i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass

well i'm sure not firing up a 5200 watt kiln to anneal a few marbles. :fire:
Yeah I gotcha, but when you start making some serious nice smoking glass you need to go right into the kiln to keep it from cooling down to quickly......but I'm sure you already know this. If I ever have the extra scratch I'm going to get setup as well. It's a great hobby.
Yeah I gotcha, but when you start making some serious nice smoking glass you need to go right into the kiln to keep it from cooling down to quickly......but I'm sure you already know this. If I ever have the extra scratch I'm going to get setup as well. It's a great hobby.

my first few cracked because they cooled to fast. i'm using vermiculite on a wood stove for now. it's working. :-P

my snake, ............. :-P IMG_1111.jpg IMG_1114.jpg
make yourself a glass ashtray,that actually holds a joint in place and not fall down.

try to make a hallow snake,where you put a joint in its mouth,and hold the body,and smoke through the tail,that way it will look like the snake is smokin a joint:-P and you will be inhailin its poo.
just as some input, it looks way better than I could ever do. Congrats. I saw those marbles you made out of your scrape. maybe you would consider making like your own custom set of diffuser beads. it's a cool idea
just as some input, it looks way better than I could ever do. Congrats. I saw those marbles you made out of your scrape. maybe you would consider making like your own custom set of diffuser beads. it's a cool idea

now that IS a good idea. i was tryin to pitch welding them to pipes or other glass he might have...

but diffy beads are pretty "in" i guess...a few freshmen at the community college use those .66mm airsoft pellets and rave that they break the smoke up so much more..i wouldnt try it with plastic pellets but with glass beads? hell yea.
i'm back and i'm stoked. my teacher is hella cool. i wish i was a closer and had a lot more money. we seemed to both be on the same "wave length". we liked the same styles and got along right from the start. i was really nervous but once i sat down and started my thing i felt really comfortale. at 50 dollars an hour i'm not sure how often i can go back though. i made a marble and it's in the kiln so i have to go back at least once. maybe another 3 or 4 hour session and then go from there.

i need a small kiln.
When i first seen this thread i thought u were talking about tweakin stuff. But u werent. All i have is a simple glass bowl and zong but im happy for now.