I met Neveah420 the false messiah, here's what happened


Well-Known Member
Through Nevaeh420's holiness, the power of God is made manifest. Through his holiness the power of God is made available, and there is nothing the power of God cannot do. Nevaeh420's holiness can then remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems.
Please call Me George; since you now know My Name.

I am an Agnostic Theist. I dont know if God is real, but I want God to be real.

But thanks for your very kind words, I just dont know how accurate they are because it depends if God is real or not. From listening to the Atheists, it seems like there is no empirical evidence for God.

It should be a fact that I am the Prophet. I also believe that I am the Christ, but this is My subjective opinion of Myself. But its a fact that I am claiming to be the Christ- the Prophet. But some of My claims are not falsifiable, demonstrable, nor empirical. Some of My claims are indeed falsifiable, demonstrable, and empirical; and this is why I believe in Myself.

I dont know how "holy" I am: I would like to consider Myself as holy as anyone else. Being "holy" is subjective, for example, the Pope can be holy to the Catholics, but the Pope is NOT holy to Me.

I would consider Myself about average in many respects: but I am also very much Christ- the Man! I am 100% human, I dont have any special powers either, besides My prophecies and whatnot. I am very normal in person, but I choose to exalt Myself on the internet. I believe that I have the right to exalt Myself on the internet, because I am only telling the Truth anyways.

Stay humble My friend.



Man were you abducted by aliens or something? :confused:

George you got some problemas papo. Do what you want but say you're the second coming of Jesus, with a NEW name, I think you're brainwashed my friend. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Man were you abducted by aliens or something? :confused:
I was never abducted by aliens!

To be candid, I believe that I saw an "alien" or some translucent being on top of My neighbors roof in 2012. That "being" could have been an "above top secret" military person too, I really dont know what I saw.

I also see UFOs on almost a daily basis, except when its too cloudy outside. I saw some UFOs tonight, as a matter of fact.

George you got some problemas papo. Do what you want but say you're the second coming of Jesus, with a NEW name, I think you're brainwashed my friend. :bigjoint:
If I am "brainwashed", then I only "brainwashed" Myself. To be veridical, I am basically the only One that believes in Myself. I dont want a cult anyways, I just like to tell My true stories.



I was never abducted by aliens!

To be candid, I believe that I saw an "alien" or some translucent being on top of My neighbors roof in 2012. That "being" could have been an "above top secret" military person too, I really dont know what I saw.

I also see UFOs on almost a daily basis, except when its too cloudy outside. I saw some UFOs tonight, as a matter of fact.

If I am "brainwashed", then I only "brainwashed" Myself. To be veridical, I am basically the only One that believes in Myself. I dont want a cult anyways, I just like to tell My true stories.

That's all cool, be who you want to be. Just find it hard to believe that you are the "only One" who believes in themselves, speaking as if you are better than the man sitting next to you. There are over 7 billion people in the world. I am almost certain some else is surely to believe in Themselves.... Including Me ;)

So what is your full story again? You say you are Jesus disguised as M.O.G which in your expression stands for Oh My God backwards and have been abducted by aliens? .... I see.... :dunce:

And what about what the Bible says about false prophets? You claim to be the Messaih and speak with UFO's at night. Must live in Jerusalem too huh? The Holy Land :clap:


Well-Known Member
That's all cool, be who you want to be. Just find it hard to believe that you are the "only One" who believes in themselves, speaking as if you are better than the man sitting next to you. There are over 7 billion people in the world. I am almost certain some else is surely to believe in Themselves.... Including Me ;)

So what is your full story again? You say you are Jesus disguised as M.O.G which in your expression stands for Oh My God backwards and have been abducted by aliens? .... I see.... :dunce:

And what about what the Bible says about false prophets? You claim to be the Messaih and speak with UFO's at night. Must live in Jerusalem too huh? The Holy Land :clap:
You can read My full story if you click on the link below.


You can read My full story of you click on the link above.



Well-Known Member
Did you finally give up the ghostdriver account? Like how you stopped at 777...... didn't you stop another account at 666?


Well-Known Member
Did you finally give up the ghostdriver account? Like how you stopped at 777...... didn't you stop another account at 666?
Lol, I am NOT GhostDriver! I never was GhostDriver!

I dont have any "sockpuppets", but this is My fourth username on RIU. I first started blogging under "LiveAndLetLive", in like the year 2007.

My second username on RIU was "We Tarded", in like the year 2008.

My third username on RIU was "We Love 1". That was from like 2008 until maybe 2011. I thought I was Jesus under this username, lol.

My fourth and current username is "Nevaeh420". I dont blog on any other username on RIU. I started to blog under "Nevaeh420", in like late 2012.

I also am blogging on a website called "theforumsite.com". I am "The_Word" on there. But I believe that you already read the "first and last page" of that thread.

For the record, I never stopped blogging at post number 666. But, at post # 666 I denied Jesus and I lost faith in Jesus: that was under the username of "We Tarded", in 2008, on RIU. You can look that up if you want. I watched the movie "Zeitgeist" for the first time, and I lost all of My faith in Jesus at post # 666. I think a few people made comments that I "denied Jesus on post # 666", but I thought it was a coincidence, because Im not the devil: and I didnt know that 666 was the "mark of the beast".

I hope that makes sense, Skuxx.



Well-Known Member
I'm a passive atheist

I don't get offended at Christmas time

Crucifixs don't scare me

I just choose that science knows best

I mean some sand person in the middle in some cave high as fuck probably said

Ayyeeee maannn

How can we make people think there gonna feel guilty about jerking off and enacting on human instinct to the point where they are brainwashed assholes

Ik make a religion like Judaism but a little different

Sorry thats just what I think

But I don't shit on other people's opinions

My life is shitter now that I realized when I die it will just be black and nothing

I think depending on how you go out

I.e. peacefuly or scared

Means how you see your situation when your dead almost like you go into a coma where you can't even think or dream just it the blackness there all round you