i have a undercover cop harassing me what should i do

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there buddy!

First of all, you bought the wrong lube. You needed the rectal lube, return the one you have. Promise the old lady at the register that's its unused. Wink at her, she'll understand.

Next, and last, why latex gloves? That poor man could have a latex allergy and then what? No fun, no games, just a bad rash and a worse story. Always go with neoprene gloves man, always.

Lastly, how big is the box of condoms? Family pack at least? Latex-free for sure?

Use good judgment, preemptively lubing your johnson is a wonderful start.

We want pics.

The condoms are goat skin
What kind of car was it? I would call the cops. Your going to fuck around and get raped, robbed and murdered by a black pizza delivery guy. You need some heat man. It sounds like hes trying to case your place If he hasn't already. what do you have as far as valuables go?
Also address and security system. And while you're at it why not fax your SSN, ID, Drivers license, Bank Statements, Pay Stubs, And Birth Certificate.
there's this black dude that knocked on my door a few days ago

i opened the door and said he was with at&t and said he needed to come in

so i said no man im sorry i have Comcast

he said oh ok man and walked off

later that day i was walking and i saw a undercover car with the windshield lights and shit it freaked me out

now the same mother fucker just knocked on my door 5 times wearing a comcast shirt today and hes still out there after 4 minutes

its the SAME guy

what should i do

i think he walked off now as im typing this

im thinking the next time he tries to get in my house and he comes in uninvited im gonna kick his ass because of the castle doctrine in Florida the first time he was here he tried to come in but i blocked him of by standing in front of him

i have nothing btw no plants no weed but i am under 21 and ive been drinking and doing beer runs

( were u run in grab some beer throw money on the counter and run off before they ask u for your I.D.)

but i never heard of a undo cop investigating that shit

the only thing i can think of is i went to a hydroponics store and a smoke shop on the same day

note i didn't buy anything at both except a zippo lighter holder at the head shop
forget the gypsy .......the dudes black......gypsys and black dudes stick together