I miss some of the old members who dont come around

It's hard getting there but in the end I had really proved to myself it just didn't work for me. Until I'd really internalized that it was impossible but afterwards it was fairly easy. I tapered down pretty low with generic ms contins and smoked a shit ton of hash oil to get through. Basically ruined my tolerance for weed but that was a small price to pay for my life back.
the urge will always be there, but it's easier with time.. outside of some poppy tea use when my back is killing me..( my back always hurts but I'm talking killing me bad) I've been clean from morphine pills and heroine for eight years now.. I know how easy it is to spiral out of control so my tea use is limited to one day use usually.. I have degenerative disk dease with two building disks and one herniated disk so I qualify for pain meds but I choose not to get them in fear of becoming dependent ..
the urge will always be there, but it's easier with time.. outside of some poppy tea use when my back is killing me..( my back always hurts but I'm talking killing me bad) I've been clean from morphine pills and heroine for eight years now.. I know how easy it is to spiral out of control so my tea use is limited to one day use usually.. I have degenerative disk dease with two building disks and one herniated disk so I qualify for pain meds but I choose not to get them in fear of becoming dependent ..

I have degenerative discs among other issues. I'll get a small script if pain is bad enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. That's happened twice. Mostly I get by with copious amounts of cannabis. I had a radiofrequency ablation earlier this year which helped a ton. Easily a 50% reduction in pain.
I have degenerative discs among other issues. I'll get a small script if pain is bad enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. That's happened twice. Mostly I get by with copious amounts of cannabis. I had a radiofrequency ablation earlier this year which helped a ton. Easily a 50% reduction in pain.
is that where they cauterize the nerves? I thought about getting that done if that's what your talking about.. I have sevier nerve pain and walking and sitting is a bitch some times.. there's time I get jolts that drop me to the ground if I step wrong or sit up to fast....
is that where they cauterize the nerves? I thought about getting that done if that's what your talking about.. I have sevier nerve pain and walking and sitting is a bitch some times.. there's time I get jolts that drop me to the ground if I step wrong or sit up to fast....
Yeah they stick a needle in the uses rf to heat the nerves up and kill them. The procedure is quite uncomfortable and it was about a 3 day recovery.

Those jolts suck. You ever get the one where it feels like a kick to the balls?
I have degenerative discs among other issues. I'll get a small script if pain is bad enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. That's happened twice. Mostly I get by with copious amounts of cannabis. I had a radiofrequency ablation earlier this year which helped a ton. Easily a 50% reduction in pain.
Hey Big E...speaking of RF...I just had two rounds of ablation therapy. Three nerves on one side of the spine on the first procedure and three nerves on the second go. I searched YouTube before the day of...what a mistake...I was mortified. Almost backed out. Turned out to be no worse than having steroid injections. I guess everyone is different. The burning part didn't even hurt much. I found if I took deep breaths while he did the injections I hardly felt it.
I don't think I enjoyed a 50% reduction in pain though. Maybe 20%. The pain now is more blunt, duller, not so much like an ice pic in my back. I guess it was worth it. If I could just take steroid pills I'd be right as rain. He won't do it though. Too many side effects he says. I would recommend it to anyone thinking about it. Supposedly lasts about a year before the nerve grows back.
Still taking opiates though. Percs, morphine. At some point in the day not even those work. I have to get off my feet. I just can't seem to work more than 5hr days. So I am trying for disability. Again. This time with a lawyer.
So a question? You ditched the pills entirely and only treat with Cannabis? I found, for me at least, Cannabis just made my pain louder. Have you tried CBD in some form? If I can locate an inexpensive source I'd really like to try it.
Anyhow, great that you are clean. I feel guilty now.
Yeah they stick a needle in the uses rf to heat the nerves up and kill them. The procedure is quite uncomfortable and it was about a 3 day recovery.

Those jolts suck. You ever get the one where it feels like a kick to the balls?
lol.. someone who knows my pain......yes ,quite frequently recently..
If I could just take steroid pills I'd be right as rain. He won't do it though. Too many side effects he says. I would recommend it to anyone thinking about it.

I had sixteen epidurals in two years with the last one forming a clot overnight where they hit the spinal cord. I got out of bed the next morning, two paces down the hall and I hit the floor. I could not move or feel anything below my waist for about 30 min. (consider mounting your wall phones a little lower)

Year later, doing easy assembly work the joints in my had become inflamed, pain to the touch, was prescribed roids just before a 10 day cruise.:wall: I was now a roid rager. 5 days of discontent and bad attitude but my hands were ok. Since then I've found eating steroid enhanced factory food makes me quite the angry, selfish asshole. So your Dr. may be doing society a favor by not prescribing.

