i love living in a sci-fi dystopia

can i please get the cliff notes on Just World..is it replacing Q?
“In a just world, you deserve whatever happens to you, good or bad…so shut up about me and stop complaining”. That’s the fallacy: fortune as a sign of God’s (dis)pleasure (see ‘Calvinism’).

IRL shit happens, and it falls on the just and the unjust.
That was the first I heard of it. But it described what I was trying to say very well.

Calories are cheap and extremely easy to consume. Good nutritious stable food is not. The way that we have subsidized food as a nation is due for a massive upheaval.

It is also what the 'inflation' hawks trolls like to pounce on to frighten the masses when they do become more inline with the prices that things like sugar/milk should cost.

So very true, people could use a little help understanding "energy density" when it comes to food.

Right with you on "should cost". I hate the farmer assholes that say, "you want lettuce to cost $20 a head??" when they talk about subsidies, because it's like.....mf'er that shit already costs $20 a head, just not at the grocery store.
My boss in 1984 was fresh from Holland and he too marvelled at the amounts of land occupied with just grass. How everyone's yard wasn't used for growing food was upsetting to him, yet in the years to come he never had a garden. Growing things isn't hard, but it does take up one's time and when there are many distractions, it takes a back seat. TV = time vampire comes to mind. RIU, admittedly, too has be a bit of a time burglar. All good though.

It's time to get back to the garden. :D
Many towns and cities (and HOAs) penalize landowners for *not* having lawns (even really crappy lawns). Crazy, I know, but true. Permaculture would have overtaken my place except for the ‘out-of-place character’ of my landscaping choices….
“In a just world, you deserve whatever happens to you, good or bad…so shut up about me and stop complaining”. That’s the fallacy: fortune as a sign of God’s (dis)pleasure (see ‘Calvinism’).

IRL shit happens, and it falls on the just and the unjust.

Yep, the tradition goes way back.

Blaming people for their misfortune goes back a lot farther in history than Christianity does. I think it comes down to people needing to believe it won't happen to them. After all, if you blame the perpetrator, then it could happen to you. People want to believe that "being good" will protect them from harm.

Women are blamed for the actions of an abuser.
Children are blamed for setting off an abusive parent
Whenever a cop beats somebody, it's the victim's fault.
Parents of trans children are blamed for being (I'm not sure exactly, too permissive?).
"It was Floyds fault, he had drugs in his system"
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Today there was a Tesla in the lane next to me at a red light. We were were both in the front.

The light turned green and I gave it a little punch. Tesla driver did the same.

It was like I was standing still.
Really Texas?......too bad Tesla didn't include a gun, they wouldn't even need a license.. :roll:
Tesla Will Have to Ship Its Texas-Built Cars Out of State to Sell Back to Residents
We use no batteries.....only pumps water when the sun is out. No inverter, straight from solar panels to pump...pumps water up to 5000gl storage tank up on a hill, property is then gravity fed....
I like it, batteries are a big issue with solar. I've been thinking of something similar, panels connected directly to Bridgelux EB LED strips (Good voltage match) to supply supplementary power...... solar panels running LEDs to grow indoor. :cool:
No batteries, inverter, charge controller or led driver!
Something should be done, indoor growing is consuming a LOT of electricity and has a significant carbon footprint!
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I didn't say i had all the answers, but im doing everything within my reach to keep the planet as green as i can. Hopefully that will soon include a Tesla.
I wonder if electric car batteries will become part of a more distributed grid in the future?

", emphasizing that while there is "great interest" in the Mach-E in other European countries, Ford is prioritizing deliveries to Norway for now. "...only 1,300 Mach-E's delivered, I don't think Elon is losing any sleep over Norway...
Tesla gonna start delivering pizzas......that ought to shut up their critics....they are safe enough to deliver pizzas without a driver. :grin:
Well, Tesla has to do something. They've never been able to do anything buy lose money selling cars.