I had sixteen epidurals in two years with the last one forming a clot overnight where they hit the spinal cord. I got out of bed the next morning, two paces down the hall and I hit the floor. I could not move or feel anything below my waist for about 30 min. (consider mounting your wall phones a little lower)
Year later, doing easy assembly work the joints in my had become inflamed, pain to the touch, was prescribed roids just before a 10 day cruise.

I was now a roid rager. 5 days of discontent and bad attitude but my hands were ok. Since then I've found eating steroid enhanced factory food makes me quite the angry, selfish asshole. So your Dr. may be doing society a favor by not prescribing.
I've been using a heating pad to the point it's uncomfortable heat-wise but helps much of the pain,
GG4 can get my mind off the rest of the pain that remains. I'd rather be in a little pain then hate everything and everyone.
Just ((steroid free) food for thought.