I've been using a heating pad to the point it's uncomfortable heat-wise but helps much of the pain,
GG4 can get my mind off the rest of the pain that remains. I'd rather be in a little pain then hate everything and everyone.

Just ((steroid free) food for thought.
I had sixteen epidurals in two years with the last one forming a clot overnight where they hit the spinal cord. I got out of bed the next morning, two paces down the hall and I hit the floor. I could not move or feel anything below my waist for about 30 min. (consider mounting your wall phones a little lower)

Year later, doing easy assembly work the joints in my had become inflamed, pain to the touch, was prescribed roids just before a 10 day cruise.:wall: I was now a roid rager. 5 days of discontent and bad attitude but my hands were ok. Since then I've found eating steroid enhanced factory food makes me quite the angry, selfish asshole. So your Dr. may be doing society a favor by not prescribing.

I've been using a heating pad to the point it's uncomfortable heat-wise but helps much of the pain,
GG4 can get my mind off the rest of the pain that remains. I'd rather be in a little pain then hate everything and everyone.

Just ((steroid free) food for thought.
I'll look into GG4. Never had a roid reaction. Thanks much.
Hey Big E...speaking of RF...I just had two rounds of ablation therapy. Three nerves on one side of the spine on the first procedure and three nerves on the second go. I searched YouTube before the day of...what a mistake...I was mortified. Almost backed out. Turned out to be no worse than having steroid injections. I guess everyone is different. The burning part didn't even hurt much. I found if I took deep breaths while he did the injections I hardly felt it.
I don't think I enjoyed a 50% reduction in pain though. Maybe 20%. The pain now is more blunt, duller, not so much like an ice pic in my back. I guess it was worth it. If I could just take steroid pills I'd be right as rain. He won't do it though. Too many side effects he says. I would recommend it to anyone thinking about it. Supposedly lasts about a year before the nerve grows back.
Still taking opiates though. Percs, morphine. At some point in the day not even those work. I have to get off my feet. I just can't seem to work more than 5hr days. So I am trying for disability. Again. This time with a lawyer.
So a question? You ditched the pills entirely and only treat with Cannabis? I found, for me at least, Cannabis just made my pain louder. Have you tried CBD in some form? If I can locate an inexpensive source I'd really like to try it.
Anyhow, great that you are clean. I feel guilty now.

Cannabis is the mainstay, I also use topical diclofenac and lidocaine. The only way I will take opioids is if I flare badly enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. Its happened twice now and the great thing about not being on them all the time is when something really bad comes along they actually work!!
I was able to breath my,way through the steroid injections but the ablation was a lot harder on me. Particularly when they did the left side.
I have tried CBD and it helps but CBG seems to be the most helpful to me.

lol.. someone who knows my pain......yes ,quite frequently recently..
I'm so sorry. I have been lucky enough to always have something i could grab to catch myself but I fear one day it will make me fall.
Cannabis is the mainstay, I also use topical diclofenac and lidocaine. The only way I will take opioids is if I flare badly enough I need help getting to the bathroom in the morning. Its happened twice now and the great thing about not being on them all the time is when something really bad comes along they actually work!!
I was able to breath my,way through the steroid injections but the ablation was a lot harder on me. Particularly when they did the left side.
I have tried CBD and it helps but CBG seems to be the most helpful to me.

I'm so sorry. I have been lucky enough to always have something i could grab to catch myself but I fear one day it will make me fall.
This explains your amazing dabbing tolerance. It must have been effective, since I never saw you look or act like you were feeling any pain during our gathering let summer- last alone what you're describing here.
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This explains your amazing dabbing tolerance. It must have been effective, since I never saw you look or act like you were feeling any pain during our gathering let summer- last alone what you're describing here.

Upwards of 2g of oil a day has that effect. After stretching in the morning I don't think I was ever in more than moderate discomfort and that was easily helped by moving a little and having another dab.
One of the better lists to make too, welcome back now stick around, and don't eat the couches. How's the fam doing?
Family is good, little one is a bit under the weather today but I think he's just battered and suffering from something he caught on the plane. We're all a bit wiped cos we spent a couple of weeks in the Canaries. Bit of a shock to leave there and come back to Western Yurp and the cold and the rain.....

I promise, no more couches.