and then he takes forever with a crowbar to rip the thin flimsy door open with a couple of small flying splinters and my sides are sore, because once he has it open he stares in side for ages cos he is terrified to enter the place LOLOLOL if he was a burglar breaking in to someones house when they were in bed asleep, by the time he got in to the house, they would be sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast LOLOLOL.
christ he is still staring in you would think the door was put there to keep something in not keep people out LOLOLOL
he lifts the camera and places it in front of him as he enters a sort of re-assurance and safety shield that if there is something in there we will see it first and get attacked first LOL then he says i would be lying if i said i wasnt a little bit frightened in here though you know LOLOL
and after 4 cups of cofee the adrenalin kind a kicks in LOL give me some of YOUR cofee,
LOLOLOLOL he eventually enters and he spotted a spider in there and started jumping about and screaming like a woman LOLOLOLOL i cant fucking believe this, this is the funniest thing i have seen in years. the fucking spider is terrified of him and all the screaming he is doing and turned white with shock, hahahahaha, LOL
this guy has been watching to many egyptian mummy movies where they set traps for anybody trying to enter LOLOL.
i have to show this to my kids hahahahahahahahahahaha.
if this was on you tube with the title, guy scared to enter old secret room under house ,the guy would get more hits in a week than lady gaga gets in a year.

The whole process took hours to do. From going to Lowes to buy supplies, to charging my camera, to actually recording it, to editing it for youtube, to uploading it to youtube, to posting it here. All done with love and light to entertain you guys. Like I said it was quite a process, have alittle respect.
The whole process took hours to do. From going to Lowes to buy supplies, to charging my camera, to actually recording it, to editing it for youtube, to uploading it to youtube, to posting it here. All done with love and light to entertain you guys. Like I said it was quite a process, have alittle respect.
ok mate we`re just having a laugh, although i would have cut the polythene plastic with a carpet knife, rammed the jemmy in the door gap ripped the door open like a maniac and been in there in seconds hoping to find any hidden treasure, not stand at the door waiting on something going BOOOOOooooooo, LOLOLOLOL.
its only a bit of banter pal.
1) 2 months ago we are showed a secret room and you're gung-ho, along with the rest of us, like it's the current project we get to witness. View attachment 1523523

2) Then we're put on hold bc you're too scared to go in there or even shine a couple lights and take some pics. View attachment 1523525 View attachment 1523529

3) Now we're being told, 2 weeks ago, that is has to wait bc other projects take precedent, and THAT I can respect. View attachment 1523530

BUT you should still expect ppl to harp and easily get fired up by others on this thread for the disappointment !! View attachment 1523518 View attachment 1523519

At first, when you dropped the camera, I thought you were doing a Blair Witch spoof until you said spider. I laughed my ass off. I get that way with centipedes. Not your common ordinary house centipedes but the huge ass foot long desert centipedes. God they are horrible. :: shudder ::

One bit me when I was twelve. The worst pain of my life!!!! my finger swole up to the size of a large sausage and the skin tore due to the swelling. HAve you seen those black and yellow furry ones? That's the kind that got me. Beware of those little fuckers.

Considering how he screamed like a little girl with a skinned knee when he saw the spider I am a bit surprised he packed the gear to walk 'the last mile' to the alter. I wonder if he wore his Darth Vader respirator to the alter?

If he had been smart he would have stocked his secret room with provisions and walled himself in the day before the wedding. When the topic of marriage comes up that is the time to run far, run fast, run silent, run deep ... but whatever you do ... you run. You sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and rip up a bunch of bushes and tie them to your rear bumper to wipe out your trail so you can't be tracked and you head for the hills.

Nice detail tie bushes to the bumper to wipe out the trail. Made me laugh out loud!!

Once a woman gets a ring on her finger and one in your nose ... it's all over but your funeral service and your burial.

On the bright side ... with his secret room if he grows tired of her he has a good place to hide the body. Frame in the door and put temporary supports against it and order a few trucks of concrete to fill in the dangerous about to collapse underground cavity. Problem solved, freedom and life regained.

That is of course if he doesn't have pigs to feed her to.
Reminds me of that series deadwood. Good shit.

The whole process took hours to do. From going to Lowes to buy supplies, to charging my camera, to actually recording it, to editing it for youtube, to uploading it to youtube, to posting it here. All done with love and light to entertain you guys. Like I said it was quite a process, have alittle respect.

Great job, most entertaining thread yet on this site.
Man, I was cleaning out a room in my basement and a fucking centipede bit me. The flesh went necrotic (that means it dies). There was this weird disk of scar tissue or something on this sore with green liquid in it. I had it for about 10 days before I decided to go to Urgent Care, but then it started clearing up. (I hate hospital settings and believe in trying everything before I go throw my money at some damn doctor.) That shit hurt like a motherfucker and I have a permanent scar where the little bastard got me. The moral of the story? Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants.