I need to rant about THIS section

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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
oh i get it its opposite day

i get it

back to newbs

one thing i hate about about newbs is they always change what they do, they never master one technique . . .

. try using a regime(newbs) and then try to make slight , specific, changes to increase yield one at a time , , , ,

,i got like 20 grows under my belt in 4 years on my own and i can say that starting with one yield and then

perfecting my set up was how i learned to fine tune my future set ups, you see how your small changes effect

your plants on large scales

i used 2 gallon bags for 2 years before i used different size pot, and when you can produce a QP in a 2 gallon smart bag, consistently with one strain i knew i was ready to move on and try harder stuff


Well-Known Member
any loser more concernced with correcting my grammar vs reading my message (mis spelled words do not inpair ability to read or comhprehend to anyone with half a brain) can suck my taint
If that is how you want to represent yourself, rock out with your taint out. I don't care, I just found "your a moron" ironic.
Why are you so butthurt about this? Maybe go back and read my posts?

it is utterley judgmental and serves no purpose in a real debate,
I know, but I found "your a moron" funny.

maybe in politics the quality of mans words are more important that his message or his character . . . .but politics is more hall monitors and high school loser trying to be popular then real world, only a small minded individual or a ass corrects a message vs politely/poignantly respond
I have never said I am not an ass. Join the club Big Fella.

it is a way of deliberately stopping a conversion to nit pick someones personal choices . . . . .
I found "your a moron" to be funny and ironic. I'm sorry you were unable to comprehend what I posted. I think I am the victim of misdirected animosity.

to judge anothers inteligence based on their grammar or usage of the English language or even their own language only shows ones bias to things not perfect, or under there control, and is a dubious indicator of their own inteligence
Go back and read my post again. I don't remember judging his intelligence. Do you have me confused with someone else?

i knew the difference in fourth grade tard,
Only an asshole would use the word "tard."
Grow up.

and most do, your stupidity is that you think because we dont use it correctly that we don't know, the differences between the three words
You are really reading between the lines and trying to put words in my mouth. How did you glean all that from a few sentences?

"well thought of universities" to learn basic English . . . what third world country did you grow up in . . . . .
I am sorry you can not understand that very simple sentence. I'll try to explain it using simpler terms.
I was trying to say that sometimes even well educated people do not know the difference between your and you're.

That was a nice melt, but I am not sure why it was directed at me.
Can we get back to bitching about noobs giving advice?


Well-Known Member
I don't think he meant that it's your fault mr2shim.I see one person here who looks butthurt and it's not puff.You and Trousers need to go lose your virginity before it's too late.Must be hell living with you ,taking everything like a hormonal teen girl.


I could be your dad.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
*cough* loser *cough*

and i see your post trouser, condemning pot dealers as criminals and shit . . . . i see your brand or elitism on every criticism post you make

you didnt even respond to guys post back 2 pages, all you did was list his mis spelled words, and then when i call you out for it , you call me an asshole . . . . .all on a tirade about things that are ironic

better quit while you can still see the top of the hole, and i am a ass i know it i dont try to pretend im not . . . . . . .. like some

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
newb guy makes a good point in a thread about newbs giving bad advice that few experts come into the newb section and actually help . . . . .. .

instead we troll, at least i can admit it, trouser up here has a ton(%) of his post in the newb section and if his tolerance to things not perfect is any indication of the help this kid is failing to get,

i see his point and do not fault him for being frustrated


Well-Known Member
Some newbs don't want the advice either. You can tell them that a carbon filter is a great idea but they don't want to hear it and just think that a couple of scented candles or ona type things at lowes is going to offer any security over odor on even a small grow. I know 1 plant can stink the hell out of 1000 square foot space due to my own ignorance at my first go at indoor growing.


Well-Known Member
*cough* loser *cough*
Instead of admitting you were wrong you just call me a loser.
Maybe you should have went with "tard" again?

and i see your post trouser, condemning pot dealers as criminals and shit . . . . i see your brand or elitism on every criticism post you make
Did your reading comprehension kick in and then stop again? C'mon, let's try to stay on topic big fella.

you didnt even respond to guys post back 2 pages, all you did was list his mis spelled words, and then when i call you out for it , you call me an asshole . . . . .all on a tirade about things that are ironic
Shit, it appears your reading comprehension has shit the bed again. you should get that checked out.

better quit while you can still see the top of the hole, and i am a ass i know it i dont try to pretend im not . . . . . . .. like some
Look up a couple posts,
I have never said I am not an ass. Join the club Big Fella.
If you searched all my posts and not just some, stalker boy, you would see that I have admitted to being an ass, a douche, many things. I admitted to being an ass in this thread. You really have trouble reading don't you?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
are you still talking old man

the guy you treated like a second class citizen had a legit gripe about assholes growers not sharing but nit picking and acting a fool in the newb section. . .guess who fits the mold

like 1 in 4 of this guys post are in the newb section. and he acts like this once question for content . . .and what do we get, a line item veto snipe response . . . . . . . .more of the usual

dont you have some medicinal providers to go call drug dealers and criminals "who should be in jail" your words


Active Member
I don't consider myself an expert grower but I am far from a newb. I started growing in my closet in college using a 125 hps light that I made from modifying a patio porch light. I used a small box fan for air circulation and aluminum foil to reflect light. I harvested three plants and was able to get about an ounce per plant. Being a newb I was still able to harvest great smoke even though my set up was greatly flawed, and a fire hazard.

The best way to learn is by growing out a few cycles and note the improvements you make after each cycle. I have now been growing for over 7 years and am easily the most skilled and knowledgeable in my circle. I now help many of my friends with their grows and have noticed that most new growers need to understand that marijuana is a weed and it wants to grow. It is easy to grow quality bud but most new growers handle their plants too much and need to just watch the plant grow and mess with them less.

Even today I am still finding better ways to improve my grows. Growing weed is liking using a computer, their is 10 different ways to do most everything. You have to find what works for you and will learn more just by doing it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Over loving your plants is prolly the biggest mistakes newbie make. There's always grammer nazis fuck em. I mainly post in the strain forum but I do help the n00bs out too. I think it's easier for the to ask the question instead of google searching. But fuck it if I'm bored ill answer some q's.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
there is a lot of old school hype, commercial agriculture(imho not suitable for most growers needs) , and the new wave stuff,

just a lot of people doing things without full knowledge of what they are doing, fin for example thinks/knows stress will make hisplants better smoke, i tend to agree with him to a point . . he thinks all stress improves alkaline contanet which in th eend influneced cannabanoid production, when in reality its specific stress and the right time that create more cannabanoids

i mean photo-tropic response is a stress . . . . . but everyone one just understands it as the plants grows under light

all things alike are not equal in effect, this is a big concept that needs to be understood, by newb growers and advice givers

a lot of cfl, shoe box growers who dont know their soil from nodes it does make it hard to help, one excuse i use to flash dance through the newb section on whims
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