I miss some of the old members who dont come around

Who did that? That's fucked up..
I’m pretty sure it was just someone playing around at first. But after Pin said he didn’t like it, it still happened again... so maybe it’s better if that person speaks up and gives his account of what happened?

But I will say I cringed the first time he typed “faggot” to Pinworm. So I already knew it wasn’t gonna be a good convo from then on... and guess what? It went south quick.

I’d rather not say names, feels too much like snitching to me.

I missed that...dayum...if there's anything that I love its a good ole fashioned hater lynching. Fortunetly Pinny has a thick skin.
You missed it because it didn’t happen on RIU.
I’m pretty sure it was just someone playing around at first. But after Pin said he didn’t like it, it still happened again... so maybe it’s better if that person speaks up and gives his account of what happened?

But I will say I cringed the first time he typed “faggot” to Pinworm. So I already knew it wasn’t gonna be a good convo from then on... and guess what? It went south quick.

I’d rather not say names, feels too much like snitching to me.

You missed it because it didn’t happen on RIU.
I already called him out once on here.

Since I’m a good boy now and super hella nice I won’t do it a second time.
Anybody talked to @Bakatare666... lately? He usually pops in once in a blue moon but no Baka bear. I miss that humpin GIF of his..lol
Life wouldn't be the same w/o you Rosey
@ttystikk told me I'd been mentioned here. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy :)

Life is pretty good. Coming up on 6 years without opioids. No grow of my own ATM but I help out in a few which keeps me from going nuts. I'll try to come around more.
It IS nice to see you big E.
Life wouldn't be the same w/o you Rosey

It IS nice to see you big E.

I'm sure @canabineer will be sorry he missed you. He's teaching a Chemistry class and they just did midterms so he's licking his wounds LOL. I'll let him know you flew by.
Good to see you as well. I tried to reply to folks individually but it was a lot,to do on a phone.
Bummer about missing the Bear. I'm gonna try to be around more frequently for a little while at least so,hopefully we'll get to say hello.
@ttystikk told me I'd been mentioned here. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy :)

Life is pretty good. Coming up on 6 years without opioids. No grow of my own ATM but I help out in a few which keeps me from going nuts. I'll try to come around more.
wow!! welcome back @MrEDuck been awhile... thanks for all of your wonderful knowledge bro.. good job on staying clean , defiantly not easy..
wow!! welcome back @MrEDuck been awhile... thanks for all of your wonderful knowledge bro.. good job on staying clean , defiantly not easy..
It's hard getting there but in the end I had really proved to myself it just didn't work for me. Until I'd really internalized that it was impossible but afterwards it was fairly easy. I tapered down pretty low with generic ms contins and smoked a shit ton of hash oil to get through. Basically ruined my tolerance for weed but that was a small price to pay for my life back.