i have a undercover cop harassing me what should i do

Now you know he's trying to get you. Shoot him in tha face. We are your witnesses that you have been complaining about him here for days and feared for your life. You could alwasy take him hostage at gunpoint and torture him on live feed for the rest of us. I bet a few here have some great ideas......

You got that cop tied up yet?????

Option # 2 is a little more complex than the pay off. Follow the undercover cop around for a while until you find out where he lives who he knows and everything else about him. It won't take long to get leverage on him or his family. Most of the time a cop will fuck up with in a couple of days and then you got him. A picture with a prostitute is an absolute career killer in most police departments. Once you have the leverage you now control the situation. In fact in know time he'll be trimming for ya or mowing your lawn. This option is hardly used because 9 out of 10 times they will accept the cash and bug someone else.
I lived in the dorms and the First Sargent and his Lieutenant would come by couple times a month for inspection. I worked a lot of nights and got tired of being woke up. I made sure I was butt naked and yanking it real good one time when they walked in. From then on I guess they figured it was clean and never bothered to check again.

Some how make him really uncomfortable.

Actually, Just tell him you know he is under cover and ask why he is snooping around. If he does not answer tell him he is trespassing and to leave.
Call the police and ask if they have a guy/undercover there. tell them he is harrassing and your getting scared for your life let the police.makes notes of the situation then leave the door cracked stand back and.kill him.. you have called for harrassment a few times they did nothing you felt threatened shoot him and then put a knife or etc in his back pocket and make sure you make his hand grab it and done deal your scott free and your a badass and no one will fuck w u
Call the police and ask if they have a guy/undercover there. tell them he is harrassing and your getting scared for your life let the police.makes notes of the situation then leave the door cracked stand back and.kill him.. you have called for harrassment a few times they did nothing you felt threatened shoot him and then put a knife or etc in his back pocket and make sure you make his hand grab it and done deal your scott free and your a badass and no one will fuck w u

Too late I already bought the anal lube and all that

Now we play the waiting game lol
ok so i got pulled pork (LIoyds the good shit) , a paper shredder , a koran, a ski mask, box of condoms, anal lube, duct tape, rope, random assortment of rape drugs, gag ball, latex gloves and a pack of skittles

am i set???

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there buddy!

First of all, you bought the wrong lube. You needed the rectal lube, return the one you have. Promise the old lady at the register that's its unused. Wink at her, she'll understand.

Next, and last, why latex gloves? That poor man could have a latex allergy and then what? No fun, no games, just a bad rash and a worse story. Always go with neoprene gloves man, always.

Lastly, how big is the box of condoms? Family pack at least? Latex-free for sure?

Use good judgment, preemptively lubing your johnson is a wonderful start.

We want pics.