I hate seeds!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Make sure you aren't using bleached paper towels. It can leech out and possibly inhibit germination.
I sprout a lot of various seeds and beans for feeding my parrots and I use a sprouting jar. I wonder how well that will work for cannabis seeds. I might have to experiment.
Basically, it's a mason jar with a screen lid. You can also just use nylon patio screening and rubber band it to a jar with the beans inside. Fill with distilled water (tap should be okay if you let it sit out overnight and let the chlorine gas out). Let them sit overnight in a cool and dark environment. Next day pour out the water through the screen and add more water, rinse and drain again. After that, there should be a small amount of residual water at the bottom of the container. Keep the rinsing and drain process going about 3 times a day until you see them crack, then plant them in the media of choice.
These times are estimates. Different seeds and beans are supposed to be soaked for more or less time, some as little as 4 hours. I think however that cannabis does fine soaking for 12-20 hours without harm, but part of what makes this work is more air circulation than other methods and fresh O2 from the rinses.

I like the towel method that I saw posted here though and might split my next batch of seeds and try both methods.
The one I'm referring to is 4-quarter fold, with one corner hanging in a small amount of water at the bottom of a glass, wicking up water as the towel dries but not overwatering.


Uses the Rollitup profile
If you're having that much trouble, then stop all the luxuries. Like germinating outside of the medium, that is a luxury that you don't need. Prep your rockwool properly, with dilute nutes, (this is hydroponics, the plants all need some food to live from day one) and place the seed in a small hole just below the surface, and keep the cube warm and wet. When it breaks the surface put a light on.

Easy as pie. :bigjoint:

HTH :mrgreen:

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
I have to say that if you are not seeing any success....ever with it continuing to grow after the tap root emerges then there are a few possibilties to consider.

First, I didnt see anyone answer you regarding the heat mat. I have the same one to go along with a couple mondi domes too. If you do not have the thermostat accessory hooked up that one may be running a bit hot for that tender taproot. I keep mine set at 80 for clones and sprouting (but normally for sprouting directly from my medium as potroast suggested). When i paper towel sprout i don't use the mat just a dark, warm place.

If you bought those greenhouse packs from a seed broker then-as crazy as it sounds they could all be bad..............a broker may work out of a wharehouse that gets 130 degrees in the summer or that inventory could be ancient or they could be a bs outfit repacking breeder packs, or they may really sterilize them and sell them as "novelty items". Who knows. From breeders in the last year only.....3..maybe 4 seeds out 70ish were not viable for me....a few more i butchered but the vast majority sprout in 24 hrs and will weave through the paper towel in a couple days making them a bitch to extract.

If you did not buy from the breeder you should. If money is no object then book a flight for this afternoon-The Cannabis Cup is going on as we speak. you will be back in 2 days with exactly what you want...from the breeder......maybe you can even ask arjan wtf is up with those packs you got-bring the empties-bet you get taken care of and have some great stories for years to come.

Otherwise the others on here have you headed in the right direction by saving the magic sauces to waste your money on later--good ol' h2o ought to do it. BTW I don't even ph my seed and clone water till feeding with nutes. Thats when ph must be maintained for nutrient uptake-no nutes no need for uptake.

Hope that helps a little


Well-Known Member
Just take a napkin wet half of it put the seeds on the wet half without touching them, then fold the dry half over. Put it in a baggie let the air out, and stick it under a cable box or something.(dvd player) VCR is anyone even has these anymore XD):weed:

Should take about 2-4 days for them to pop.


Well-Known Member
Well if the seed puts out a tap root it has done its job perfectly. It is up to you after that.
Like i said b4 once the tap root appears and i transplant it there is no more growth, it just stops groing. Since its up to me thats prolly why they keep dying.:lol:

After your seeds crack and show root are you placing the root down in the rockwool??
Yep i place it root down in the RW and it just stop growing after that. I have been useing H202, superthrive, root excel. with distilled water.

Does H202 cause any problems to a seed?

Also check this stuff out i just ordered some rockwool conditioner soak for 24 hours before use to stabilize the ph of the rockwool http://www.discount-hydro.com/productdisp.php?pid=360&navid=34
Yeah i have seen this stuff at my hydro store but never got it. It could help, thanx for posting that for me though. I thought that i might be a waste of money since i flush my RW cubes real good with tap water and sling all the water out with a salid spiner.

Right. Rapid Rooters work great as well.
I heard allot of good and bad thing about theese RR. I use H202 in my feedings and it will break it down after awhile and may cause problems to my pump. I think after awhile it starts to break down and fall apart, but i have never used them. I also heard that they are really good for seeds and clones and have a much better user friendly with the RR rather than the RW cubes. I may have to give them a try if this RW shit does not work. thanx.................

