I need to rant about THIS section

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Well-Known Member
so fucking glad i read this ha... im a complete noob did my research just kinda threw stuff together for a first grow but its kinda upsetting listening to veteran growers rant about us noobs because sometimes i have just been mislead..(such as about trichromes) but now ive read it right and now have a better understanding... take some credit guys if you know somethings true share the info you cant really blame someone for not knowing some information.. i mean when i ask a question its normally about troubles im having not all of us are dumb.... you will never see a post from me "how much will i yield" or something along those lines.. im not a blooming idiot but its nice when someone with exprience has an input for a newb without bashing us... not trying to argue or anything.. hopw that made sense
I share my info daily. It's the 100+ idiots spewing misinformation. It's pretty hard to counter something like that when you have only 10-15 solid veteran growers posting in the newbie section.


yea i understand what your saying like when someone askes a question about nutes and there like oh yea use this.... and 5 posts later its my first grow but it worked for me... Ive spent enough time on here to see those always makes me laugh a little though some people just need to realize the plants are like fish... although they are all fish that doesnt mean they all eat the same thing or like the same thing or for even that matter look the same... but there still fish... ha ha at least thats how i view it...maybe my perspective might have been persuaded by that ancient orange i just smoked lol


Well-Known Member
maybe it's just a damning verdict on the REAL experienced growers who are part of this site.They leave questions unanswered so a well meaning noob will come in and give the guy something ,if only to stop him feeling out and out rejected.The proper growers should do their duty as cannabis activists and frequent the noob boards alot more and get alot more people growing healthy cannabis plants.I would class myself as intermediate.I am by no means an expert but i have done enough of my own reading to be in the right ball park as far as deficiencys go and over watering and such but i would still be lost on alot of issues .I only give advice if i know for certain it's not bad


Well-Known Member
maybe it's just a damning verdict on the REAL experienced growers who are part of this site.They leave questions unanswered so a well meaning noob will come in and give the guy something ,if only to stop him feeling out and out rejected.The proper growers should do their duty as cannabis activists and frequent the noob boards alot more and get alot more people growing healthy cannabis plants.I would class myself as intermediate.I am by no means an expert but i have done enough of my own reading to be in the right ball park as far as deficiencys go and over watering and such but i would still be lost on alot of issues .I only give advice if i know for certain it's not bad
LOL, it's the experienced growers fault because we are outnumbered 20 to 1 and don't come to the newbie section fast enough to give legit replies. You're an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Oh so you know the exact number of noobs to experienced growers now ? enough to give an accurate ratio? Lol ,your the fucking idiot.I see it time and time again ,questions unanswered .I would say at any one time there is at least 10 experienced growers on here ,who ,if they wanted ,could come here and answer a question or 2 but choose not to.

I dont know if your experience or not ,if you are ,then stop whining about it and go answer some questions rather than reading peoples noob advice and then ranting about it like the pathetic fucking troll that your are.


Well-Known Member
Oh so you know the exact number of noobs to experienced growers now ? enough to give an accurate ratio? Lol ,your the fucking idiot.I see it time and time again ,questions unanswered .I would say at any one time there is at least 10 experienced growers on here ,who ,if they wanted ,could come here and answer a question or 2 but choose not to.

I dont know if your experience or not ,if you are ,then stop whining about it and go answer some questions rather than reading peoples noob advice and then ranting about it like the pathetic fucking troll that your are.
You should probably read my posts before you decide to go off and make yourself look like an idiot. I'm posting in the newbie section daily. I can't help it 10 new threads pop every minute about the same old shit. I make 10 posts in 10 different threads. Come back 20 minutes later those threads are pushed back to page two with 10 new threads asking the same thing. Maybe noobs should learn what the search feature is and how useful stickies are.

BTW, you're = you are

Like "You're a moron" ;)

I find it hilarious how you criticize me for making assumptions on numbers then you yourself do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Oh what do you know the old Troll fail safe of spelling correction.What a suprise

this aint english class dude ,i write how i want on this.And i said at least 10 its more than likely ALOT more than that.I made a conservative estimate you made a definitive statement.

And i wasnt blaming you directly for not answering every post .You need to forget your trolling and your rants .This is the internet it's full of opionions.theres nothing you can do about it.


Well-Known Member
Oh what do you know the old Troll fail safe of spelling correction.What a suprise

this aint english class dude ,i write how i want on this.And i said at least 10 its more than likely ALOT more than that.I made a conservative estimate you made a definitive statement.

And i wasnt blaming you directly for not answering every post .You need to forget your trolling and your rants .This is the internet it's full of opionions.theres nothing you can do about it.
It's easier for me to take people who type like they have some damn sense more serious. You should probably read my posts before you make the retarded assumption that I'm trolling. Did you even read this thread? Or did you read the first post, get butthurt then feel the need to reply asap? I'm not trying to get into a pissing contest with you. I know your type, you will argue all day long about nothing just to be "right".

Kite High

Well-Known Member
maybe it's just a damning verdict on the REAL experienced growers who are part of this site.They leave questions unanswered so a well meaning noob will come in and give the guy something ,if only to stop him feeling out and out rejected.The proper growers should do their duty as cannabis activists and frequent the noob boards alot more and get alot more people growing healthy cannabis plants.I would class myself as intermediate.I am by no means an expert but i have done enough of my own reading to be in the right ball park as far as deficiencys go and over watering and such but i would still be lost on alot of issues .I only give advice if i know for certain it's not bad
I do do this. But it is a major PIA when you give good real info and some bafoon who has no idea WTF he is talking about contradicts you with some forum bs and you have to argue time and again. Or the ones that ask something you answer it and the guy who asks doesn't like the answer then argues you down saying " No you are wrong. ". I always think then why the fuck are you asking if you already know it all. Or the organic league bunch that growing with shit is cleaner than synthetics bullshit. Or the ones that are hooked on the advertising hype of the canna nute brands or some other "snake oil pitch" and swear that's the correct way. It really gets aggravating so always remember its both sides not just one. I do know what I am doing and been doing it a while. I have thousands invested and even do some data gathering on UVB affects for a lamp manufacturer. All my stuff gets lab analyzed for this to document the outcomes. Know I do not know it all but I do know alot. But am always having to prove my knowledge so I am a bit more reluctant to help at times. Understand?


Well-Known Member
I do do this. But it is a major PIA when you give good real info and some bafoon who has no idea WTF he is talking about contradicts you with some forum bs and you have to argue time and again. Or the ones that ask something you answer it and the. The guy who asks doesn't like the answer then argues you down saying " No you are wrong. ". I always think then why the fuck are you asking if you already know it all. Or the organic league bunch that growing with shit is cleaner than synthetics bullshit. Or the ones that are hooked on the advertising hype of the canna nute brands or some other "snake oil pitch" and swear that's the correct way. It really gets aggravating so always remember its both sides not just one. I do know what I am doing and been doing it a while. I have thousands invested and even do some data gathering on UVB affects for a lamp manufacturer. All my stuff gets lab analyzed for tthis to document the outcomes. Know I do not know it all but I do know alot. But am always having to prove my knowledge so I am a bit more reluctant to help at times. Understand?
100% truth.


Active Member
As a relative Newb here myself, I noticed a lot of questions in the Newb section get no responses because the older crowd is sick of answering the same questions all the time. If I'm unsure, I'll state that I am. If I'm sure, I'll back it up with proof, not opinion. My first 3 posts here got 0 replies and that really turned me off at first. Luckily after cracking a few jokes people started opening up and now I'm cool. I try to answer the questions no one else wants to, but I also encourage people to search the forum as well. Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Oh what do you know the old Troll fail safe of spelling correction.What a suprise

this aint english class dude ,i write how i want on this.And i said at least 10 its more than likely ALOT more than that.I made a conservative estimate you made a definitive statement.

