I just can't

Don't forget, no one is allowed to fly over the lunar landing sites.

Only the human ones though, I think?

Or is every site ever landed on considered a no fly zone too? They basically own the moon if that's the case.

In other words, no one will ever be able to send a drone or anything even near enough to document proof that the astro nots from the Apollo missions ever actually landed on it.

So, no way to prove that they just used their simulators as a film set to fake it all, which it does seem like they did. They supposedly mapped the entire moon with probes, and made full scale models before the apollo missions. That is a fact. So detailed too, and the models they used for the sims looked even better than the so called real footage IMO. They DID use the models as far as i'm concerned.

It's completely off limits, just like Antarctica and the so called treaty protecting it too. Don't even try to tell me that the secret service wouldn't catch on to any attempts by anyone to start poking around the moon, or even Antarctica, with advanced drones or unmanned aerial vehicles.. As if it wouldn't get shot down in minutes. It's not allowed!
Don't forget, no one is allowed to fly over the lunar landing sites.

Only the human ones though, I think?

Or is every site ever landed on considered a no fly zone too? They basically own the moon if that's the case.

In other words, no one will ever be able to send a drone or anything even near enough to document proof that the astro nots from the Apollo missions ever actually landed on it.

So, no way to prove that they just used their simulators as a film set to fake it all, which it does seem like they did. They supposedly mapped the entire moon with probes, and made full scale models before the apollo missions. That is a fact. So detailed too, and the models they used for the sims looked even better than the so called real footage IMO. They DID use the models as far as i'm concerned.

It's completely off limits, just like Antarctica and the so called treaty protecting it too. Don't even try to tell me that the secret service wouldn't catch on to any attempts by anyone to start poking around the moon, or even Antarctica, with advanced drones or unmanned aerial vehicles.. As if it wouldn't get shot down in minutes. It's not allowed!
That seems like a lot of work, and what do "they" get out of it again? Like if the earth is actually flat but everyone thinks it's a ball?

Has anyone ever tried to fly a drone to Antarctica and it been shot down? Or is that just a hypothetical idea?
The science of ballistics alone prove the earth is a sphere. As far as stars in pics of earth, the moon is roughly 239 thousand miles from earth. The sun is 91.5 million miles from earth. 2nd closest is about 4.5 light yrs away. Im not sure it would be possible to get the earth and stars in the same exposure from inner space
That seems like a lot of work, and what do "they" get out of it again? Like if the earth is actually flat but everyone thinks it's a ball?

Has anyone ever tried to fly a drone to Antarctica and it been shot down? Or is that just a hypothetical idea?
I can't find a single drone video over the south pole, or anywhere deep into the interior of the continent. Just base camera footage anyway. Type "drone footage over south pole", and see what you can find..

I do see a few drone videos, but none of them are anywhere near where I would want to be looking. They all seem to be right off the shore, where the lame tour guides take you. Screw that, I wanna search for those pyramids that supposedly exist according to some explorers, lol.. I wanna see why google earth blurs out the whole f'ing continent. What are they hiding?
I can't find a single drone video over the south pole, or anywhere deep into the interior of the continent. Just base camera footage anyway. Type "drone footage over south pole", and see what you can find..

I do see a few drone videos, but none of them are anywhere near where I would want to be looking. They all seem to be right off the shore, where the lame tour guides take you. Screw that, I wanna search for those pyramids that supposedly exist according to some explorers, lol.. I wanna see why google earth blurs out the whole f'ing continent. What are they hiding?

jewish space lasers....
We know where the hole is

and obviously no one actually read that drone article referenced as proof of something. I read it. It says you’re full of shit
Don't forget, no one is allowed to fly over the lunar landing sites.

Only the human ones though, I think?

Or is every site ever landed on considered a no fly zone too? They basically own the moon if that's the case.

In other words, no one will ever be able to send a drone or anything even near enough to document proof that the astro nots from the Apollo missions ever actually landed on it.

So, no way to prove that they just used their simulators as a film set to fake it all, which it does seem like they did. They supposedly mapped the entire moon with probes, and made full scale models before the apollo missions. That is a fact. So detailed too, and the models they used for the sims looked even better than the so called real footage IMO. They DID use the models as far as i'm concerned.

