i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass


Well-Known Member
That is a retarded amount of hash you make. I would like to check out Oaksterdam when I move to Cali next year. THey have a Los Angeles campus now too :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah I just want to learn how as more of a hobby and gift deal plust I think that it would be way cool to be able to do my own stuff something to take pride in ya know seeing as I sure do use em alot :)


Well-Known Member
i figured out how to do the bowl end. i'm having trouble with the mouthpiece. it keeps closing up on me. i have to run across town and get a few things a little later on, then i'm gonna try again.

figure out the mouthpiece and add some more color and i got it. :clap::weed:

IMG_1036.jpg IMG_1040.jpg IMG_1043.jpg IMG_1047.jpg


Well-Known Member
any way you could practice with like old pop bottles or cheap glass stuff at thrift shops could be used for decrative glass or something?


Well-Known Member
That bowl looks pretty sweet dude! Keep it up man. Quality glass pieces really set themselves apart.


Well-Known Member
looks good,u just need to close the bowl hole allitle so the weed dont fall through,unless if u got a screen then nevermind