Make sure you aren't using bleached paper towels. It can leech out and possibly inhibit germination.
I never use bleach for anything!!!!!!

I like the towel method that I saw posted here though and might split my next batch of seeds and try both methods.
The one I'm referring to is 4-quarter fold, with one corner hanging in a small amount of water at the bottom of a glass, wicking up water as the towel dries but not overwatering.
I have seen that one too, I wood be carefull with that one cuz the paper could dry out quick and the seeds too. I just heard sum one doing that method and may have lot a few of them cuz he forgot to check on them and they dried out. Just thought i wood give u a heads up, Im sure ur not as lasy as others.LOL

If you're having that much trouble, then stop all the luxuries. Like germinating outside of the medium, that is a luxury that you don't need. Prep your rockwool properly, with dilute nutes, (this is hydroponics, the plants all need some food to live from day one) and place the seed in a small hole just below the surface, and keep the cube warm and wet. When it breaks the surface put a light on.
Thanx Potroast, i going to give this a go with 2 seeds in the RW all ready and 1 in a paper towel and do a side by side test run. This way i can see if just putting the seed in the RW will help, lees stress is allways better. I just hope i preped my RW good enough and i dont need that RW conditioner.

Do u think this stuff is really need to prep my RW?

I have to say that if you are not seeing any success....ever with it continuing to grow after the tap root emerges then there are a few possibilties to consider.
Please do tell......

First, I didnt see anyone answer you regarding the heat mat. I have the same one to go along with a couple mondi domes too. If you do not have the thermostat accessory hooked up that one may be running a bit hot for that tender taproot. I keep mine set at 80 for clones and sprouting (but normally for sprouting directly from my medium as potroast suggested). When i paper towel sprout i don't use the mat just a dark, warm place.
I have a heatmat-sat but i does not work well. When i hook it up and put it to 80deg it never goes above 65deg for sum reason. So i pulled it out and have just the heatmat pluged in and it seems to work well that way, but i think u may have a good point. I may be over heating them, so i placed a plate with a bowl on top with a temp sencer on the plate and covered it. The temp never got over 88deg, think think this is a good temp but let me know if it's not.

If you bought those greenhouse packs from a seed broker then-as crazy as it sounds they could all be bad..............a broker may work out of a wharehouse that gets 130 degrees in the summer or that inventory could be ancient or they could be a bs outfit repacking breeder packs, or they may really sterilize them and sell them as "novelty items". Who knows. From breeders in the last year only.....3..maybe 4 seeds out 70ish were not viable for me....a few more i butchered but the vast majority sprout in 24 hrs and will weave through the paper towel in a couple days making them a bitch to extract.
I have thought of this too, i thought theese where bunk seeds, but i have been thru so many that i begain to think that it's prolly me and not the seeds. I get all my seeds from ATTITUDE and so do allot of other ppl here too, i hope theese are good seeds cuz im getting low and runnig out. I may need to order more seeds. Oh well........ Im bound to get it one day.

If you did not buy from the breeder you should. If money is no object then book a flight for this afternoon-The Cannabis Cup is going on as we speak. you will be back in 2 days with exactly what you want...from the breeder......maybe you can even ask arjan wtf is up with those packs you got-bring the empties-bet you get taken care of and have some great stories for years to come.
That wood be so sweet if i coold go over there, that has been only in my dreams. I few once in my life, i was 22, and i will never do that again. I had the wores time ever. The flight attendenthad to give me 4 beers to calm down cuz i was turning white and fix'n to fall out. Luckly i had a few xanax on hand from the doc. so i took a few of though too. Lets just say i dont like to fly.

Otherwise the others on here have you headed in the right direction by saving the magic sauces to waste your money on later--good ol' h2o ought to do it. BTW I don't even ph my seed and clone water till feeding with nutes. Thats when ph must be maintained for nutrient uptake-no nutes no need for uptake.
So shoul i even put H202 in my water to add a lil O2 in my water. Will this hurt my seeds?

I use distilled water cuz it allready phed and i dont even mess with it either, unless i put superthrive, it drops it a lil below 5.0

Than u so much Oldway, u aleast read my thread and tried to answer my questions. I hope u stick around and maybe i will have another plant in the near future. :peace:

Just take a napkin wet half of it put the seeds on the wet half without touching them, then fold the dry half over. Put it in a baggie let the air out, and stick it under a cable box or something.(dvd player) VCR is anyone even has these anymore XD):weed:
I have a few of them going at the moment on a heatmat and in my homebox. if this does not work the way i plain i might have to try that one. thanx for posting buddy.

- Styl!st bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I skip the plate and bowl and just put the paper towel in a baggie and set it on the cable box or internet modem.
Almost exactly how I do mine.