It's completely off limits, just like Antarctica and the so called treaty protecting it too. Don't even try to tell me that the secret service wouldn't catch on to any attempts by anyone to start poking around the moon, or even Antarctica, with advanced drones or unmanned aerial vehicles.. As if it wouldn't get shot down in minutes. It's not allowed!
Full scale replica of the moon?? Do you have any idea how big that is?
Some serious clickbait right there. Aside from the title, the article literally does not say that drones are banned in Antarctica.

Edit: I googled it, and yes they are banned. They are also banned in Morocco, which begs the question, what are the Moroccans trying to hide??
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Not saying I'm 1000% positive it happened, but if it was fake, why hasn't any other country either faked one of their own, or come out and said that they think the US moon landings were fake?

I just started my own country and elected myself as leader for life and am also the press secretary. It's a really small low budget country. :)

Here's a transcript from my latest and only speech so far.

(Clears throat) "Hello my adoring subjects (wild applause from two anarchist cats and some free range chickens) I think the moon landings claimed by the USA may not be truthful and possibly didn't happen. (more applause, happy meowing) Now give me your money bitches, palaces don't operate on chump change y'know " ! (boo hiss, angry cock- a- doodle dooing)

Well there you have it, world leaders are starting to wake up!
Some serious clickbait right there. Aside from the title, the article literally does not say that drones are banned in Antarctica.

Edit: I googled it, and yes they are banned. They are also banned in Morocco, which begs the question, what are the Moroccans trying to hide??
Morocco is obviously where the Reptilian Laser Jews keep the giant fans they use to create the world's prevailing winds
Full scale replica of the moon?? Do you have any idea how big that is?
Oh you got me.. It appeared to be full scale anyway, to the people sitting in the simulator cockpits, or from the cameras on tracks hovering around it. Including the dark side. The actual moon models were pretty good sized. I don't know the exact scale tbh. The ones they did show off look big in the videos.. I'm sure there were even bigger ones underground somewhere that nasa also lost, like all the other documents and parts from the apollo missions, lol.

Oh cool, another gigantic telescope. We'll be able to see even better cgi pictures of the universe, and even alien life far far away, wow!!! Yet.. and mark my words.. they "won't be able to zoom in on the moon landing sites" and show the rover or flag, or any real evidence as usual. Just like the VLTs we already have.

Q: Could the VLT take a picture of the Moon-landing sites?

A: Yes, but the images would not be detailed enough to show the equipment left behind by the astronauts. Using its adaptive optics system, the VLT has already taken one of the sharpest ever images of the lunar surface as seen from Earth: http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso0222/. However, the smallest details visible in this image are still about one hundred metres on the surface of the Moon, while the parts of the lunar modules which are left on the Moon are less than 10 metres in size. A telescope 200 metres in diameter would be needed to show them. Although the VLT, when used as an interferometer (VLTI), reaches the same equivalent resolution, it cannot be used to observe the Moon. You may be wondering whether the Hubble Space Telescope would have better luck. In fact, while a space telescope is not affected by the atmosphere of the Earth, it is not substantially closer to the Moon. Also, the Hubble is smaller than the VLT, so it isn’t able to obtain images that show the surface of the Moon with higher resolution. The sharpest images of the lunar landers have been taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Apollo Landing Sites Revisited.

Only NASA's official lunar orbiter can take grainy rendered looking videos of the site with ancient cameras. It's the only one allowed to get close enough too, because they own the historical sites, haha.

Maybe we will see it though the new ground based scopes in the future, and the artemis orion mission just dropped off the van allen proof robot mannequins to the site.. Trying to hurry and recreate the scene before China or the Russians land there to document it. Doubt it though..
The science of ballistics alone prove the earth is a sphere. As far as stars in pics of earth, the moon is roughly 239 thousand miles from earth. The sun is 91.5 million miles from earth. 2nd closest is about 4.5 light yrs away. Im not sure it would be possible to get the earth and stars in the same exposure from inner space

So the farther away from an earth you get , where you CAN see stars, but going out into space and getting closer to those stars, would mean the stars get harder to see?

Okay, you're in your house and can see bigfoot kind of blurry standing on the edge of a field 100 yards away. You grab your camera and go outside your house and get 50 yards closer, then bigfoot gets harder to see even if he/she/they (it's a woke bigfoot) never moved ? Freaky.