And i wasnt blaming you directly for not answering every post .You need to forget your trolling and your rants .This is the internet it's full of opionions.theres nothing you can do about it.
a lot

You can post however you want, but all the spelling and grammar errors interfere with your message. It reflects poorly on you. Most people let grammar go unless it is really bad, or if you post something really dumb like "your a moron."
Do you see how that is ironic?


Well-Known Member
nubs will be nubs, and pros will be pros, I think we can all agree that you cant believe everything you hear.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
a lot

You can post however you want, but all the spelling and grammar errors interfere with your message. It reflects poorly on you. Most people let grammar go unless it is really bad, or if you post something really dumb like "your a moron."
Do you see how that is ironic?
ain't you never had an opionion? lol

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member

  • You can post however you want, but all the spelling and grammar errors interfere with your message. It reflects poorly on you. Most people let grammar go unless it is really bad, or if you post something really dumb like "your a moron."
    Do you see how that is ironic?

    Education can reflect culture and socioeconomic status, so therefore to call someone out for it is ignorant; nor is it productive on this site. Your judgement reflects poorly on you.​



Well-Known Member
I know some good growers are good posters to .like kite for instance is very helpful.I am saying there is too many good growers not posting.Its impossible for the few good ones to help everyone ,thats not what i'm saying.

and on to the spelling.If you have read my post and know enough about its meaning to have an argument about it ,then it has not interfered with the message at all.So again your just trolling to.

in fcat i cna enev wirte lkie tihs fi i wnat adn yuor barin wluod sitll pocreses ti .

i can write properly if i want ,but its easier to just freestyle like this ie type the way it sounds..Heck i could even install spellchecker and it would take 5 seconds to correct my posts if i want.Truth is if you have a prob with my spellin your a nobhead ,so i couldnt care less..!!!

quit trolllin


Well-Known Member

  • You can post however you want, but all the spelling and grammar errors interfere with your message. It reflects poorly on you. Most people let grammar go unless it is really bad, or if you post something really dumb like "your a moron."
    Do you see how that is ironic?

    Education can reflect culture and socioeconomic status, so therefore to call someone out for it is ignorant; nor is it productive on this site. Your judgement reflects poorly on you.​

You do not find "your a moron" ironic?

Education and correct grammar usage are different things. Some people that attended well thought of universities do not know the difference between your and you're.

I am not calling out anyone for their socioeconomic status.

Spell checkers are available features in internet browsers.
I usually stay away from grammar, but "your a moron" is hard to resist.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

  • You can post however you want, but all the spelling and grammar errors interfere with your message. It reflects poorly on you. Most people let grammar go unless it is really bad, or if you post something really dumb like "your a moron."
    Do you see how that is ironic?

    Education can reflect culture and socioeconomic status, so therefore to call someone out for it is ignorant; nor is it productive on this site. Your judgement reflects poorly on you.

any loser more concernced with correcting my grammar vs reading my message (mis spelled words do not inpair ability to read or comhprehend to anyone with half a brain) can suck my taint

it is utterley judgmental and serves no purpose in a real debate, maybe in politics the quality of mans words are more important that his message or his character . . . .but politics is more hall monitors and high school loser trying to be popular then real world, only a small minded individual or a ass corrects a message vs politely/poignantly respond

it is a way of deliberately stopping a conversion to nit pick someones personal choices . . . . .

to judge anothers inteligence based on their grammar or usage of the English language or even their own language only shows ones bias to things not perfect, or under there control, and is a dubious indicator of their own inteligence

You do not find "your a moron" ironic?

Education and correct grammar usage are different things. Some people that attended well thought of universities do not know the difference between your and you're.

I am not calling out anyone for their socioeconomic status.

Spell checkers are available features in internet browsers.
I usually stay away from grammar, but "your a moron" is hard to resist.

i knew the difference in fourth grade tard, and most do, your stupidity is that you think because we dont use it correctly that we don't know, the differences between the three words, its called fallacy, maybe your well to do education can fill the rest in

"well thought of universities" to learn basic English . . . what third world country did you grow up in . . . . .

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Words are just organizations of a man made concept. Will you take them with you after death? Just petty and irrelevant. How hucm Soed it Yeallr Rattem?
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