As I mentioned, my friend uses a mild nutrient solution, likely higher in available nitrogen than anything else. The mild nutrient solution I tried with those particular seeds had no effect whatsoever. Have you ever had such troubles popping beans before?

If the issue arises when you place them in the rockwool, then maybe rockwool isn't the best medium for you to be using (I stand firm, this is as much an art as a science, just like keeping fish).


Well-Known Member
Ok lets see here, i have placed one seed in a paper towel using only distilled water and i even let the paper towel warm up a lil by letting it sit on the heatmat for awhile.

I have also placed 2 seeds in presoaked RW cubes on a heatmat and covered them with a bowl to keep the heat in. I presoaked my cubes in distilled water with a drop of superthrive in a gal of distilled water. I thought that i wood give the superthrive a go since i have read allot of ppl use it in the methods.

I did not use any H202 in my water cuz no one really said if if should or not. I posted it a few time but every body seems to use just plain water so i left it out.

Well the only thing that sucks is that i cant tell when they sprout from the RW. But the good thig is that i dont have to move them either. Hopefully they sprout in a few days.

If theese sprout from the RW, how much water do the seeds need when i water them? Its prolly not that much since they are so little but i just wanted to ask just for my info.

I will put a few pics so u can see waht im doing.........

This pic is the UNKNOWN seed on the plate i found it in a bag of dro.

This pis is my WHITE RHINO/WHITE WIDOW seeds in RW

- Styl!st



Well-Known Member
As I mentioned, my friend uses a mild nutrient solution, likely higher in available nitrogen than anything else. The mild nutrient solution I tried with those particular seeds had no effect whatsoever. Have you ever had such troubles popping beans before?
I get lucky evey once in awhile, but i have had no luck lately.

If the issue arises when you place them in the rockwool, then maybe rockwool isn't the best medium for you to be using (I stand firm, this is as much an art as a science, just like keeping fish).
One time i had a few crack and i started to see the lil root apear so i felt it in the paper towel to let it get a lil bigger so i could put it in the RW cube. So i checked on it a day later and the thing never got any further it just stop growing.

This is what im talking about, it's not the RW cuz i dont even get to get that far cuz they just stop growing b4 i can get them in there. After a few days go by, still no progress, i place them in the RW thinking that this will bring them back to life. Nope no luck, a day or so goes by and they are in the same position when i planted them. Who Knows..............

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
I just want to say SORRY if i have been a ASS HOLE lately. It has been crazy lately around here and i cant seem to get off the ground with theese seeds. So if i have offended u in any kind of way please let me know and i will make it good by giving my appologies.

Aaahh, no i feel better........


Active Member
i dont use any chemicals either, cept for rootone, because it has fingicides in it and keeps the seeds from rotting if they take unusually long to germinate...

also, the seeds u are using may not be good...
if buds are harvested before the seeds ripen, none of them will germinate...
so unless u bought ur seeds from a trusted seed bank, it's very likely your seeds are not viable and will never germinate no matter wat u do

seeds should be big and a brownish dark green color, sometimes with a little white around the edges... the best ones are completely brown/green and have black stripes on them, that means they ripened on the bud goood and long and have the best chance of germinating...

if ur seeds appear small and white, or a light green color, they prob arent ripe and never will be...

a good test is drop them in a bowl of water, if they sink theyre good, floaters are dead...

sometimes even good ripe seeds can go bad if they are too old, because inside the seed coat the embryo has a limited water and food supply... if it is too old of a seed, the water will leak out of the seed and the embryo will dry out and die, or it will simply run out of nutrients to kee[ it alive...

so if that happens, then even the good lookin brown seeds will float becuz they ran out of water and just have a dry embryo and some air in em

and yea, dont use any chemicals... seeds/seedlings are very sensitive to chemicals and can easily be killed by them... i just soak them in distilled water or rainwater for 8-12 hours, then i dry them off, dust some rootone on them, drop them on a paper towel, spray the seeds and the paper towel with a spray bottle of distilled water, and then put the wet paper towels with seeds on them inside a cool whip tub and put in a warm, dark place...

i usually get 90-100% germination with this method, far better than the 75-80% that most people claim. unless the seeds were unripe, which is usually the case when u find seeds in a bud that u smoked... then u get zero or very close to it germination... and if any of them DO germinate, they will be small and weak and probably wont survive...


Well-Known Member
I never use bleach for anything!!!!!!
Sorry, may have not been clear. In processing, companies bleach paper products with chlorine or chlorine derivatives to maintain the whiteness.
Seek out products labeled Processed Chlorine Free (PCF). This means that no additional chlorine or chlorine derivatives have been used to bleach the final recycled product. Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) may also appear on labels of recycled products. However, such labels mean a chlorine derivative has been used to bleach the paper.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem with greenhouse seeds. however i learned an efficient way to get em right. let em soak in a cup of water 24 hours on top of something warm. then transfer them to the paper towel for 12 hours. after doing that, they probably still havent cracked or germed, next put the seed tap root down in some moist soil whether its germed or not and put a clear bag over the soil with lights over it to produce a green house effect . after about a week to a week and a half theyll sprout. b4 this i spent like 200 hunned dollas on greenhouse seeds and only had 2 to germ. now i get at least 4 out uh 5.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem with greenhouse seeds. however i learned an efficient way to get em right. let em soak in a cup of water 24 hours on top of something warm. then transfer them to the paper towel for 12 hours. after doing that, they probably still havent cracked or germed, next put the seed tap root down in some moist soil whether its germed or not and put a clear bag over the soil with lights over it to produce a green house effect . after about a week to a week and a half theyll sprout. b4 this i spent like 200 hunned dollas on greenhouse seeds and only had 2 to germ. now i get at least 4 out uh 5.
Sweet thanx for that piece of info. Its nice to here that sumone eles has the same problem. I will try the way u germ. ur seeds, its sounds like a winner. Theese greenhouse seeds are a pain in the ass but i will get it down soon i only have 5 green house seeds and one unknown and 3 of them are germing as i speak.

Sorry, may have not been clear. In processing, companies bleach paper products with chlorine or chlorine derivatives to maintain the whiteness.
Seek out products labeled Processed Chlorine Free (PCF). This means that no additional chlorine or chlorine derivatives have been used to bleach the final recycled product. Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) may also appear on labels of recycled products. However, such labels mean a chlorine derivative has been used to bleach the paper.
Thats better, thats sumthing i didnt know about the paper towel and will look into it a lil more. Thanx for clearing that up bud.

i dont use any chemicals either, cept for rootone, because it has fingicides in it and keeps the seeds from rotting if they take unusually long to germinate...
Yep i never use any nutes till a few weeks till they are ready for there juice. I have never use rootone for a seedling. I will give it sum thought as a last resrot. I use a lil H202 in my waterings to help with root rot plus add a lil O2 to the seeds. Hopefully this is a good move.

also, the seeds u are using may not be good...
I get all my seeds from ATTITUDE and they seem to have a good shipping method and allot of ppl use them on this site. The only problem is knowing if the seeds that i do recieve are even any good. They all sprout and crack open but as soon a the root pokes out thats as far as they get. I doesnt matter if i leave them in the paper towel or plant them in RW they just stop growing. Who Knows??????????????????

As a rule of thumb, no nutes until your plants are two weeks old.
Check, as soon as i can get sum seeds to pop ther head above ground and live for a feww weeks i will be able to use my nutes......

Thanx everybody for posting and giving me all this usefull info. Its nice when i can get sum of theese seeds to grow. Once i get my seeds to pop and stay alive there will be sum usefull info for otheres to see and to use. This will be the best thread ever for learning how to germinate seeds if every thing goses a plain, but we will wait and see.

Its seemsthat theese seeds from green house are not the easiest and user friendly to germinate and have a hard germ. rate if u dont know WTF ur doing. But i will get this down to the T if i even if i have to make anothere order and star over.

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
Its been 24hrs sent i have placed my seeds in the paper towel and the RW cubes. My cube wiegh about 29 grams and the paper towel is wet nut not soaking wet. The seeds are on a heat mat with it on 24/7. Both paper towel and RW cubes are covered with a bowl to keep in the humidity.

Nothing has happened yet but its only been 24hrs. I really hope this works and theese seeds are viable seeds, Ill keep my finger crossed.

Please post anything usefull that might help me or anyboby NEW to RIU.

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
just drop the seeds in rooters and get em wet and stick them under a light works fine i dont know why people germinate


Well-Known Member
Personally, I germinate because I would rather save my soil and space for the seeds that are actually going to pop. :)


Well-Known Member
just drop the seeds in rooters and get em wet and stick them under a light works fine i dont know why people germinate
I was asking my self the same thing, Why germinate them and have to transplant them and have to be xtra carefull?

I have placed mine in RW cubes and i dont have to move them at all. That seems to be the easiest way to me.

Personally, I germinate because I would rather save my soil and space for the seeds that are actually going to pop. :)
Yeah i can see ur point with wateing the my Cubes but there not that exspensive anyways. I want 100% success with my seeds and i think planting them in a Cube and being done with it till they get too big.

Thanx for posting ur opinions this gives ppl a few differant way of get the same out cum, :leaf:

- Styli!st